Mississippi Senate candidate Mike Espy Helped Save Bill Clinton from Sex Scandal in 1992 Campaign – IOTW Report

Mississippi Senate candidate Mike Espy Helped Save Bill Clinton from Sex Scandal in 1992 Campaign



Breitbart Politics-

Mississippi Senate candidate Mike Espy helped Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign secure a much needed “boost” to move past news reports of an extramarital affair with Gennifer Flowers.

The issue had threatened to derail Clinton’s presidential campaign.

In a lengthy dialogue on May 15, 2006 that was part of the “Presidential Oral Histories” project at the Miller Center of Public Affairs, Espy recalled helping Clinton turn out a big crowd in traditionally conservative Mississippi less than 48 hours after Clinton, joined by his wife Hillary, infamously took to 60 Minutes on January 26, 1992 to deny an extramarital relationship with Flowers.

Later, in a 1998 deposition, Clinton admitted to having a sexual encounter with Flowers.

Flowers says she had a 12-year affair with Clinton, and previously told this reporter that Hillary Clinton was aware of the alleged affair for much of that time. Flowers also said that Clinton personally paid $200 for her to have an abortion in 1977.

In 1992, then-congressman Espy served as co-chairman of Clinton’s state campaign in Mississippi. Espy would later serve as Clinton’s Secretary of Agriculture from 1993-1994.

More than a decade before the #MeToo movement, Espy described to the Miller Center how he helped Clinton get past the controversy around Flowers. read more

8 Comments on Mississippi Senate candidate Mike Espy Helped Save Bill Clinton from Sex Scandal in 1992 Campaign

  1. maybe it’s just the whiskey, but looking back , I think ol’ Bubba could have made a much better (at least a much better ‘liked’ President) if he had not had the albatross of the Hildabeast & her agenda dragging him down like a sea-anchor.

    the guy just wanted to get along w/ everyone & have a good time doing it. most of the scandals (Travelgate, Rose Law Firm, Whitewater, Health Care Takeover, Vince Foster, Missing Files, etc.) were all Hildabeast. true, the Lewinski Affair, his numerous rapes & assaults were his, but they were all supported & abetted by the Hildabeast’s Bimbo Eruptions. (when you enable behavior, you enforce that behavior … Bill became emboldened, & at the same time, trapped by the Hildabeasts enabling). always thought that SNL skit w/ Phil Hartman as Billy Boy jogging into the McDonalds w/ the Secret Service hit the nail on the head about the true Clinton … he just wanted to charm everyone & have them love him … literally. he just wanted to be like Kennedy & bop Marilyn Monroe … all he got was Jennifer Flowers

    OTOH, lovable Bill might not have ever found the drive to audaciously go on w/out the kick in the pants that the Hildabeast probably, regularly gave him.

    One More Though: out of all the ‘recent’ Presidents (recent since my birth … lol) that I would want to have a ‘several’ beers with would be Clinton … Reagan, I worship .. so it would be close to an experience like meeting Da Pope. W, too square & shifty. Johnson would steal my wallet & rape my dog. Kennedy, Carter, Bush I, Obama … total phonies … & too full of themselves. Eisenhower … wouldn’t mind talking about WWII or the Interstate Highway System, but I don’t golf. Trump? … man, that would be a gas … but he doesn’t drink & I’d would soon be feeling I’d just be wasting his time w/ my stupid comments … & I’d compensate by drinking more … never a good idea

    … like I’m doing now

  2. Whiskey aside, (on the side here that is) very spot on. Never viewed Bill as the brains in the Clinton legacy. Always the eternal Frat Boy backed up by a delusional self-considered no holds barred greedy shrew.

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