Mexicollusion – IOTW Report


Mueller-Democrat-Never-Trump axis ignores the real 2016 election interference.

FRONT PAGE:  The Schiff memo emerged at last on Saturday and President Trump called it a “total political and legal bust.” That charge was “ridiculous,” David French of National Review told Fox News, urging former FBI boss Robert Mueller to dig deeper and wider. While Democrats also support Mueller’s probe, they have been working three shifts to curtail the real investigation of 2016 election interference.

President Trump estimated that three to five million illegals had caused him to lose the popular vote, which Hillary Clinton carried by 2.8 million votes. Could any of those votes have been fraudulent?  After all, actual illegal voters would be more influential than any string of Facebook ads.

Trump duly launched the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity headed by vice president Mike Pence and Kansas secretary of state Kris Kobach. Trouble was, Democrats such as California’s secretary of state Alex Padilla locked up the data.

“California’s participation would only serve to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud made by the President, the Vice President, and Mr. Kobach,” Padilla said in a statement. “The President’s Commission is a waste of taxpayer money and a distraction from the real threats to the integrity of our elections today: aging voting systems and documented Russian interference in our elections.”

Other states dominated by Democrats also refused to cooperate, so this January the president dissolved the advisory commission. That came after evidence of how foreign national in the United States illegally do in fact cast votes in American elections.  READ MORE


5 Comments on Mexicollusion

  1. any state that allows illegals to vote, or disallows Federal oversight, should be disbarred from Federal elections … including House & Senate … let the President appoint members

    … that’ll frost their ‘nads

  2. “Some count more than once!”

    That Russia collusion is a bunch of bullshit that gives Mueller and his cronies a nice payday.

    Illegal votes primarily Mexican are a much bigger threat, but the limpdick dimocRATs don’t want to hear that.

  3. The Dems assure us that voter fraud never occurs. There should then be no opposition to a mandatory 5 year prison + $10,000 fine per count of voter fraud. Call your Dem reps now, they’ll love the idea.

  4. Before the election, a rumor should be spread that INS is targeting charter buses. Let them think either charter buses hauling voters will be checked or that INS will use fake charter buses to pick up illegals. Then watch the Demos struggle to get them to the polls.

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