Michelle Obama Makes White House Staff Cry – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama Makes White House Staff Cry

Can you guess what she told them?

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34 Comments on Michelle Obama Makes White House Staff Cry

  1. the gaggle of grifters that spent $100 mil – just on vacations – takes the staff to a pizzeria to say thank you – not very classy imo
    was comet ping pong already booked?

  2. Is it wrong of me to get a little giddy thinking about how these delusional liberal SJW females and beta cuck males are emotionally gutted and crushed because they know that Trump is going to do a MASSIVE ctrl-Z and undo 8 years of their work in a matter of weeks?

  3. She told them climate change is a scam, that ObamaCare sucks, that Socialism never works for anyone except those in power, and that Hillary would have been a horribly incompetent president like Barack.

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