Trump can prove or disprove that politicians/Republicans are full of sh!t when they make promises and can not keep them (or blatantly break them). Anyone that is dead set against electing Trump are inadvertently (or purposely) protecting Republicans who break promises. Give Trump one term to build a wall, deport illegals and turn our economy around. If he fails, dump him, go back to the old way of electing career politicians and we all go back to being schmucks. If he’s successful, it’s a win/win/win for all (except career politicians) and changes politics for decades to come.
319 Comments on Mr. Pinko: Why are some Conservatives afraid to elect Trump?
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trump will be able to beat hillary. i have many minority friends. and their vote is necessary to elect our next president.
wait for it….they are all in for trump.
we cannot have obama-light in the house (hillary). and for that reason, trump will get my vote.
On the fence; I like him a lot, but also a Cruz fan too.
Are you “on the fence” or FOR A FENCE?
Love Ted Cruz… but he just can’t win the general election. Read this article –
Shrillary would be obummer fright, doing everything in her power to destroy what barry hasn’t already destroyed. I could vote for Trump just because he’s the anti obummer and might be what we need to rid this country of the plague of lil barry and the democraps. The establishment GOPEE can go to Hell as far as I am concerned. Someone said yesterday we could see a replay of 1968 and I think it will be the because the American people both black and white and I hope hispanic are fed up with both parties, I certainly hope so.
i think cruz is terrific and agree with him on many issues.
but trump can beat clinton. i can’t say with certainty that about cruz. and that is the end game for me.
If Trump doesn’t live up to his word, he’ll have to face the wrath of Diamond and Silk – I would pity that poor fool.
Even if Cruz won the nomination (the GOPe hate his guts more than they hate Trump), and he beat hildebeast, he would not build a great big, beautiful wall like Trump. He would not mass deport illegals and we will end up with the same problem under obama — millions of illegals voting for the commies and their free stuff campaigns. Trump will not let Syrian “refugees” come in en masse, either. Sorry, I do not trust any elected pols anymore. Trump doesn’t owe any political favors to anyone — not even the superpacs he told to go away last week.
I’m very grateful to Trump for what he’s done. If he gets the nomination, I’ll be behind him 10000 percent. But the game of winning states is a chess match he may not be prepared for. I still prefer Cruz because I think he’s better prepared and educated for the job.
I believe the power elite have the election fairly rigged at this point and it may not matter who gets the nomination. We’ll be told Hillary won whether she does or not.
But, If the election is stolen from him, Trump would move mountains to overturn it. Cruz, probably not.
If somehow Trump can get into the White House, he will have both parties trying to stop him. He won’t be able to act unilaterally as he does in his own empire. So if he doesn’t accomplish his agenda, everyone needs to realize he doesn’t have total control.
NoBama — you wrote: “He won’t be able to act unilaterally as he does in his own empire.”
Hmm. That hasn’t stopped this regime — and obama didn’t even have an empire before it.
I think Trump’s ego will force him to keep his campaign promises. The last thing he wants for a legacy is to go out as a liar or failure.
can we all agree our “representation” is corrupt? can we agree graft, kickbacks & featherbedding is breaking the law? do we agree that NO one is above the law? if you have answered yes to one or more of these questions you have to know deep down a career politico is NOT the way to go this FINAL round PERIOD I believe a Trump admin. will CLEAN UP Washington the new DC black will be prison issued orange & that Pres. Trump will do it effectively & within the confines of the law. Trump will not just be rounding up illegals, he will rounding up elected illegals that have broken the TRUST & WILL OF WE THE PEOPLE.
He doesn’t act unilaterally, at least it does not seem that is even possible when deals require, well, dealing. You can’t just walk in and give an ultimatum, then close a deal. There is a fair amount of back and forth, negotiation, compromise, etc. Getting what he wants in the end – doesn’t begin with acting unilaterally.
Who do you think negotiates better than Trump?
Oh, that reply was meant for NoBama re: Trump.
Assuming Trump were to win, do you really think that a Dem or GOPe congress is going to appropriate the necessary funds to build the fence? You’ve rightfully crucified Obongo for his wholesale sidestepping of Congress but would accept Trump doing one of the same things and spending money that isn’t in the budget?
There is no way on earth that the CofC would ever allow their flying monkeys on the Hill to appropriate that in the budget.
PS: My first choice is Cruz but I could vote for Trump if he were the nominee. Anyone but those two and I write in Jessica Rabbit.
tongue in cheek response here, NOBODY running but I imagine many of Trump’s successful friends do like Carl Icahn who has signed on when Trump is elected. I also suspect that they will SERVE COUNTRY without compensation as Trump PERIOD
Trump International is responsible for 34,000 pay checks.
did you see his tweet of him signing his tax return? CLASSIC. return was damn near 3 feet tall! a picture is worth a 10 billion words in this case. imo the man is brilliant.
Conservatives, particularly, are cynical because of the plethora of lies we’ve been fed over the past ~30 years, or so.
Difficult to trust ANYONE after you’ve been lied to, stolen from, disregarded, fucked, over taxed, blamed, and, did I mention lied to?
“Fool me once, shame on you –
fool me twice, shame on me.”
“Obama light” I beg to differ-Hillary will use the power of the presidency such that it’ll make Obama/Jarrett look like they worship the Constitution.
UNION tradesmen also love Trump, crossing party lines, drawing well from just about every demographic (down in women tho), taking names & kickin’ azz. WE NEED A NEW SHERIFF & POSSE IN DC
which is exactly why i am on the stump 2 elect Trump. have been since day 1 & i am not looking back or to any CONNECTED POLITICO PERIOD
“I have made the tough decisions, always with an eye toward the bottom line. Perhaps it’s time America was run like a business.”
Donald Trump
who is the biggest employer in the US? i believe the federalis altho the pay checks are issued with OUR taxes. who seriously thinks Trump runs any one of his businesses with unnecessary expenses ie 600 dollar toilet seats.
Rush Limbaugh has similarly warned that “the donor-class push” is to “get rid of Trump, and have Rubio or Jeb win the White House.”
Limbaugh predicts that, with Paul Ryan as Speaker and Rubio as President, in the “first 12-to-18 months, the donor-class agenda [will be] implemented, including amnesty and whatever else they want.”
Conservatives need to listen to one of the foremost Conservatives. if not at our own PERIL PERIOD
I think Rubio is going to end up being their guy. “They” under estimated Jebs retardation factor.
Obviously you’re not listening to Trump. Mexico is paying for the wall. I’ll wait for the response “How is Trump going to make Mexico pay for a wall?” then it will confirm you really aren’t paying attention 😉 (and I say that with all due respect)
And if the come back to that is “how will Trump get Congress / Senate to go along with the plan”? Trump is one of the greatest negotiators on the planet. 😉
If you say Trump can’t do it, how is Cruz doing it?
Then please tell me what Cruz’s plan is and how he gets the Hill to appropriate his plan in the budget?
Can you imagine the effect on the deficit if Base Line Budgeting were eliminated?
One of the biggest reasons Trump frightens both sides of the aisle is due to the claim he makes in almost every speech. I’m surprised no one has stated the obvious. He knows where most of the bodies are buried — as a high-wattage donor, he contributed to many of the funerals, if you know what I mean. That will go a long way in his negotiating tool bag.
@ Tim – so why trust and elect another politician? Might as well give the finger to ALL politicians and elect Trump.
My next piece will be Trump vs. Rubio.
Do you want AMNESTY with no wall or a WALL?
“Why are some Conservatives afraid to elect Trump?”
Yes, my favorite question! Thank you for coming up with this
Mr. P.
