Migrants lured by sex into Egypt’s backstreet kidney trade – IOTW Report

Migrants lured by sex into Egypt’s backstreet kidney trade

LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Brokers in Egypt’s underground trade in human body parts use prostitutes to tempt migrants to sell their kidneys as hospitals turn a blind eye to illicit dealing in donated organs for transplants, a report says.

Undocumented African migrants arriving in Cairo, desperate for cash, told the British Journal of Criminology that sex workers were offered as a “sweetener” before or after removal of their organs.

“(One pimp) used the services of sex workers as leverage when negotiating fees with both sellers and buyers,” the report said. “A night with a sex worker was offered as an extra inducement to sell.”

Organ purchase is banned in Egypt, though the country is a common destination for transplant tourism, along with India, Pakistan and Russia, according to separate research by Erasmus MC University Hospital Rotterdam in the Netherlands.

In April, images published on social media showed the badly scarred bodies of Somali migrants on an Egyptian beach, suggesting they had had organs removed.

In July, a British newspaper reported that African migrants were being killed for their organs in Egypt – a common transit country for migrants – if they could not afford to pay off their people smugglers.

“The Egyptians come equipped to remove the organ and transport it in insulated bags,” people smuggler Nouredin Atta was quoted by Britain’s Times newspaper as telling investigators after his arrest.


6 Comments on Migrants lured by sex into Egypt’s backstreet kidney trade

  1. just like the selfish, simplistic coastal people not to GAF about flyover people – cuz Tardashians, or something…
    but there’s a Quaking that went on


    fun sat am read , RE: Pawnee,OK 5.6 mag #earthquake
    #earthquakes are fun if they’re not too close

    heh, local hipster had his guy fawks masked dislodged, still grounded, yet writhing towards what he assumes is a #SafeSpace
    srsly, just thought the fat, ugly lezzies down the block were going down on ea… EEWWW
    franticly calls buddie on MO river to check for reversal of river flow
    whew, 5.6, GET LOST FEMA, you CAN NOT use this to take over the #2016Election

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