Message to big brother in 2023, “Bring It On” – IOTW Report

Message to big brother in 2023, “Bring It On”

American Thinker

The system’s too powerful!  You can’t beat a “big brother” police State!  The globalists control all the money and have all the leverage!  I’ve heard every reason under the sun why individual liberty will continue to lose out to the rapidly advancing technocratic surveillance structure extinguishing Western freedoms today.  I say, “So what?”  The bigger they come, the harder they fall.

Our whole human story is a repeating pattern in which power accumulates, empires emerge, power corrupts, divisions grow, and empires come crashing down.  Anyone who thinks an international oligarchy of corporate behemoths, central banks, and Intelligence Community spy chiefs will succeed where the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Carolingian, Byzantine, Ottoman, Yuan, Ming, and British empires all failed makes the mistake of giving today’s power brokers more credit than they deserve.  International oligarchies commanding unbeatable militaries and hoarding unparalleled wealth are nothing new.  The “unbeatable” are always beaten. Challenge

14 Comments on Message to big brother in 2023, “Bring It On”

  1. I’m sorry but I think a lot of people have to die for things to change.
    Otherwise these assholes will keep going like the energizer bunny…

    Fauci just retired and will draw over 300K a year in retirement.
    He ruined countless lives over his career as an overcompensated evil bureaucrat.
    He will live the rest of his life in comfortable splendor.
    In reality he should have a food taster and car starter…
    We are a country that is doomed.

  2. Stalin lived to 74 years old and died of a stroke, not a bullet.

    King George III died in 1820 at 82 years old, at the end of a 60 year reign that he remained in power despite the revolution and being fully insane.

    Fidel Castro butchered his own people, yet remained firmly in power until he died at 90 of natural causes, and his name is still feared and revered even today as his country continues under total Communist control.

    No matter how governments and empires fall, the fall seldom us soon enough or sharp enough to bring justice to those who most deserve it.

    And revolutions do not succeed unless the army stands aside and lets them do so.

    The affairs of man are cyclical. Tyrannies rise and tyrannies fall, always have and always will.

    But sometimes that fall takes a long, LONG time.

    And millions die before it does.

    And, sooner or later, a new one arises in its place

    And this will continue until the Lord returns.

    And even He will have a deal of smiting to do to finally achieve true Justice..

  3. Watching “Shooter” tonight.
    The way the government bastards should be dealt with.
    Yes, it’s fantasy but a guy can dream can’t he?

    Funny, I used to think the plot of govt assassinating officials was conspiracy.
    Live & learn…

  4. In the past tyrants have built up strong groups to help impose tyranny. Todays tyrant wannabes have emasculated their support. When it does hit the fan it will not be pretty. However, I know which side will have the strength.

    Whose supporters have been big on getting jabbed? Theirs. Yes, people on our side have gotten jabbed, but stopped well before getting the 37th booster.

    Which side is deathly afraid of guns? Theirs.

    Sure ANTIFA did billions of dollars in damage in 2020. That is not because they are a powerful force, but rather because they were allowed to.

    Have faith my friends.

  5. @RadioMattM January 2, 2023 at 12:04 am

    > However, I know which side will have the strength.

    If what you (as in “I”) define as “strength” mattered, you wouldn’t be enslaved.

    If you didn’t love (as in the emotional “joy” of) being enslaved, you wouldn’t worship “your” massas.

  6. “How do you eradicate the thorny weeds of Marxist globalism destroying the West with pernicious strains of totalitarianism in the twenty-first century?  You plant the seeds of liberty and let them grow into such tall trees that Marxism can find no sunlight, water, or soil beneath freedom’s canopy.  How do you bring down an unhealthy system that nonetheless presumes to be all-powerful?  You let those trees of liberty flourish into wild orchards that overgrow all else.”………. Sounds very poetic.

  7. LBS, Shooter is one of my favorite movies.
    I am a United State Senator!
    Exactly – boom.
    The added bonus is that communist (in real life) Danny Glover gets blown away.

  8. It’s frustrating, sharing my “World View” of what I see happening in the US with those who are in denial or ignorance. I get a similar look on faces when I share the “Word of God”. Many refuse to listen or acknowledge what I clearly see.

    The article led me to Mark 4, The Parable of the Sower https: //www. biblegateway. com/passage/ ?search=Mark%204&amp ;version=NKJV

    Of the wisdom of those verses, it led me to Verse 40; “But He said to them, “Why are you so fearful? How[h] is it that you have no faith?”

    I can only be the sower of mustard seeds, I’m uncertain where they land or if they flourish or die. I keep the Faith that many find the good soil.

    I believe that “IOTWR” is good soil.
    I am grateful to share with the many who clearly hear and see what stands before us. We may never see the growth of the seeds we sow, however we continue to sow the seeds in Faith that the seeds will bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.

    Blessings as we enter 2023.

  9. Well, I forgot to disconnect from my VPN and my comment fell under “Moderation”.
    Reminds me that I get similar responses when I share my views with others. In so many words they ask me to “moderate” my views when I speak with them.
    My fault for not disconnecting from my VPN.


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