Sorry, that Anon was me. I wasn’t finished, buy my “enter” pinkie got the dropsies.
poop! not spelling correctly since I got this cold and not typing well either. Although not totally illiterate, I’m coming across as that for the past few days. Yes, I’m embarrassed. Sympathy, not criticism needed here. Aw, forget the sympathy, I’m not a lib.
I’m on board with Trump.
But (and I have a big but) I’m not convinced that the Republic isn’t dead, and we’re all playing necromancer.
Remember that even the Great Ronald Reagan was unable to kill A SINGLE FEDGOV PROGRAM! He tried to kill the Helium Reserve. After a bruising battle in Congress – the Helium reserve is still here.
Trump doesn’t need the baloney of politics to feed his kids, his ego, nor his businesses. I seriously doubt there is anything he could be blackmailed with. If there was, it would have been brought out already by the GOPe. Therefore, he is in it to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
Then I will take my chances with Trump the EMT, resuscitating our Republic
my computer “skills” are practically non functioning but living in the middle of no where my internet provider stinks PERIOD. sometimes it is like i am typing out morse code & that is when it is up. down the last three days so it appears as if I am not commenting due to lack of interest which is not the case! imo this is the MOST important election of our life time PERIOD
If Cruz so truly loves our country, he will withdraw and let Trump, who is obviously bringing in the masses, duke it out with Jebbie and then Shrillary.
I hope the same for Carson. Carson ISN’T a lawyer, so he’d make a great SCOTUS.
As one of our great minds mentioned in another post, Cruz should look to getting his butt on the Supreme Court where he can uphold the Constitution for decades, not just 4-8 years.
i will take WALL with a side of ENTITLEMENT SLASHING
figure into the common core equation over estimating our retardation factor as well!
OR someone with balls, used line item veto procedure.
” If he gets the nomination, I’ll be behind him 10000 percent.” The point here and now, in the most important segment of this election cycle is for Trump to get the nomination.
Cruz nor Carson will garner, individually, enough votes to be the nominee. Cruz and Carson can together, pull enough votes from Trump to get Jebbie the nomination.
But, oh yea, vote for the most qualified, the hell with the future of the Republic.
Every State or Federal agency is required to exceed their annual budget to justify a larger budget for the next year. If I could run my business that way life would be much easier.
Well, I guess it’s official. iotwreport is now “elect Donald Trump headquarters.”
Sally, may I use that TRUMP / WALL 2016 wherever I can logically use it? Also, I want to do a basic prototype of a bumper sticker or sign to take to my Mon. night tea party meet-up.
Or, Mr Biggie Fur, may I use your map without the map part, or the whole thing.
Please advise. That concept is great.
Rubio is slobbering all over himself right now! He cannot believe his political good fortune with the GOPe.
You are so correct in your assessment of the importance of this election Sally.
I am calling all the nice little old “church ladies” I’ve known throughout the years. They want want Cruz or Carson. However, they are getting a dose of reality from me. Maybe my post way above (the 1000% answer) needs some/much refinement, but I’m straight out telling them if they go with Cruz or Carson, then they must want Jebbie or Shrillary.
I hope so. Last chance for America.
Rubio and Yeb were good friends. You gotta think as soon as Yeb announced his candidacy Rubio was thinking, ha ha ha, that retard! I guess I’ll run too.
i live in the Lone Star state & truthfully I only know of one women supporting cruz there are many texas women supporters of Cruz posting on BB but imo they are cruzin on his grassroots campaign & NOT FOLLOWING THE MONEY of his bid for the presidency. i like to bring up that sage old campaign reference of “ya gotta dance wid the one that brung ya”. Cruz has different dance partners this go round PERIOD
News just said Fred Thompson is dead.
Most states conduct closed primaries, in which only registered party members declaring themselves as a Republican, democrat or minor party affiliation may vote for their party’s nomination. A few states allow voters to choose the party primary in which they want to vote on primary election day — a process known as open primaries.
Trump has significant voter appeal across all political boundaries as many of the paid media polls show. Polls may influence the uninformed voter, but polls don’t vote.
Trump’s strength appears to be with independents, disaffected democrats, unregistered voters and many fed-up Republicans.
The only poll that counts is the republican precinct polling place on primary day. Are there enough anti-establishment republicans that will vote for Trump? We’ll see after the primaries, until then I’ll stick to the known conservative constitutional candidate, who is intelligent, articulate and driven by formerly adhered to republican principles……Ted CRUZ.
that’s what I’ve been trying to tell people. Trump is the ONLY republican the blacks will EVER vote for, they respect a baller.
believe that’s what the establishment GOP said in Texas..
NO – Mr. Pinko (me) – NOT, says I am CURRENTLY for Donald Trump and I laid out all the reasons why.
Cruz has NO CHANCE in hell of winning a general election. It doesn’t mean I’m ANTI-CRUZ. I love Cruz and his principles, MORE SO THAN TRUMP! BUT splitting the vote will give you Bush or Rubio.
Do you want Marco AMNESTY Rubio instead of Trump?
You think Cruz has a better chance of winning the Presidency than Trump? Convince me.
Cruz knows a conservative will never be nominated 4 SCotUS unless a conservative is PotUS. Trump’s campaigning as conservative however many have seen Trump’s flip flops and Trump’s prior liberal progressive positions. Trump like Bush before as PotUS will never nominate a conservative to SCotUS.
Tell me how Ted Cruz wins the general election with no cross-over vote?
Pinko I would vote for Trump if he’s the nominee, a wall on our border would be nice. I’m in Texas and we deal with illegals and their crime. But this Country is in a total mess and just dealing with illegals isn’t going to get us out of it. God has to be brought back into the picture and Ted Cruz will do that because he walks the walk when it comes to his Christianity and he’s brilliant.
A party maverick like Cruz will Trump an outsider like Trump.
Quoting the Daily Beast through Forbes – August 2015 article on how Cruz beats Trump in Primaries. – rotflmao
I didn’t ask you how Cruz beats Trump for the Republican nomination. I’m asking you how do you figure Cruz beats Hillary instead of Trump beating Hillary?
You didn’t have to tell me you’re from Texas. I went through the same crap through a stubborn Rick Perry supporter years ago.
The country does not revolve around Texas (or New York).
No offense, but, you guys get crazy and do not think logically when it comes to political strategy when you have a candidate at stake.
I’m speaking from experience and love 😉 Cheers!
Coalesce behind ONE WINNABLE candidate or the split is going to give you Bush or Marco AMNESTY Rubio.
And you still do not get that Cruz can not win the general election against Clinton.
If you can convince me of a clear cut path / strategy for Cruz to win the White House over Trump – I will campaign for Cruz.
Please explain to me how Cruz has a better shot at the Presidency than Trump?
Cruz may well walk the walk Magnum, but we do not know the souls of others. Only God knows that.
I personally know many people who talk and walk that walk on the outside. They may well think they do it to the best of their ability, but some of the crap they pull isn’t sincerely walking the walk. I’m not saying he pulls crap, but too many “men of the cloth” and outwardly good men deserve to be in jail for what they have pulled off. We DON’T know their souls.
Romney, a fine, humble, religious person and is a something or other “Grand Duchy” in his church. He threw the election.
TY Sally. (can’t put this right under your answer, ran out of “reply” space/columns under it.
Says who? Look everyone said that about Reagan and we all know the outcome of that. I’m not looking for someone to just beat Clinton America needs a true conservative to make this country great again.
Pinko I’m not a stubborn Cruz supporter I’m an informed Cruz supporter. I’ll tell you what let’s just put this on the back burner for a while and watch how things play out. Deal?
