Breitbart; Controversial comedienne Michelle Wolf is at it again, attacking White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on the inaugural episode of her new Netflix show The Break.
Wolf, on Sunday’s episode, took on the Royal Wedding, the #MeToo movement, and the NFL’s new anthem policy. Wolf’s Sanders commentary came halfway into the 30-minute show, during a rant about being a feminist.
“Well if anyone’s an expert on hypocrites, it’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders. For the record, that was not a looks-based joke. “That was about her ugly personality,” Wolf said in passing reference to her headline-grabbing White House Correspondents’ Dinner speech.
“She has the Mario Batali of personalities,” Wolf said alluding to the celebrity chef being investigated by the NYPD for multiple sexual misconduct allegations. more here
Yeah, and you have the Sherita Dixon-Cole personality of believability.
What an ugly bug eyed bitch!
The left is the club house of the ugly, emotionally disfigured and the stupid. Michelle Wolf greets new members at the door, teaching them the their motto, “Never forget to hate.”
The establishment leftists didn’t get the memo that DJT ended the sixties. When they do they will be out of jobs. I just heard other day on GB (don’t like him much but it was morning) that Jim Carey has been painting again. Pathetic loser!
That lady could use her face as an industrial paint stripper
@MJA, @BFH – side note: I do love the way you take some lefty’s photo and tweak it here and there to make it look even wackier. Great fun!
WTF… What a Child !
Is that her real face, or was that photoshopped?
Dentistry has come a long way.
Shouldn’t be throwing rocks sweetie!
Rocky from Mask.
Are her canine’s hollow?
I’ve noticed that ever since Netflix got rid of their rating feature (in the wake of the Amy Schumer “comedy” tour) they have rolled-out a whole bunch of new, shitty programs.
It’s so trendy now days to take shots at anyone who doesn’t embrace the leftist dogma. It’s past being boring and is subconsciously filtered out of my hearing.
@Dr. Tar May 28, 2018 at 11:08 am
>The left is the club house of the ugly, emotionally disfigured and the stupid. Michelle Wolf greets new members at the door, teaching them the their motto, “Never forget to hate.”
Yes indeed. Decades of atheism comes with a high price. (I know, I was once an atheist).
Can’t wait for the other ugly Michelle to rear its head on Netflix. Seems like Netflix is making some bad business decisions, but I guess it has figured out who watches too much TV and is acting accordingly. Good luck with Air America 2.0, Netflix.
Someone had posted that this freak was previously a biological male. I searched but could not find anything about that, but if you look at her hairline in that pic and the general coarseness of her face…. I see Ed Norton.
I doubt Sarah cares one wit.
Are she and Pakisitani IT Guru Debbie Wussupwithher Schultz long lost symbiotes separated at birth when the lawn doctor detached them from the host organism?
A more perfect representative of the left would be hard to find. Absolutely hideous inside and out.
Do they think Sanders should be subservient and quiet and and home baking cookies? What happened to “Nice women don’t make history?”
Dennis Wolfburg didn’t die; he had his sense of humor surgically removed, and became a tranny….
I read that she has never ever been in a relationship, just runs all the time. Who really has the ugly personality?
She appears to share that distinctive hairstyle with DWS. Not only in appearance but I’m betting it’s also with the same microbial zoo.
That fang toothed, Quasimodo eyed, frizzy haired witch is calling someone else ugly? She ought to put that in her comedy routine for some real belly laughs.
OMG!!! That woman has one hell of a BIG forehead!!!
I can’t see why she has such a big head for a pea size brain. Let’s call her Michelle “Big Head” Wolf, the woman with the twitchy eyes. Please someone put a bag over that bag’s head.
Typical leftist Bint, unsophisticated, butt fugly, and not even close to being entertaining. With the likes of her and Bathhouse Barry running things I give Netflicks 6 months until Chapter 7.
Why do I picture a large dog bowl with “Wolf” printed on it that nobody ever goes near…
Yet another reason to cancel Netflix.
She has a face fit for radio . . . and a voice fit for morse code.
Yup, she’s all Dits!
(No Dahs)
To quote her hero, she ‘needs to get some ice on that’.
Netfix – For when a porcelain toilet just won’t do.
Leftist feminitwit who looks like a stroke victim should not throw stones.
If Carrot Top had a sister….. Seriously, this poor woman knows she’s uglier than a Baboon’s rectum, so she compensates for her poor self image buy tearing other women down in order to make herself feel lifted. She moves from woman to woman (or target to target) and when she is scolded for her baseless cruelty she claims she was only joking. “Comedy” is the perfect cover for her ego boosting attacks. She will move on when she finds a better target; they always do.
@Agatha Kakalogical:
That’s photoshopped. The giveaway is that it’s “signed” by MJA with her initials. The obvious stuff is the hairline/widow’s peak, mismatched eyes, fangs, and the hair in her hand. I’m sure there’s more to it but MJA is more artistic and subtle than my eyeballs.
Heh heh … she said “ugly!”
THAT ought to raise some eyebrows!
It’s like … y’know … you gonna talk about UGLY? Are you fukkin kiddin?
UGLY? As in Mud Fence? As in Obola’s bleeding chocolate Starfish? As in run over snake? Talk about irony!
“Hey, Look at ME! You can’t tell whether I’m walking on my hands or my feet, but I’m gonna call someone UGLY! Gotta pay winos (blind winos) to fuck me, but I’m gonna call someone UGLY! Guys won’t even let me suck their dicks without a bag over my head, but I’m gonna call someone UGLY!”
Wow. Just – Wow.
izlamo delenda est …
And CNN wonders why their ratings are circling the drain.
That hag puts the UG into UGLY
She should set up a go fund me page. So she cannot afford to buy an empty 100 pound sack of flour bag. Cut out eyeholes in the bag, there is a new outfit!
That woman looks like a retard. I know retards can’t help the way that they act and I do accept that. But this woman is hired to act like one and I do have a problem with that. It’s the same problem I had with Jerry Lewis who acted like a retard and got paid acting like one. So, let’s treat her as a retard I don’t know what else to do with people like that. Make her ride the short bus every day.
I’d cancel Netflix over this, but I have an excuse.
I already cancelled Netflix when I heard they paid Hussein and Mooch 15M for their ‘talent’.
FOAD Netflix.
Looking at her picture the word “ugly” is not something she ought to be throwing around.
Netflix is creating a lot of anti-conservative (in any form) content and people ought to think twice about subscribing or purchasing stock. I say the latter because they absolutely refuse to release their viewing numbers saying their business model is based solely on subscriptions therefore a shows actual number of viewers doesn’t matter. Obama does similar things with his academic credentials with the latest estimate of legal fees blocking access an astronomical $30 million. With Obama and the wife signed to a huge contract it will be interesting first if Obama delivers anything and second if their ratings are somehow leaked.
Uncle Al
MJA is a very gifted mutator and shares her gifts for some good laughs. The post wouldn’t hold any interest without her artistic touch.
That bulging eye is from a rather large tumor that she uses for a brain.
Piece of shit not in a position to degrade anyone!
What a ugly liberal.
You are being redundant, Joe.
Michelle Wolf resembles Debbie Schultz getting hit by a weed-whacker and someone taking a couple mikes of LSD.
Whitey – I hoid Debbie Slutz gets a Brazilian with a weed-whacker…
Jealousy is never pretty.