More Shady Stuff Going on in Arizona – IOTW Report

More Shady Stuff Going on in Arizona

Oh, now this is just the proverbial cherry on the fishy cake in Arizona.   The results of a mandatory recount in Pinal County, Arizona, are set to be released today, December 29th, showing “significant discrepancies” from the original vote.  Results favoring the republican candidates [Details Here].

Then there’s this very interesting development….

“The results of the statutorily required recount in 3 races were expected to be released on December 22nd however, inexplicably, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs petitioned the courts to have the results go directly to her office and asked to postpone the release until December 29th.”

Apparently, in her role as Secretary of State Katie Hobbs filed a motion with the court to seal the final recount result until after the lawsuit filed in Maricopa County against her was concluded.  That means the Lake team did not have the results of three recounts to use in court as evidence that something sketchy in Arizona had taken place.

It appears Mrs. Hobbs intentionally did not want the recount information coming out until her lawsuit to become governor was completed. Discern

7 Comments on More Shady Stuff Going on in Arizona

  1. Our Country is lost to the evil surrounding our elections.
    The last hope of truth has been thrown out by a Obama-Bush-Clinton appointed judges. Exposing the fraud will land you in jail or get you suicided.
    Only God can help us now.

  2. None of this would ever have happened had I only gotten a Ladmo Bag when I was young. Well, I’m going show you all! When I’m installed, I will demand a Ladmo Bag be waiting on my royal desk every morning!


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