I will add I went through this with Cruz doubters when Cruz ran for the Texas Senate against a powerful establishment candidate. Well Cruz is our Senator.
No deal – please tell me how Cruz, over Trump, beats Hillary for the White House?
If you convince me – I’ll campaign for Cruz starting tonight!
YOU are an educated Cruz supporter but the American people do not have a clue about Cruz and the media will crush him.
Dear Cruz Supporters:
You have been asked several times and in many different ways to lay out your arguments for how Senator Cruz can win the Republican nomination and the GE. So far no one has done that. Instead there have been several comments about Donald Trump’s weaknesses. And while there may be something inferred in those arguments as they regard Cruz, those statements have not attempted a direct comparison and how it affects the electorate or what that means or doesn’t mean about Ted Cruz.
Mr. Pinko and others, myself included, have said that if Cruz is the nominee, not only would we vote for him, but I join Mr. Pinko in saying I would enthusiastically stump for him. That only makes sense! We do not want a GOPe candidate like Rubio for president.
So, if you are truly convinced, based on more than what you “feel” (polling data, focus group results, endorsements, etc.), please lay it out there. The goal of this cycle is to get someone in the WH who will put an end to crony capitalism, the CoC, the donor class, and the good ‘ol boys (and girls) who are running our country for their own fun and profit. Please explain why, based on some factual data, you believe Cruz will win the primaries and the GE.
Thank you!
PJ I agree that’s true because men are sinful but all I can say is get to know Ted Cruz and you will see the man for what he is.
You’re talking about Cruz winning a seat in a Red State.
How does Cruz have a better chance of winning the Presidency over Trump?
Good plan, Mag.
Let’s get past the primary first, then we can speculate and pontificate on the General election.
Magnum, Ted Cruz became a senator on the waive of the Tea Party momentum. At the time we suspected, but has no real clue, just how in the tank the GOP were with the rest of the ‘Rat political class. This was all before McCain, McConnell and others started referring to the TP and conservatives as crazies, etc. It was an entirely different time and does not bear comparison with what is happening right now.
I’m just as informed or MORE about Cruz than you. I LOVE Ted Cruz. I’ve sat down with the man and spoke to him. I’m not dissing his principles or questioning his Conservative values.
I want you to convince me how Ted Cruz has a better shot at beating Hillary than Donald Trump?
I’m begging you to change my mind.
No one can lay out a path to victory for any candidate there are to many variables and unknowns at this point. I know you are getting you information from Sundance, as a matter of fact your question is right from his mouth. Maybe you should stand back from the situation and get a different perspective besides Sundances.
“You have been asked several times and in many different ways to lay out your arguments for how Senator Cruz can win the Republican nomination and the GE. So far no one has done that.”
I did. In two different posts. The response I got was that I was wrong.
I’ll let time convince you.
You know what, Magnum? I’ve never said this to anyone here at IOTWr before. Why don’t you just go f*ck yourself?
You’ve been asked several times and all you do is avoid the question and now you accuse me of being a mouthpiece for sundance?!
Maybe I’m asking the question in the same way because of people like you who insist Cruz can beat clinton or the ‘Rats, but won’t put up a cogent argument. It’s not rocket surgery, pal.
I used to like Cruz. But due to his fanatical supporters that keep posting whacked sources to justify their some what desperate attempt to defend him against some one logically more capable of handling the job at task, no more. I’m not referencing the readers here that have voiced concern but still consider the other side of the argument as I try and do. Bull shit always stinks
Well, boo hoo hoo! Did you think you could just take a huge swipe at me and my integrity and I’d just take it from you?
Go back a month or so and look up who came up with “I Chuz Cruz”. Things changed, I listened, I learned and came to my own conclusions.
Brad you don’t even register on my give a shit meter anymore.
I don’t need my info from “Sundance”, I’m my own man. Don’t get mad at me when I lay out facts and reasoning and ask you a VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION if you want me to support Cruz over Trump.
Dispute this:
Cruz can not get any Democrat votes at all. NOT ONE.
Trump can peel off Democrat votes – the Reagan Democrats.
Trump has a better shot at beating Hillary than Cruz.
Prove me otherwise. Thank you
Amen cato good call.
OK I have posted many many links about Cruz from many many sources and all I have seen is Trump supporters post videos of speeches and tweets. This is my challenge to Pinko, Abigail and Brad. Post some links that lay out Trumps positions like I have been doing with Cruz’s positions for months now.
As if he ever did, right? Chump.
Claudia – this is what you wrote:
“Maybe it’s because he did it before.
He was running for the US Senate in Texas against a very popular ex-Governor of Texas. NOBODY said he would win. NOBODY expected him to win.
He won.
Other than that, I just don’t know.”
And my answer to that is – Cruz won in a Red State at a time when the Tea Party peaked.
Cruz can not get ONE CROSS-OVER vote in a general election. Trump has support ACROSS THE BOARD.
I lay out my case FURTHER here for Trump over Cruz.
And that’s fine. I’m sure I don’t need to explain how I feel about you. But all of us have had different experiences in our life that effect our position on this. I listened to your weak bull shit. You never listened or considered mine. Just one dumb ass rebuttal from the national enquirer after another. I’m done
Magnum – you’re not getting it. I’m not arguing over political ideology between the two guys. Cruz is a FANTASTIC CONSERVATIVE. I LOVE THE GUY!
Trump is Conservative enough for me and has a much better chance of taking the White House than Cruz.
I’m arguing who can get MORE VOTES to BEAT HILLARY – not who is the more principled guy.
If you can tell me HOW we get Cruz into the White House – I’m on board WITH YOU!
Be honest, you’re getting pissed off because deep down you know I’m (regrettably) right.
I want Cruz there just as much as you do but it just ain’t gonna happen.
Trump has the better shot. And if Trump fulfills his promises I’ll be a very happy American. And you should be too. 😉
What? You can’t muster the energy to go to Trump’s website link? There you will find all of his position papers.
Okay: Here are his publicly stated stands on:
2nd Amend.
Donald J. Trump on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.
The Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental right that belongs to all law-abiding Americans. The Constitution doesn’t create that right – it ensures that the government can’t take it away. Our Founding Fathers knew, and our Supreme Court has upheld, that the Second Amendment’s purpose is to guarantee our right to defend ourselves and our families. This is about self-defense, plain and simple.
It’s been said that the Second Amendment is America’s first freedom. That’s because the Right to Keep and Bear Arms protects all our other rights. We are the only country in the world that has a Second Amendment. Protecting that freedom is imperative. Here’s how we will do that:
Enforce The Laws On The Books
We need to get serious about prosecuting violent criminals. The Obama administration’s record on that is abysmal. Violent crime in cities like Baltimore, Chicago and many others is out of control. Drug dealers and gang members are given a slap on the wrist and turned loose on the street. This needs to stop.
Several years ago there was a tremendous program in Richmond, Virginia called Project Exile. It said that if a violent felon uses a gun to commit a crime, you will be prosecuted in federal court and go to prison for five years – no parole or early release. Obama’s former Attorney General, Eric Holder, called that a “cookie cutter” program. That’s ridiculous. I call that program a success. Murders committed with guns in Richmond decreased by over 60% when Project Exile was in place – in the first two years of the program alone, 350 armed felons were taken off the street.
Why does that matter to law-abiding gun owners? Because they’re the ones who anti-gun politicians and the media blame when criminals misuse guns. We need to bring back and expand programs like Project Exile and get gang members and drug dealers off the street. When we do, crime will go down and our cities and communities will be safer places to live.
