Military Being Run on Unicorn Farts ($29 a Gallon) – IOTW Report

Military Being Run on Unicorn Farts ($29 a Gallon)

Since 2007 The Department of Defense (DOD) has purchased roughly 2 million gallons of alternative fuel paying about $29 per gallon.



 Funny, I seem to remember claims that we went to war in Iraq for their oil.


I wonder who decided 7 years ago that making our military pay 9 times more for fuel was a move that better protected the nation?


10 Comments on Military Being Run on Unicorn Farts ($29 a Gallon)

  1. Need to trim 40,000 troops, cancel aircraft orders and shrink our Navy below 200 ships to pay for alternative fuel. Our leader is tempting our enemies to strike.

  2. I imagine Obama couldn’t just give the money directly to his backers in alternative energy, so they are using probably the greatest consumer of energy in the government to funnel it to them.

    It always works out well when the government weakens those who are suppose to protect us in order to enrich contributors.

  3. We’re yet to know the details of the “Side Deals” that were in addition to getting Iran nuked up so as to assist them in living up to their perpetual declaration of “Death To America”.

    How much spending money is our sworn enemy getting? $150B?

  4. It’s worse than that. The $29/gal fuel is a 50% blend with conventional sources. The unicorn component comes $55/gal. Did I say the suppliers are big donors to the Dems?

    That’s the low end of biofuels. At the high end:
    The U.S. government will pay $8.5 million for the contracted 20,055 gallons of algal fuel from Solazyme, the bulk of which must be supplied within a year. That would be nearly $424 per gallon but “applying price per gallon to that contract would not be a very fair assessment,” says DESC’s Binder, because of the much greater research and development investment needed to make algae-based fuel a reality.

    If the SHTF, the military will have plenty of fuel since fuel, esp Jet-A, will be rationed.

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