Merkel Admits Mistake – IOTW Report

Merkel Admits Mistake

Germany wanted so badly to show the world that they weren’t “racists,” still reeling from “bad press” that Hitler handed them, that they imported in millions of Muslims.

Ironically, all Merkel did was import a new generation of Jew hatred.

Well done, dumbbell.


25 Comments on Merkel Admits Mistake

  1. It is not just anti-Semitism that she allowed in, it is Anti-Civilization as well.
    When young women have to go around and color their hair dark and won’t go out in the evening because they fear of being raped by these sub-humans, than it is a lot more than just labeling it “Anti-Semitisim”.
    Well done Merkel,

  2. If she was truly aware of how much damage she’s done to Germany, and regretted it sincerely, then she’d resign and do away with herself.

    That’s the only way I’d believe her “remorse.”

    Maybe there are a few kraut men who are willing to help her “heal her soul?”

  3. Had lunch in Maryland last week at a well known Jewish deli with a 20 year old student majoring in Political Science and German at American University. His mother is a Jew, his father is Christian each secular according to their son.

    He’s been studying German language and history for past five years and of the opinion that Merkel is the best leadership for the Germany which is the leadership for all of Europe.

    According to his studies and intellect, Germany IS Europe today, a far different Germany than ever in history, once again the strength in Europe, although in the past, a strong Germany was to be feared.

    Merkel, he thinks, is a moderate who works with both extremes of politics, her immigration policy brilliant, that there’s a vacuum in leadership in Germany; hence, Merkel will be around at least the next decade.

    American idiot, product of liberal parents and educational indoctrination

    His grandmother, a Sicilian Jew, offered her wisdom: “Hillary Clinton is the candidate best qualified to be president.”


  4. If I owned the company that makes Louisville Sluggers, I’d have sales representatives all over the country pushing American Baseball as a sport for the males who aren’t good at soccer.

    I think there’s a lot of potential for baseball sporting equipment there. Bats, batting helmets, catchers masks, etc.

  5. “His grandmother, a Sicilian Jew, offered her wisdom: “Hillary Clinton is the candidate best qualified to be president.””

    Oy Vey!! Always amazed at how self-destructive so many Jews can be. Makes no sense in light of their history.

    For the record – your friend is Jewish if his mother is.

  6. The quotes I saw don’t seem to admit that she made any mistakes, only that a problem existed. A start, I suppose, but this “admission” doesn’t even rise to to the level of the classic “mistakes were made”.

  7. One wonders what Merkel expected from a regional population that for generations has been taught hatred of the jews from both the home and any educational institutions the border crashing immigrants came from or had access to. Hell, our own version of Merkel the young Mr. Justin Trudeau, Canada’s newest PM is even dumber then Merkel demanding that 10’s of thousands of these fleas be allowed in with virtually no real chance of a vital security check. That chicken is going to come home to roost and Canadians will die but I have no faith any longer in the people recognizing their mistake in electing this half-wit to begin with.

  8. Good luck with that. Typical politician – create a problem because of an emotional need to “do something, anything” then be surprised about the outcome of their actions.

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