Here’s another important way to fight crime – empower law-abiding gun owners to defend themselves. Law enforcement is great, they do a tremendous job, but they can’t be everywhere all of the time. Our personal protection is ultimately up to us. That’s why I’m a gun owner, that’s why I have a concealed carry permit, and that’s why tens of millions of Americans have concealed carry permits as well. It’s just common sense. To make America great again, we’re going to go after criminals and put the law back on the side of the law-abiding.
Fix Our Broken Mental Health System
Let’s be clear about this. Our mental health system is broken. It needs to be fixed. Too many politicians have ignored this problem for too long.
All of the tragic mass murders that occurred in the past several years have something in common – there were red flags that were ignored. We can’t allow that to continue. We need to expand treatment programs, because most people with mental health problems aren’t violent, they just need help. But for those who are violent, a danger to themselves or others, we need to get them off the street before they can terrorize our communities. This is just common sense.
And why does this matter to law-abiding gun owners? Once again, because they get blamed by anti-gun politicians, gun control groups and the media for the acts of deranged madmen. When one of these tragedies occurs, we can count on two things: one, that opponents of gun rights will immediately exploit it to push their political agenda; and two, that none of their so-called “solutions” would have prevented the tragedy in the first place. They’ve even admitted it.
We need real solutions to address real problems. Not grandstanding or political agendas.
Defend The Rights of Law-Abiding Gun Owners
GUN AND MAGAZINE BANS. Gun and magazine bans are a total failure. That’s been proven every time it’s been tried. Opponents of gun rights try to come up with scary sounding phrases like “assault weapons”, “military-style weapons” and “high capacity magazines” to confuse people. What they’re really talking about are popular semi-automatic rifles and standard magazines that are owned by tens of millions of Americans. Law-abiding people should be allowed to own the firearm of their choice. The government has no business dictating what types of firearms good, honest people are allowed to own.
BACKGROUND CHECKS. There has been a national background check system in place since 1998. Every time a person buys a gun from a federally licensed gun dealer – which is the overwhelming majority of all gun purchases – they go through a federal background check. Study after study has shown that very few criminals are stupid enough to try and pass a background check – they get their guns from friends/family members or by stealing them. So the overwhelming majority of people who go through background checks are law-abiding gun owners. When the system was created, gun owners were promised that it would be instant, accurate and fair. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case today. Too many states are failing to put criminal and mental health records into the system – and it should go without saying that a system’s only going to be as effective as the records that are put into it. What we need to do is fix the system we have and make it work as intended. What we don’t need to do is expand a broken system.
NATIONAL RIGHT TO CARRY. The right of self-defense doesn’t stop at the end of your driveway. That’s why I have a concealed carry permit and why tens of millions of Americans do too. That permit should be valid in all 50 states. A driver’s license works in every state, so it’s common sense that a concealed carry permit should work in every state. If we can do that for driving – which is a privilege, not a right – then surely we can do that for concealed carry, which is a right, not a privilege.
MILITARY BASES AND RECRUITING CENTERS. Banning our military from carrying firearms on bases and at recruiting centers is ridiculous. We train our military how to safely and responsibly use firearms, but our current policies leave them defenseless. To make America great again, we need a strong military. To have a strong military, we need to allow them to defend themselves.
Tax Reform:
Tax Reform That Will Make America Great Again
The Goals Of Donald J. Trump’s Tax Plan
Too few Americans are working, too many jobs have been shipped overseas, and too many middle class families cannot make ends meet. This tax plan directly meets these challenges with four simple goals:
Tax relief for middle class Americans: In order to achieve the American dream, let people keep more money in their pockets and increase after-tax wages.
Simplify the tax code to reduce the headaches Americans face in preparing their taxes and let everyone keep more of their money.
Grow the American economy by discouraging corporate inversions, adding a huge number of new jobs, and making America globally competitive again.
Doesn’t add to our debt and deficit, which are already too large.
The Trump Tax Plan Achieves These Goals
If you are single and earn less than $25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000, you will not owe any income tax. That removes nearly 75 million households – over 50% – from the income tax rolls. They get a new one page form to send the IRS saying, “I win,” those who would otherwise owe income taxes will save an average of nearly $1,000 each.
All other Americans will get a simpler tax code with four brackets – 0%, 10%, 20% and 25% – instead of the current seven. This new tax code eliminates the marriage penalty and the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) while providing the lowest tax rate since before World War II.
No business of any size, from a Fortune 500 to a mom and pop shop to a freelancer living job to job, will pay more than 15% of their business income in taxes. This lower rate makes corporate inversions unnecessary by making America’s tax rate one of the best in the world.
No family will have to pay the death tax. You earned and saved that money for your family, not the government. You paid taxes on it when you earned it.
The Trump Tax Plan Is Revenue Neutral
The Trump tax cuts are fully paid for by:
Reducing or eliminating most deductions and loopholes available to the very rich.
A one-time deemed repatriation of corporate cash held overseas at a significantly discounted 10% tax rate, followed by an end to the deferral of taxes on corporate income earned abroad.
Reducing or eliminating corporate loopholes that cater to special interests, as well as deductions made unnecessary or redundant by the new lower tax rate on corporations and business income. We will also phase in a reasonable cap on the deductibility of business interest expenses.
America needs a bold, simple and achievable plan based on conservative economic principles. This plan does that with needed tax relief for all Americans, especially the working poor and middle class, pro-growth tax reform for all sizes of businesses, and fiscally responsible steps to ensure this plan does not add to our enormous debt and deficit.
This plan simplifies the tax code by taking nearly 50% of current filers off the income tax rolls entirely and reducing the number of tax brackets from seven to four for everyone else. This plan also reduces or eliminates loopholes used by the very rich and special interests made unnecessary or redundant by the new lower tax rates on individuals and companies.
The Trump Tax Plan: A Simpler Tax Code For All Americans
When the income tax was first introduced, just one percent of Americans had to pay it. It was never intended as a tax most Americans would pay. The Trump plan eliminates the income tax for over 73 million households. 42 million households that currently file complex forms to determine they don’t owe any income taxes will now file a one page form saving them time, stress, uncertainty and an average of $110 in preparation costs. Over 31 million households get the same simplification and keep on average nearly $1,000 of their hard-earned money.
For those Americans who will still pay the income tax, the tax rates will go from the current seven brackets to four simpler, fairer brackets that eliminate the marriage penalty and the AMT while providing the lowest tax rate since before World War II:
Income Tax Rate Long Term Cap Gains/ Dividends Rate Single Filers Married Filers Heads of Household
0% 0% $0 to $25,000 $0 to $50,000 $0 to $37,500
10% 0% $25,001 to $50,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $37,501 to $75,000
20% 15% $50,001 to $150,000 $100,001 to $300,000 $75,001 to $225,000
25% 20% $150,001 and up $300,001 and up $225,001 and up
With this huge reduction in rates, many of the current exemptions and deductions will become unnecessary or redundant. Those within the 10% bracket will keep all or most of their current deductions. Those within the 20% bracket will keep more than half of their current deductions. Those within the 25% bracket will keep fewer deductions. Charitable giving and mortgage interest deductions will remain unchanged for all taxpayers.
Simplifying the tax code and cutting every American’s taxes will boost consumer spending, encourage savings and investment, and maximize economic growth.
