Moron Leftists Think They Are Hurting Chick-Fil-A By Buying And Reselling Their Sandwiches on Sunday – IOTW Report

Moron Leftists Think They Are Hurting Chick-Fil-A By Buying And Reselling Their Sandwiches on Sunday


the company wants to stick it to the fast-food chain by reselling pre-bought sandwiches on Sunday. The food is bought the night before and kept warm for the customer by a professional chef who gives them “finishing touches.”

“Sunday Service” lets buyers sign up to order a Chick-fil-A sandwich (priced, of course, at $6.66) that’s delivered during the one day a week that Christ has deemed unacceptable for sandwich-related commerce. That’s pretty much the whole idea.

I’m confused as to how this is owning the “notoriously Christian restaurant chain.”

You are literally buying and reselling their sandwiches, and I really don’t think they care if you’re doing it on a Sunday. In fact, I can guarantee that if MSCHF went into the store and explained how they are trolling them by giving them money, the Chick-Fil-A peeps would say, “My pleasure!”


31 Comments on Moron Leftists Think They Are Hurting Chick-Fil-A By Buying And Reselling Their Sandwiches on Sunday

  1. I wonder if they ever saw the interview show where the CEO got down on his knees before a black guest and washed and shined his shoes.

    The black guest enjoyed it tremendously, but in a hateful way.

  2. Manbearpig SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 AT 11:45 PM

    I thought they closed on Sunday, not because it is a sin to sell on Sunday, but to give employees the opportunity to go to church.

    They are definitely closed on Sundays.

    You’ve completely missed the thrust of this story. Read it and see how stupid the left is – again.

  3. More proof that the left does not understand economics or free enterprise. @CCNV, I hope the left does not pick up on your concern. It is legitimate and they would not hesitate to stoop to murder.

  4. I can see it now: some unwashed, unkempt fattranssomething waddling through a city crowd wearing a sandwich board shouting “GET YER CHIC FILL A SANDWICHES HERE. SLIGHTLY WARM AND ONLY 2 DDAYS OLD. GET YER SANDWICHES HERE!!!” God, these people have become a parody of themselves, a Saturday night live skit.

  5. Anonymous September 22, 2021 at 5:27 am

    And what a moron would buy recycled sandwich ?
    A liberal ?

    A homeless person would, and they’d hang around waiting to get unsold sandwiches for free! Liberals have that going for them. I’ve noticed that past few months, that the liberals I know look like zombies! They even walk like a zombie, and they won’t talk to you either. Fine with me! They’re probably rabid.

  6. @ Dadof4 SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 AT 11:42 PM

    … and while I used to drive across town if the kids wanted Chic fil A we haven’t been since he pulled this stunt. Went from once/week visits to not at all. I also used to buy their gift cards for thank you’s to people who had done us a favor. That doesn’t happen any longer.

    Not that I would not go there any longer if I were next door and the kids wanted to go, but I no longer go out of my way to support their business when they pulled that stunt.

  7. “Finishing touches”

    Like this perhaps.

    “Q: Reports that some of the food supplies coming into the country are being modified or altered by the Taliban — maybe poisoning of food supply.

    Stufflebeem: The United States has obtained information that the Taliban might intend to poison humanitarian foodstuffs. The report that we would do that is categorically false. We would never poison any foodstuffs. We are humane people. We want to provide humanitarian assistance to those in need. It’s just beyond our comprehension that we would consider poisoning a food source.

    But, we have obtained information, so I will confirm for you that there are reports that the Taliban might poison the food and try to blame the United States.

    Q: Are you talking about the HDRs or some other — or wheat, or what kind of food are you talking about?”

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