Moronic Dems Display Wrong Flag During Floor Denouncement – IOTW Report

Moronic Dems Display Wrong Flag During Floor Denouncement

House Democrats referenced the wrong Confederate flag Thursday during a debate over the controversial symbol.

The actual Confederate battle flag had 13 stars, one for each of the states that seceded from the Union before joining the Confederacy as of late 1861.

CSPAN’s photo shows a number of House Democrats speaking by a cutout of the incorrect version on Thursday morning.

Reps. James Clyburn (S.C.), Al Green (Texas), Keith Ellison (Minn.), David Cicilline (R.I.), Eric Swalwell (Calif.), Hakeem Jeffries (N.Y.), Sheila Jackson Lee (Texas) and Terri Sewell (Ala.) all missed the apparent mistake.


Just be glad they didn’t put this one up-


20 Comments on Moronic Dems Display Wrong Flag During Floor Denouncement

  1. When are the now worthless elected pustules going to outlaw the abhorrent racist organization that goes by the putrid and vitriolic title of ‘The Congressional Black Caucus’! Next, after that, all other pathetic and divisive cabals of hyphenated hate groups!

  2. If these people are this stupid in public, just imagine the shit they say behind closed doors. After the dollar collapses, these assholes will be sucking piss.

  3. OK BFH, the Union Jack you are showing is incorrect. The red diagonal cross of St. Parick wasn’t on the British flag of 1776.

    The Kingdom of Ireland, along with Hanover, was a personal union with the King of Great Britain, but I suspect you knew that. I believe the jack you show came about 1801.

  4. I kid you not. When I was in the 8th or 9th grade, I got suspended from school essentially for wearing “that rayciss symbol”, a Union Jack muscle shirt! The highly edumacated “Affarican Amurrican” woman who was the Ass. Principal was highly offended by the sight of “that flag”, and insisted that I take it off or cover it up. When I tried to explain to her that it was the British flag, she didn’t believe me, and none of the several nearby teachers that I asked to confirm what I was saying was able to do so with certainty! This being the pre-internet 80s, by the time I was able to find a book to prove that she was wrong, I had grown completely frustrated and angry, and she was not happy about being exposed as and called the moron she was, ultimately, I was suspended for being disrespectful and rude to her. But in reality I was suspended for wearing a Confederate Battle Flag shirt that was actually a Union Jack!!! Thanks Rick Savage!!!

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