Business Tax Reform To Encourage Jobs And Spur Economic Growth
Too many companies – from great American brands to innovative startups – are leaving America, either directly or through corporate inversions. The Democrats want to outlaw inversions, but that will never work. Companies leaving is not the disease, it is the symptom. Politicians in Washington have let America fall from the best corporate tax rate in the industrialized world in the 1980’s (thanks to Ronald Reagan) to the worst rate in the industrialized world. That is unacceptable. Under the Trump plan, America will compete with the world and win by cutting the corporate tax rate to 15%, taking our rate from one of the worst to one of the best.
This lower tax rate cannot be for big business alone; it needs to help the small businesses that are the true engine of our economy. Right now, freelancers, sole proprietors, unincorporated small businesses and pass-through entities are taxed at the high personal income tax rates. This treatment stifles small businesses. It also stifles tax reform because efforts to reduce loopholes and deductions available to the very rich and special interests end up hitting small businesses and job creators as well. The Trump plan addresses this challenge head on with a new business income tax rate within the personal income tax code that matches the 15% corporate tax rate to help these businesses, entrepreneurs and freelancers grow and prosper.
These lower rates will provide a tremendous stimulus for the economy – significant GDP growth, a huge number of new jobs and an increase in after-tax wages for workers.
The Trump Tax Plan Ends The Unfair Death Tax
The death tax punishes families for achieving the American dream. Therefore, the Trump plan eliminates the death tax.
The Trump Tax Plan Is Fiscally Responsible
The Trump tax cuts are fully paid for by:
Reducing or eliminating deductions and loopholes available to the very rich, starting by steepening the curve of the Personal Exemption Phaseout and the Pease Limitation on itemized deductions. The Trump plan also phases out the tax exemption on life insurance interest for high-income earners, ends the current tax treatment of carried interest for speculative partnerships that do not grow businesses or create jobs and are not risking their own capital, and reduces or eliminates other loopholes for the very rich and special interests. These reductions and eliminations will not harm the economy or hurt the middle class. Because the Trump plan introduces a new business income rate within the personal income tax code, they will not harm small businesses either.
A one-time deemed repatriation of corporate cash held overseas at a significantly discounted 10% tax rate. Since we are making America’s corporate tax rate globally competitive, it is only fair that corporations help make that move fiscally responsible. U.S.-owned corporations have as much as $2.5 trillion in cash sitting overseas. Some companies have been leaving cash overseas as a tax maneuver. Under this plan, they can bring their cash home and put it to work in America while benefitting from the newly-lowered corporate tax rate that is globally competitive and no longer requires parking cash overseas. Other companies have cash overseas for specific business units or activities. They can leave that cash overseas, but they will still have to pay the one-time repatriation fee.
An end to the deferral of taxes on corporate income earned abroad. Corporations will no longer be allowed to defer taxes on income earned abroad, but the foreign tax credit will remain in place because no company should face double taxation.
Reducing or eliminating some corporate loopholes that cater to special interests, as well as deductions made unnecessary or redundant by the new lower tax rate on corporations and business income. We will also phase in a reasonable cap on the deductibility of business interest expenses.
Immigration Reform:
Immigration Reform That Will Make America Great Again
The three core principles of Donald J. Trump’s immigration plan
When politicians talk about “immigration reform” they mean: amnesty, cheap labor and open borders. The Schumer-Rubio immigration bill was nothing more than a giveaway to the corporate patrons who run both parties.
Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change. Here are the three core principles of real immigration reform:
1. A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border.
2. A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced.
3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans.
Make Mexico Pay For The Wall
For many years, Mexico’s leaders have been taking advantage of the United States by using illegal immigration to export the crime and poverty in their own country (as well as in other Latin American countries). They have even published pamphlets on how to illegally immigrate to the United States. The costs for the United States have been extraordinary: U.S. taxpayers have been asked to pick up hundreds of billions in healthcare costs, housing costs, education costs, welfare costs, etc. Indeed, the annual cost of free tax credits alone paid to illegal immigrants quadrupled to $4.2 billion in 2011. The effects on jobseekers have also been disastrous, and black Americans have been particularly harmed.
The impact in terms of crime has been tragic. In recent weeks, the headlines have been covered with cases of criminals who crossed our border illegally only to go on to commit horrific crimes against Americans. Most recently, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, with a long arrest record, is charged with breaking into a 64 year-old woman’s home, crushing her skull and eye sockets with a hammer, raping her, and murdering her. The Police Chief in Santa Maria says the “blood trail” leads straight to Washington.
In 2011, the Government Accountability Office found that there were a shocking 3 million arrests attached to the incarcerated alien population, including tens of thousands of violent beatings, rapes and murders.
Meanwhile, Mexico continues to make billions on not only our bad trade deals but also relies heavily on the billions of dollars in remittances sent from illegal immigrants in the United States back to Mexico ($22 billion in 2013 alone).
In short, the Mexican government has taken the United States to the cleaners. They are responsible for this problem, and they must help pay to clean it up.
The cost of building a permanent border wall pales mightily in comparison to what American taxpayers spend every single year on dealing with the fallout of illegal immigration on their communities, schools and unemployment offices.
Mexico must pay for the wall and, until they do, the United States will, among other things: impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards – of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico [Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options]. We will not be taken advantage of anymore.
Defend The Laws And Constitution Of The United States
America will only be great as long as America remains a nation of laws that lives according to the Constitution. No one is above the law. The following steps will return to the American people the safety of their laws, which politicians have stolen from them:
Triple the number of ICE officers. As the President of the ICE Officers’ Council explained in Congressional testimony: “Only approximately 5,000 officers and agents within ICE perform the lion’s share of ICE’s immigration mission…Compare that to the Los Angeles Police Department at approximately 10,000 officers. Approximately 5,000 officers in ICE cover 50 states, Puerto Rico and Guam, and are attempting to enforce immigration law against 11 million illegal aliens already in the interior of the United States. Since 9-11, the U.S. Border Patrol has tripled in size, while ICE’s immigration enforcement arm, Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), has remained at relatively the same size.” This will be funded by accepting the recommendation of the Inspector General for Tax Administration and eliminating tax credit payments to illegal immigrants.
Nationwide e-verify. This simple measure will protect jobs for unemployed Americans.
Mandatory return of all criminal aliens. The Obama Administration has released 76,000 aliens from its custody with criminal convictions since 2013 alone. All criminal aliens must be returned to their home countries, a process which can be aided by canceling any visas to foreign countries which will not accept their own criminals, and making it a separate and additional crime to commit an offense while here illegally.
Detention—not catch-and-release. Illegal aliens apprehended crossing the border must be detained until they are sent home, no more catch-and-release.
Defund sanctuary cities. Cut-off federal grants to any city which refuses to cooperate with federal law enforcement.
Enhanced penalties for overstaying a visa. Millions of people come to the United States on temporary visas but refuse to leave, without consequence. This is a threat to national security. Individuals who refuse to leave at the time their visa expires should be subject to criminal penalties; this will also help give local jurisdictions the power to hold visa overstays until federal authorities arrive. Completion of a visa tracking system – required by law but blocked by lobbyists – will be necessary as well.
Cooperate with local gang task forces. ICE officers should accompany local police departments conducting raids of violent street gangs like MS-13 and the 18th street gang, which have terrorized the country. All illegal aliens in gangs should be apprehended and deported. Again, quoting Chris Crane: “ICE Officers and Agents are forced to apply the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Directive, not to children in schools, but to adult inmates in jails. If an illegal-alien inmate simply claims eligibility, ICE is forced to release the alien back into the community. This includes serious criminals who have committed felonies, who have assaulted officers, and who prey on children…ICE officers should be required to place detainers on every illegal alien they encounter in jails and prisons, since these aliens not only violated immigration laws, but then went on to engage in activities that led to their arrest by police; ICE officers should be required to issue Notices to Appear to all illegal aliens with criminal convictions, DUI convictions, or a gang affiliation; ICE should be working with any state or local drug or gang task force that asks for such assistance.”
