Michael Rappaport Comedy Show Canceled (Because He’s Jewish) – IOTW Report

Michael Rappaport Comedy Show Canceled (Because He’s Jewish)

Fox News

Comedian and actor Michael Rapaport was outraged after learning his show in Madison, Wisconsin, Thursday night had been canceled, allegedly due to an anti-Israel “mob.”

A post from Israel advocate Aviva Klompas announced Thursday that Rapaport’s show had been canceled due to “threats from a pro-terror mob.”

“Madison bows to bullies. Michael Rapaport’s sold out comedy shows in Madison, Wisconsin have been cancelled following threats from the pro-terror mob. The mob is screaming about the right to free speech, and here they are trying to silence a comedian just because he is Jewish,” she wrote on X. More

15 Comments on Michael Rappaport Comedy Show Canceled (Because He’s Jewish)

  1. I wonder what the insurers for the comedy club was telling them about the provisions on rioting in their policy.

    In progressive Madison they probably booked Rappaport months ago, but now that he’s showing signs of recovering from TDS, the pro-Hamas crowd may have provided a convenient out.

    It may have been the threat of Trump hating progressives more than the antisemitic left that the club feared. It’s the ease those on their side can and do turn to violence that twist that makes cowards of them all in the end.

  2. For the purists I have changed the order of group selection and some wording below.

    First they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for the Christians, and I did not speak out-
    Because I was not a Christian.

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a socialist.

    Then they came for me, there was no one left to speak for me except Comrade General Obama.

    Comment: This was incremental overtaking and purging of all other targets, divided group after group, initiated by the Unseen Communist group who purged all others.

    It’s not like we never anticipated this happening in the United States. History, throughout 1000s of years, repeating itself.

  3. Rapaport is getting the left twaddle pushed out of him. Kind of like taking a strong laxative. If this is what it takes for Jews to dump their Socialist/liberal heritage, then so be it.

    I’m betting he will at least not vote for Biden. I don’t know how good or bad a comedian he is, but the mob is taking away his ability to earn a living. That alone should be unforgivable for Rapaport.

  4. It’s ANTIFA all over again. It’s the same people. Remember the photos of the ANTIFA weenies training with the JIHADI dirt bags. Paid for by SOROS.


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