Mother Uses Constitutional Right to Protect Her Family – IOTW Report

Mother Uses Constitutional Right to Protect Her Family

Washington Examiner

A Milwaukee mother of two shot and killed an intruder who entered her home Monday.

The woman, who is choosing to remain anonymous, said she was in the shower before work Monday morning when her two children, 12 and 14, alerted her to a man in the home by screaming. They were in the living room at the time, but it remains to be seen how the man, in his 30s, broke into the home. More

18 Comments on Mother Uses Constitutional Right to Protect Her Family

  1. Police arrested her and then released her and the case is under review by the DA?

    Bizarro world. They should have thanked her and dragged the body to a dumpster.
    Did they “allow” her to get dressed before they arrested her and took her downtown?

    Yeah … support the “boys in blue” … they’re looking after you!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. They are keeping the identity of the dead perp hidden. I wonder why that would be? Maybe because they don’t want the “youths” to riot and burn down the city again.

    I’m hoping the arrest was because mom refused to talk until her attorney was present.

  3. @Just Curious, I was thinking the same thing. Where does this woman live that someone was hiding under her sons bed 10 years ago?!?? Odd if you ask me. All I know is she jumped out of shower fast enough to get this guy! Well good for her!! Lol!
    God Bless us all!!


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