End birthright citizenship. This remains the biggest magnet for illegal immigration. By a 2:1 margin, voters say it’s the wrong policy, including Harry Reid who said “no sane country” would give automatic citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants.
Put American Workers First
Decades of disastrous trade deals and immigration policies have destroyed our middle class. Today, nearly 40% of black teenagers are unemployed. Nearly 30% of Hispanic teenagers are unemployed. For black Americans without high school diplomas, the bottom has fallen out: more than 70% were employed in 1960, compared to less than 40% in 2000. Across the economy, the percentage of adults in the labor force has collapsed to a level not experienced in generations. As CBS news wrote in a piece entitled “America’s incredible shrinking middle class”: “If the middle-class is the economic backbone of America, then the country is developing osteoporosis.”
The influx of foreign workers holds down salaries, keeps unemployment high, and makes it difficult for poor and working class Americans – including immigrants themselves and their children – to earn a middle class wage. Nearly half of all immigrants and their US-born children currently live in or near poverty, including more than 60 percent of Hispanic immigrants. Every year, we voluntarily admit another 2 million new immigrants, guest workers, refugees, and dependents, growing our existing all-time historic record population of 42 million immigrants. We need to control the admission of new low-earning workers in order to: help wages grow, get teenagers back to work, aid minorities’ rise into the middle class, help schools and communities falling behind, and to ensure our immigrant members of the national family become part of the American dream.
Additionally, we need to stop giving legal immigrant visas to people bent on causing us harm. From the 9/11 hijackers, to the Boston Bombers, and many others, our immigration system is being used to attack us. The President of the immigration caseworkers union declared in a statement on ISIS: “We’ve become the visa clearinghouse for the world.”
Here are some additional specific policy proposals for long-term reform:
Increase prevailing wage for H-1Bs. We graduate two times more Americans with STEM degrees each year than find STEM jobs, yet as much as two-thirds of entry-level hiring for IT jobs is accomplished through the H-1B program. More than half of H-1B visas are issued for the program’s lowest allowable wage level, and more than eighty percent for its bottom two. Raising the prevailing wage paid to H-1Bs will force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant workers in the U.S., instead of flying in cheaper workers from overseas. This will improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program. Mark Zuckerberg’s personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities.
Requirement to hire American workers first. Too many visas, like the H-1B, have no such requirement. In the year 2015, with 92 million Americans outside the workforce and incomes collapsing, we need companies to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed. Petitions for workers should be mailed to the unemployment office, not USCIS.
End welfare abuse. Applicants for entry to the United States should be required to certify that they can pay for their own housing, healthcare and other needs before coming to the U.S.
Jobs program for inner city youth. The J-1 visa jobs program for foreign youth will be terminated and replaced with a resume bank for inner city youth provided to all corporate subscribers to the J-1 visa program.
Refugee program for American children. Increase standards for the admission of refugees and asylum-seekers to crack down on abuses. Use the monies saved on expensive refugee programs to help place American children without parents in safer homes and communities, and to improve community safety in high crime neighborhoods in the United States.
Immigration moderation. Before any new green cards are issued to foreign workers abroad, there will be a pause where employers will have to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed immigrant and native workers. This will help reverse women’s plummeting workplace participation rate, grow wages, and allow record immigration levels to subside to more moderate historical averages.
V.A. Reforms:
Veterans Administration Reforms That Will Make America Great Again
The Goals Of Donald J. Trump’s Veterans Plan
The current state of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is absolutely unacceptable. Over 300,000 veterans died waiting for care. Corruption and incompetence were excused. Politicians in Washington have done too little too slowly to fix it. This situation can never happen again, and when Donald J. Trump is president, it will be fixed – fast.
The guiding principle of the Trump plan is ensuring veterans have convenient access to the best quality care. To further this principle, the Trump plan will decrease wait times, improve healthcare outcomes, and facilitate a seamless transition from service into civilian life.
The Trump Plan Will:
Ensure our veterans get the care they need wherever and whenever they need it. No more long drives. No more waiting for backlogs. No more excessive red tape. Just the care and support they earned with their service to our country.
Support the whole veteran, not just their physical health care, but also by addressing their invisible wounds, investing in our service members’ post-active duty success, transforming the VA to meet the needs of 21st century service members, and better meeting the needs of our female veterans.
Make the VA great again by firing the corrupt and incompetent VA executives who let our veterans down, by modernizing the VA, and by empowering the doctors and nurses to ensure our veterans receive the best care available in a timely manner.
The Trump Plan Gives Veterans The Freedom To Choose And Forces The VA To Compete For Their Dollars
Politicians in Washington have tried to fix the VA by holding hearings and blindly throwing money at the problem. None of it has worked. In fact, wait times were 50% higher this summer than they were a year ago. That’s because the VA lacks the right leadership and management. It’s time we stop trusting Washington politicians to fix the problems and empower our veterans to vote with their feet.
Under a Trump Administration, all veterans eligible for VA health care can bring their veteran’s ID card to any doctor or care facility that accepts Medicare to get the care they need immediately. Our veterans have earned the freedom to choose better or more convenient care from the doctor and facility of their choice. The power to choose will stop the wait time backlogs and force the VA to improve and compete if the department wants to keep receiving veterans’ healthcare dollars. The VA will become more responsive to veterans, develop more efficient systems, and improve the quality of care because it will have no other choice.
The Trump Plan Treats The Whole Veteran
We must care for the whole veteran, not just their physical health. We must recognize that today’s veterans have very different needs than those of the Greatest Generation.
The Trump Plan Will:
Increase funding for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury and suicide prevention services to address our veterans’ invisible wounds. Service members are five times more likely to develop depression than civilians. They are almost fifteen times more likely to develop PTSD than civilians. This funding will help provide more and better counseling and care. More funding will also support research on best practices and state of the art treatments to keep our veterans alive, healthy and whole. With these steps, the Trump plan will help the veteran community put the unnecessary stigma surrounding mental health behind them and instead encourage acceptance and treatment in our greater society.
Increase funding for job training and placement services (including incentives for companies hiring veterans), educational support and business loans. All Americans agree that we must do everything we can to help put our service men and women on a path to success as they leave active duty by collaborating with the many successful non-profit organizations that are already helping. Service members have learned valuable skills in the military but many need help understanding how to apply those skills in civilian life. Others know how to apply those skills but need help connecting with good jobs to support their families. Still others have an entrepreneurial spirit and are ready to start creating jobs and growing the economy. The Trump plan will strengthen existing programs or replace them with more effective ones to address these needs and to get our veterans working.
Transform the VA to meet the needs of 21st century service members. Today’s veterans have very different needs than those of the generations that came before them. The VA must adapt to meet the needs of this generation of younger, more diverse veterans. The Trump plan will expand VA services for female veterans and ensure the VA is providing the right support for this new generation of veterans.
Better support our women veterans. The fact that many VA hospitals don’t permanently staff OBGYN doctors shows an utter lack of respect for the growing number female veterans. Under the Trump plan, every VA hospital in the country will be fully equipped with OBGYN and other women’s health services. In addition, women veterans can always choose a different OBGYN in their community using their veteran’s ID card.
