Mexican Cartel Whips Coronavirus Mask Violators – IOTW Report

Mexican Cartel Whips Coronavirus Mask Violators

Breitbart: Cartel gunmen in Mexico recorded themselves whipping locals who refused to wear coronavirus masks or follow social distancing protocols.

Breitbart Texas obtained exclusive video from law enforcement sources in the coastal state of Guerrero that captured the moment when gunmen from La Familia Michoacán in Altamirano whipped locals. The cartel also collected cash fines or labor as punishments.

At the end of the video, the gunmen lined up the locals and a man can be heard asking, “Ok you sons of [expletive], why were you whipped?” The locals responded, “for not using a mask.”

The fines and corporal punishment were ordered by Johnny “El Pez” Hurtado Olascoaga, a regional crime boss wanted by Mexico’s government. His wife and relatives are involved in local and regional politics. more

11 Comments on Mexican Cartel Whips Coronavirus Mask Violators

  1. Another reminder NOT to go to that…shithole.

    But that is more about the ‘use of the mask’ to enforce overall and submission to an authoritarian.

    They are using the mask as a means…to their end.

  2. Would anyone else like to tell me that the Mexican Government and Drug cartels are not the same thing.

    Build the fuckin wall and back it up with tanks.

  3. If Americans stopped going to Mexico, I think the message in lost revenue would be understood. Use money to leverage change. Boycott and buycots work. Look at Goya and Bed Bath & Beyond.

  4. The sub-headline says, “Cartel gunmen in Mexico recorded themselves whipping locals who refused to wear coronavirus masks or follow social distancing protocols.” So what do they do at the end of the video? They LINE THEM UP NEXT TO EACH OTHER, not 6′ apart, to have them say why they were whipped. The idiots who stood them shoulder-to-shoulder should be whipped as well.

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