Military school denies Muslim’s request to wear headscarf – IOTW Report

Military school denies Muslim’s request to wear headscarf

MSN: CHARLESTON, S.C. — The Citadel military school in South Carolina has denied a request by a newly admitted student to wear a traditional Muslim headscarf.

The Citadel said last month it was considering the woman’s request to wear the head covering known as a hijab. But college president retired Lt. Gen John Rosa said in a statement Tuesday that after considerable review, the college has denied the request.

He said the cadet system is based on a common uniform and standardization of cadets in appearance, actions and privileges is essential to the military system.  more

20 Comments on Military school denies Muslim’s request to wear headscarf

  1. good for him, the muslims do this on purpose. they could care less about the U.S.A.,its institutions, and the military. if they did the women wouldn’t wear the hijab and they would embrace our culture of being free, nut submitting to a cult that dehumanizes women as mere baby making property. they do these stunts to tear down our institutions and slowly push forth special exemptions which slowly lead to sharia, pushing their way unto the rest of us, and the rest of us assimilating to them. its sickening and it needs to STOP now!!!!

  2. So… Which activist group is pushing muslimas into military schools? She can’t be the only probe they’re sending out for lawfare. Buckle up Citadel. It’s about to get rough.

  3. 1. Yap, shouldn’t have let women in (I’m female)
    2. Already the litigation comments have started by your favorite unindicted co-conspirator and mine, CAIR. Where the fuck is Ibrahim Hooper when people are being forced to choose between their faith and making a living?
    3.She is not being forced to choose between school and her faith–she can go to school somewhere else if she doesn’t like Citadel rules.
    4. Commenter at link below asks a great question: why is she cherry picking parts of her “faith” in her demands to the school?

    We all know this is meant to stir shit as yet another way to try to overtake American institutions and culture. It isn’t supposed to make sense. Just drop the bacon, unbeliever, and bend over.

    I am so looking forward to the enablers and toddlers getting the hell out of the White House.

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