The Trump Plan Will Make The VA Great Again
The VA health care program is a disaster. Some candidates want to get rid of it, but our veterans need the VA to be there for them and their families. That’s why the Trump plan will:
Fire the corrupt and incompetent VA executives that let our veterans down. Under a Trump Administration, there will be no job security for VA executives that enabled or overlooked corruption and incompetence. They’re fired. New leadership will focus the VA staff on delivering timely, top quality care and other services to our nation’s veterans. Under a Trump Administration, exposing and addressing the VA’s inefficiencies and shortcomings will be rewarded, not punished.
End waste, fraud and abuse at the VA. The Trump plan will ensure the VA is spending its dollars wisely to provide the greatest impact for veterans and hold administrators accountable for irresponsible spending and abuse. The days of $6.3 million for statues and fountains at VA facilities and $300,000 for a manager to move 140 miles are over. The Trump plan will clean up the VA’s finances so the current VA budget provides more and better care than it does now.
Modernize the VA. A VA with 20th century technology cannot serve 21st century service members and their needs. The VA has been promising to modernize for years without real results. The Trump plan will make it happen by accelerating and expanding investments in state of the art technology to deliver best-in-class care quickly and effectively. All veterans should be able to conveniently schedule appointments, communicate with their doctors, and view accurate wait times with the push of a button.
Empower the caregivers to ensure our veterans receive quality care quickly. Caregivers should be able to easily streamline treatment plans across departments and utilize telehealth tools to better serve their patients. As we have seen from the private sector, the potential for new, innovative technology is endless. Abandoning the wasteful and archaic mindset of the public sector will give way to tremendously effective veteran healthcare.
Hire more veterans to care for veterans. The more veterans we have working at the VA, the better the VA will be. They understand the unique challenges facing their community. To increase the number of veterans hired by the VA, this plan will add an additional 5 points to the qualifying scores of veterans applying for VA jobs.
Embed satellite VA clinics in rural and other underserved areas. The Trump Administration will embed satellite VA clinics within hospitals and other care facilities in rural and other underserved areas. This step will ensure veterans have easy access to care and local hospitals and care facilities can handle the influx of patients without backlogs while tapping the specialized knowledge of VA health specialists.
The Tweets, news clips (interviews, stump speeches, etc) are first-person, Trump statements that were intended to let you know what he thinks about a particular issue. I don’t know what else would convince someone of what a person thinks than to hear it straight from them, stated in a public forum.
I laid out my facts, opinions and beg for you to change my mind.
You admitted you can not do it.
Can I use Mr. Pinko’s crystal ball that foretells the future?
He has already stated as “fact” that Cruz, if he wins the primary, will not win as he will not gain “one” crossover vote and Cruz cannot possibly win against Hillary Clinton.
Pure conjecture.
There are two ways to elevate yourself or your republican candidate.
1. Articulate your issues and positions effectively with facts and adherence to American Constitutional Principles.
2. Try to cast doubt upon and tear down opponents of the same party to make it appear you or your candidate is elevated.
RINOs Boehner and McCONnel subscribe to number two. They have lied and torn the party apart.
All is not fair in Love, War or Politics. Especially when Mr. Pinko ,with his crystal ball, already knows Trump’s (and I guess Hillary’s) strategy to win the primary and the general election.
Heck, he’s already told us Trumps’s gonna win. the general election. Where’s the suspense now? Kill Joy !
I can’t compete without a crystal ball. So I’ll not try to convince you to understand or believe what is in my heart and head that leads me to Cruz.
Both are good men and worthy of consideration.
May the better man win. When the candidate has been chosen, and “if” it is Mr. Trump, I will be extremely pleased and honored to support and vote for him.
Until then, respect my right to not be accused of being scared of supporting anyone other than the candidate I have chosen to support. It just reminds me of #2 above. Fear isn’t in the equation, unless you want to talk about the militarized DHS, DOJ, IRS, FBI, ATF and the other rogue federal agencies.
Onward to the primary.
Trumps in the service industry which has an economic multiplier of 1.2 after you strip away corporate administration. Manufacturing’s multiplier is 1 to 1.5. That’s supply chain I case you don’t get it. Manufacturing is typically 24% of GDP. Currently it 8%. Reagan understood this a ramped manufacturing through defense spending as soon as he was sworn in. Trickle down. What’s Trump been saying? Trump gets it. I know AA gets this and can vouch.
And that’s one of my points. Cruz does not get the cross-over support Trump gets. Trump has made promises that I’d like to see him keep. This time I’ll give a non-politician the chance because I’m done with career politician’s games.
I understand that. SCOTUS – He’d be great. He may even be a great Presy. He just cannot win. Carson people will take away votes from him because Carson also seems to be a sincere God fearing/loving man. If there were just 4 left in the running, people who are total values voters split, leaving Jebbie and Trump to divide up the leftovers. How can one of the top 3 minus Jebbie get the nomination. Don’t know if this makes sense or not, but am short of mental oxygen now.
If you get Cruz nominated in the primary – you will get President Hillary Clinton.
Common sense logic says so.
Reagan was an anomaly in 1981. This is not 1981. No one knows who Ted Cruz is and those who do say “ain’t that the guy who shut the government down”. Ted Cruz can not capture NOT ONE crossover vote. The media will CRUSH Cruz.
Trump is a name brand. Trump will receive cross-over votes. Trump OWNS the media.
I’m not sure who you’re addressing here, but yea I made it personal not him and not just on this thread for the reasons I’ve stated. I’ll shut up now.
This is how the American public are going to be introduced to Cruz by the media.
Excellent comment.
“respect my right to not be accused of being scared of supporting anyone other than the candidate I have chosen to support.”
Thank you.
Not being a smart alec Claudia. I must have missed those posts. Please reiterate how Cruz can beat Shrillary. TY
One thing I know for sure is that a number of people who aren’t dunces, but have their hands full with work, kids, etc. didn’t know who Cruz was when I mentioned that I had picked my top three, and Cruz was one of them. They knew who Trump was, and not because of his TV show. These people don’t have time for TV.
Trump stated loudly that Common Core will be gone, and that education belongs on the local & state level. I may have missed it, or the media didn’t report it, but did Cruz make any statements about education needing to be overseen on the local lever?
I’ve posted a DIRECT comparison video of the two candidates answering one immigration question. I haven’t heard your thoughts on the comparison of the two?
Not only that — and it will be necessary spending rather than “Silly Season” spending of billions of tax dollars on overpriced fountains, office furniture and posh seminars for postal workers. I just read a brief piece that our military is now sitting at about pre-WWII strength. If Korea, China or even Russia wanted to take us out, now would be the time to try. Andrew McCarthy has been warning about this for at least the last three years.
Those who oppose Trump mock him by saying that he expects to make up our 20 trillions dollar budget deficit by saving money on “fraud, waste and abuse”. That’s a flat-out lie, of course. However, if one looks at the numbers for those three things, it’s a sizable portion of our annual budget, something like 8-10 percent! I’m using the term “budget” loosely since, as we all know, we don’t actually have one.
And how does he save that money? Glad you asked! He’ll have to know what the real spending requirements are, won’t he? And when he knows that, he’ll also know that there are multiples of multiples of gov’t agencies all trying to do the same job. Upwards of nearly 200 separate agencies, for example, providing “outreach” to homeless people. And that’s not the half of it.
He’s focused, he’s angry at the stupid waste, and he’s hell bent on fixing it. Fixing it is his stated goal. His foremost goal. That’s what he’s running on. I have no doubt whatsoever he will accomplish that.
“Especially when Mr. Pinko ,with his crystal ball, already knows Trump’s (and I guess Hillary’s) strategy to win the primary and the general election.
Heck, he’s already told us Trumps’s gonna win. the general election.”
