Michelle Obama To Release Memoir in November – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama To Release Memoir in November

It’s called Becoming.


becoming |biˈkəmiNG|


(esp. of clothing) flattering a person’s appearance: what a becoming dress! | New beret? It’s very becoming.

No, that can’t be it.

become |biˈkəm|

verb (becomes, becoming; past became; past participle become)

1 [ no obj., with complement ] begin to be: they became angry | it is becoming clear that we are in a totally new situation.

• grow to be; turn into: the child will become an adult.


Okay, enough analysis of the title. Too much analysis here.

Becoming is a terrible title.

We can do better.

ht/ Jerry Manderin



52 Comments on Michelle Obama To Release Memoir in November

  1. @MJA you forget to put the pic of mooch getting into the plane with short pants and wife beater. I will not buy that fuc book. I hope that her shit book don’t sell. But knowing the blacks and socialist the idiot will be in line to get her mother fuc book.

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