Michigan Directorate: Unapproved Human Activity Is A Threat To The Interests of The State – IOTW Report

Michigan Directorate: Unapproved Human Activity Is A Threat To The Interests of The State

Conservative Treehouse: What do Governor Beshear (KY), Governor Wolf  (PA), Governor Northam (VA) and Governor Whitmer (Michigan) have in common?

In the latest round of edicts from the Michigan Ministry of Coronavirus Compliance, Governor Getchen Whitmer extends the citizen home arrests through the end of the month. Additionally forbidding any travel between state residences.

Subversive citizens, acting against the interests of the state, will be captured and fined.

Additionally, the state-defined list of approved “non-essential” products is further restrained to forbid the purchase of any home gardening, private food growing or other subversive and regulated activities.

However, Michigan citizens may purchase Lotto tickets as they are deemed essential to the state ministry of compliance monitoring. read more

21 Comments on Michigan Directorate: Unapproved Human Activity Is A Threat To The Interests of The State

  1. my fervent hope is that all citizens of this country (what is still left of this country) will remember the totalitarians that currently rule us, & turn them out next election cycle

    Rise up! Remember! … in a just government they are our servants, not our masters

  2. Governor Witless miscalculated this one bigly. She banned damn near everything but food. I spent last friday dragging senior citizens mowers out of garages and barns where they have been for years as she has banned lawn services from cutting their grass. These folks are in no shape to cut their own lawns. We’re in the process of refurbishing a rider that we received on a trade in and I’m going to use it to cut these folks lawns voluntarily. Screw her. The way I interpret the rule is that if I just show up and cut it for free I’m not a lawn service but a concerned citizen looking out for my fellow man.😉

  3. btw, Northam, Hogan, Beshear, Whitlessmer, Wolf, & a host of D’rat governors have exposed their true socialist gulag tendencies

    I salute the 9 republican governors that have not turned their states into gulags

  4. I used ta know some boys dat played da hockey in college, in Colorado….they were from DA RANGE, Hibbing specifically….close enough to Michigan. Same mind set…..Dey be fuckin’ wit da bohonks and de others….It won’t turn out well for da politicians…..Always remember dat bohonks do it at da pump house and de know how deep de had to dig to get der…..

  5. Thank God I don’t live in any of those states because I was surprisingly able to go back to work today delivering flowers to the Missoula, Mt. area. They’d shit kittens if they knew I was delivering flowers which are considered to be an essential industry because they are an agricultural product. I drove nearly 490 miles today and I haven’t gone farther than 10 miles for the past 2 and a half weeks. I was pleasantly surprised to go back to work and it looks like we have a lot of deliveries for the Spokane, Wa., CDA, Idaho area this week as well. We were all scared Inslee was going to shut us down until May 4th and screw up Mother’s Day which is on Sunday May 10th for both us and all our florist customers.

  6. In Washington State, people are ignoring the Democrat elites in droves. Everywhere I go I see kids playing together, adults gathering in small groups and talking, etc. The TV stations and Seattle’s Mayor Durkan are pitching the danger of “the second wave.” Well, the ‘first wave’ which has been ongoing for THREE months (!) is pretty fricken small and until they do antibody studies around here, the ‘authorities’ have no idea what they’re talking about. And people know it.

    Think about it. We have over seven million people here with just over 10,000 confirmed cases and 500+ deaths, mostly of people over 60 with health conditions.

    Bring on the second wave, because if people don’t go back to work soon, it won’t matter down the road how many ‘waves’ of Chinese Covid Bioweapon we have.

  7. Bet they’re still gathering 5 times a day in Dearbornistan, unmolested. As mad as some people seem to be, she/? better keep plentiful security at hand.

    Just an observation.

  8. It’s a U.S. census year. The tyrant wannabes are getting a count of the number of sheeple in the population.
    And gathering data on the number that will stay sheeple till their end of days, vs the number that will eventually revolt, and how long it takes a significant number of them to stop being sheeple and say, enough of this nonsense.

    And along we thought the only questions this year the U.S. Census Bureau wanted answered were on that short form they mailed out.

  9. And the VA governor just signed into law a new minimum wage to go into effect 5/21. How tone-deaf can you be? A true leader who cares about his state’s economy would have vetoed the bill and asked the General Assembly to revisit the issue next year after surveying the business climate once this charade of a shut down ends. But you see, progs only care about their agenda while the rest of us can FOAD.

  10. The revenuers have been trying to shut down moonshiners for as long as there have been revenuers.
    That has worked out about as well as this will.
    Over-reaching authority that forbids certain actions, or substances, that people want has never been successful in ending availability of those things.


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