Michael Jackson’s Sick Secret Collection at Neverland Revealed – IOTW Report

Michael Jackson’s Sick Secret Collection at Neverland Revealed

PJM: Well..well..well. It turns out Michael Jackson was a sick, demented pedophile after all. I bet the people crying in the streets, clamoring for his acquittal feel pretty disgusted right about now. The details are worse than anyone could have imagined.

On Monday RadorOnline reported on never-before-seen reports from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department detailing what they discovered during a 2003 raid on Wacko Jacko’s love nest at Neverland Ranch. The King of Child Porn was hiding seven collections of pornography depicting teenage boys. There were also disturbing images of adult and child nudity, child torture, sadomasochism, and female bondage.  more

19 Comments on Michael Jackson’s Sick Secret Collection at Neverland Revealed

  1. Gee Wally, the writing wuz Off the Wall…
    Some of the children caught up in the horrible circus are old enough now to think about how their parents used their kids to become fabulously wealthy by throwing them at that sick fcuk!

  2. The conspiracy theory cottage industry is cranked up over this, and apparently Prince as well. The assertion is that both men owned the rights to billions of dollars worth of pop music and so were murdered so others could get their hands on it. Meaning all the porn was planted, of course.

    Lawless idiots with too much time on their hands.

  3. what’s that about effective law enforcement from our police and journalism from the msm.

    that’s what I thought.

    if they were willing to cover this up, just think what they are also covering up.

    if the information being covered up was out in the public realm the traitors would be swinging from the lamp posts.

  4. It wasn’t his FAULT! See, he didn’t have a puppy … and if he did, he’da fucked it instead of petting it. And … and … his DADDY was MEAN and shit … made him sing and dance like a … well, y’know … like a black-faced minstrel … when all he wanted to be was a ugly white girl …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “I bet the people crying in the streets, clamoring for his acquittal feel pretty disgusted right about now.”

    I bet they don’t. I keep saying that it is a mistake to concede good intentions to progressives and that is a blanket statement. I mean it and I mean it always.

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