Mexicans Want White Men Out of Their Country – The United States – IOTW Report

Mexicans Want White Men Out of Their Country – The United States

ht/ Gateway Pundit

22 Comments on Mexicans Want White Men Out of Their Country – The United States

  1. This is the so much horseshit that the left puts in play every so often. If you play that game then you go to more then one round. That is to say anyone with Spanish blood doesn’t get to stay as they conquered what was Mexico way before the Americans did. I think the French under Maximillion are in the mix somehow as well. The “native ” Mexicans grabbed the country from whichever tribe was there before them and it goes on and on. The left doesn’t want to talk about that though. They just want to continue to confuse the issue by only going one round. Fuck em, they lost and they need to live with it. Hell, as it stands now Mexico is teetering on becoming a failed state with all out civil was brewing between whatever honest elements of the government and army are left and the narco traffikers.
    One other thing, have you noticed that for the most part it’s American citizens and illegals on American soil are always the ones agitating on this issue?

  2. In CA, there were only 5000 Spanish speakers concentrated from SF to Monterey and from Santa Barbara to San Diego when the Mexican War broke out. Between that and the upper Rio Grande in NM, where there were about 16,000 Spanish speakers there was only wilderness.

    In TX, there were about 3500 Spanish speakers, mostly concentrated south of the Nueces River and along the Rio Grande at the time of the TX War of Independence. The reason there were so many Americans in TX was because Mexico couldn’t pay people enough to settle in TX.

    It’s our country.

    Get used to it.

  3. scr_north: Exactly!
    What did those Indian bastards do to the peaceful Clovis people?
    And when do they all get to explain the absence of the mega-fauna?
    The La Brea tar pits didn’t get them all
    I can’t wait til humans colonize other planets where NOBODY lives.
    Then all this “You took it from my ancestors, therefor you owe ME” crap can finally be over

  4. Soon coming to an area near you : The Mexican American War Part II! After about 8 hours Mexico will cry Abuela and cede all its resort areas and oil producing property to us! We will then repatriate its citizens back and erect a ten foot tall electrified fence to keep them in (they will pay for the fence and all security costs)!

  5. If you want a picture of how the south of the border tsunami of ILLEGAL Aliens is changing America, under the Obama promise to fundamentally change America, watch ELYSIUM. The stupid liberals, Matt Damon included, actually made a movie, which perfectly illustrates our future. Freaking amazing dolts. But because many conservatives won’t see the movie out of political bias, the liberals think they are so clever.

    It includes a great picture of Obamacare after years pass, the horrors of unchecked, unvetted migration and government corruption-(including shitty jobs, larger government control of everything, Spanish as the first language, the government workers privilege of living OFF PLANET, horrid medical care for all except those living on Elysium, and horrid earth living conditions, plus more results of liberal/global rule).

  6. Miss Mehico owns the place should vote for Hillary, because Hillie knows how to deal with people who have “gone off the reservation”, I believe were her words. This one apparently has gone…into orbit, and needs Hillie to ground her again.

  7. When the Mexicans are shrilly screaming ‘racist’ at white people, remember that their stated goal is white genocide. A goal they actually attempted to carry out in 1915, in Texas – and got their asses handed to them by the Texas Rangers.

    Google the ‘Plan of San Diego.’

    Look for this slogan on their shirts and signs at protests. Know what it means.

  8. These are anti-American, not anti-Trump rallies. Trump is targeted only because the illegals and communists know they’ll be allowed to get away with it by a sympathetic media. If they did the same at a Hillary or Bernie rally they’d be portrayed for what they are and pilloried.

  9. TO Loco

    “Dummies are too ignorant to realize how much this helps Trump.” – Loco

    THEY may be “too ignorant,” but now you finally see what “we” have been talking about, Loco! This is what they want, ignorance or not. You’re NEVER going to change THEM, only yourself.

    WE (that means YOU and me!) need to stop this NOW!…and the ONLY means *I* see to do so is to support Trump for President.

  10. The progtard politicians don’t have a problem with this kind of statement. They will never voice a negative opinion when Mexico tries to claim California for itself.
    And it doesn’t matter who it used to belong to, it legally belongs to the United States now – no matter what what the progressives think.

    Their leader is currently trying to claim America for the islamic caliphate, and he doesn’t voice a negative opinion about Mexico’s desires because this all helps to establish the caliphate.

  11. TO pageoturner

    These are anti-trump AND anti-American riots (a rally is legal).
    One does not exclude the other.

    Furthermore, they would not EXIST at a Hillary or Bernie rally, because those two ENCOURAGE/ENABLE their existence (only thereafter aided by the media)…whereas Trump absolutely threatens it directly.

    In that sense, one can fairly say it is ONLY or MAINLY an anti-Trump action.

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  1. Silence is Consent | Mexican woman says white people should leave America, BUT by her own logic she should leave too…

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