Most GOP Senators Defecting from Trump Backed Amnesty Push – IOTW Report

Most GOP Senators Defecting from Trump Backed Amnesty Push

Pro-‘Gang of Eight’ Republicans disproportionately bailing on their party’s nominee.


LifeZette: In a 2013 email published a few days ago by WikiLeaks, Hillary Clinton expressed views wildly at odds with those of the American citizenry: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders.” Most of Donald Trump’s Republican defectors are poised to help her achieve her open-borders dream.

As Republican elites continue to defy Republican voters on the crucial issue of immigration, it’s not surprising that the Senate’s open-borders crowd is refusing to back the man who—largely because of his hawkish immigration position — was chosen by Republican voters to be their party’s nominee. While only 30 percent of Senate Republicans voted for the open-borders “Gang of Eight” legislation (30 percent too many), the percentage was far higher among Trump defectors. Among senators who were in office in 2013, 55 percent (6 of 11) of those who now say that they cannot support Trump voted to support the “Gang of Eight” legislation.  MORE

9 Comments on Most GOP Senators Defecting from Trump Backed Amnesty Push

  1. ONE COMMON THEME IN THIS GROUP….Global Elitists who are owned by the New World Order…fire them, remove them from every committee in Congress, and sit them on the sidelines till their terms expire. Perhaps even their constituents will sign up for a recall election to drag them back to fight for their seats.

  2. if not for this supposed Trump “offence” then some other would have been used.
    cowards all of them.
    their amnesty stances proves that.
    we citizens yell “forward” into the fight while all the time the republicans are retreating waiting for a “better day”.

  3. How can people vote for ugly? Hillary is butt crack ugly. Imagine looking and listening to that pile of maliferous ugly on a daily constant basis for four years, especially as she will grow even more ugly and shrill as time and ugly marches on!

  4. Glen Glenn

    Ugh! My eyes and ears already hurt just thinking about it. The propagandists will have her on the news morning noon and night. She will be omnipresent just like Obama is now! She will give you night sweats, headaches, nightmares and worse!

  5. Lazlo lives in AZ.
    I just wrote those two embarrassments from my state that they are fired.
    If this was war, they deserted their foxhole during a fight because they wanted soft treatment from the enemy; because they lost their will to fight.
    McCain: You ain’t as good as you once was. I will write in Lazlo for your slot.
    Flake: You are an old toenail, to be swept up and thrown out. Take your shabby self out of my Senate.

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