Never said that. And if that was the case, I wouldn’t be wasting my time here now.
cato – convince me to drop my support for Trump and support Cruz.
We used to be a strategic supplier to RMS (you figure it out). Top secret shit. NLOS, Small Diameter Bomb.ittle known fact is these Defence Contractors finance this R and D on their own in hopes the DOD picks their shit. Brilliant people, tuff game.
I’m new here but I am going weigh in on the Cruz beat the Texas system. yeap Texans got fed up & much of the money raised to take on the Texas machine was small donations from grassroot teapartiers. ted is raising BANK & it ain’t grassroots this go round. “ya gotta dance wid who brung ya” ted’s dance card looks VASTLY different in his bid for the presidency than texas senator. i will go out on another limb here, I’d be very surprised if he got Palins endorsement this go round.
AA, Yes very necessary. It’s incredibly just like the end of Carter. Hopefully our Armadillo roping freinds wise TFU. You know, actually I think AWD is no Cruz fan. I could be wrong, very seldom am. Let’s get his opinion.
Meant obama-light as in skin.
insanity is doing the same thing over & over & expecting different results. this go round we have a shot to do something very different from the connected status quo. we can beat the machine by nominating the OUTSIDER FINANCING HIS OWN CAMPAIGN. the guy who has called out PACS & instructed his lawyers to tell the ones set up for him he does not want the money & to RETURN IT TO THE DONORS. we have an American success story who is coming to Washington to SERVE, not taking the presidential salary & from the sounds of it, those in his cabinet won’t be either. we got a chance to vote for a successful business man who got that way by NOT spending money foolishly. when Trump announced I got excited & when the crap started going down, loyalty pledge, the shitty questions, all of it my ADMIRATION only increased. i am a PROUD Trump supporter & will never hold my nose again. the choice is that clear to me. after 2014 this is a GIFT.
furthermore, first time on a debate stage, the OUTSIDER held up his hand against the machine. that took guts, but WHY didn’t anybody elses hand go up to NOT support the nominee? it was not a TRICK QUESTION & anti establishment candidates should have raised their damn hand.
Glad you said GIFT Sally. I’ve been thinking exactly that for several hours. People are looking for a savior, but looking past the one who can get it done.
If you’re working as a garbage engineer in the middle of no where you probably don’t have a good grip on the Silicoln Valley economy. An unlimited money stream that managed right could drop China to it’s knees. If you’re delivering milk for a living in Lubock, get a fucking clue. Sorry Pinko, now I’ll shut up. Hey, you knew I was an asshole. LOL
Crystal ball? pure conjecture?
Dispute this:
Cruz can only get Republican/Conservative votes and let’s be generous and give him half the Independents. Doesn’t get him over the finish line.
Trump receives the same votes (minus yours?) plus the cross-over Dem vote. The Reagan Democrats. Private sector Unions.
Trump has a better shot at winning.
Whole new respect for you gurl. You know you’re stuff. 1,000 TU’s
I don’t know if you calc’d it in to your estimates, but he also gets at least 25% of the black vote (that was the polling number from September), and a very large portion of the Hispanic vote (I don’t have a number at hand, but remember George Wills’ comment from a few weeks ago). And that’s before any real door-belling in these constituencies has begun.
It’s all those Hillsdale online courses. Those and the Evelyn Woodhead Sped Redin course.
(As you know, Trump has tapped into the visionary, the optimist, the can-do, will-do, “pull up your damn socks and soldier on!” will of those who share the unique spirit of original Americanism. It’s a faithful pragmatism that doesn’t cut the important corners, leaving intact the tenets of fair play, moral uprightness, but tough-as-nails grit that made the U.S. the leader of the free world and won’t give up the ship. You have it, too.)
It’s a disease inherited from our parents. As you, I don’t know how to quit or how to give up or how to back up. Values that no longer mean anything. OK now I’ll shut up. LOL
“if” Trump wins the Primary, He has my absolute support and vote. He has to get past the primary first.
Many of us come to conclusions and make choices based upon our knowledge, experience and life experiences. Some of my conclusions are similar with others, some are not.
I have no desire to question or convince you that your decision is less than the one I chose. Whether it be good, bad or indifferent. It’s you choice, I respect that.
My opinion is mine and mine alone, and I’m not out to convince anyone to follow any candidate.
Who you support and what you do makes no difference to me nor will it sway my support from Ted Cruz in the primary. I support Cruz based upon deeply held beliefs
I suspect you support Trumps in the same terms. No matter what I say or do makes no difference to you. Elevate your candidate by hard work versus tearing down good honorable men of equal stature with Mr. Trump.
So rather than participate in mental masturbation of who may vote for whom in the general election, as I mentioned, let’s see how the primary works out.
Now you’re just getting nasty, AA. Magnum has been more than polite throughout all of this, hanging in while the rest of us have had enough. People are entitled to their opinions without having to explain them to YOU. I’ve been watching this over the last several days is it is getting to be like whack-a-mole. Every time someone speaks out for Cruz, all the Trump supporters come out and whack them down. Someone else tries it – same thing. I for one am done. You can call me names and tell me I don’t know anything, but really, all the things you guys have been saying are just opinions as well.
BTW – are you Stella?
Thank you, Cato. Well said.
Still being nasty.
Well some of your devotees here sure have. To your credit you haven’t sworn at anyone or called them names yet. Thanks for that.
Yeah, AA – you have sure shown some fair play and moral uprightness here tonight.
Riverlife Cali, if you have a point to prove or a concern about Trump I will gladly listen. You’ve always been a logical straight up reader here and know you won’t rely on a as posts to support you’re position. Respectfully, let’s hear it.
Bad_Brad – this is in reply to your question below that didn’t have a reply button option.
I would just make the points that I have made before and that other Cruz supporters have made. I believe he is a brilliant constitutionalist, who loves this country and wants to make it better for his children and for all of us. The media has been marginalizing and/or ignoring him for years. I suppose this feeds into Mr. Pinko’s argument and he wouldn’t be able to win crossover votes. Maybe, maybe not. I personally believe that the American people are decent and can recognize decency and brilliance and good intentions. Maybe I’m wrong.
I’ve been coming here a long time, as you point out and sometimes I agree with you and sometimes I disagree with you (and same is true for you, I’m sure). But the people here have always been able to disagree for the most part without attacking others. I’m seeing that changing, like I saw it change at Legal Insurrection (interestingly enough, in reverse. Most there are Cruz supporters, and Trump supporters get bashed). I didn’t like it there and I don’t like it here.
We have loyal readers like me, and Claudia and Magnum who dare to disagree now, and we are getting hammered, while someone named Sally Forth who I never saw here before a couple days ago, is now everyone’s best friend, because he/she/it is for Trump.
I don’t know if I answered your question or not. I’m pretty upset right now. It makes me want to NOT support Trump just because of the vehemence of some of his supporters (like Ron Paul supporters). I get that everyone is enthusiastic, but really, could I post or say anything that would 100% convince you? Everything people have been saying is about Trump is only opinion. No one has proof of anything. Same is true for Cruz supporters – I can’t prove anything to you. I guess my biggest problem with Trump is that he is a playa. Sure he could get some things done, but how could you know when he’s telling you the truth? All I can go on is history, and his history to me doesn’t look all that conservative.
Anyway, this is probably both more than, and not, what you asked. Sorry. I have to calm down and think about what has been happening here.
“Well some of your devotees here sure have.”
Can’t blame them when you bait them. Where have I made this personal?
I really want to be convinced to join Team Cruz but no one has come up with a great argument other than Cruz’s conservative values which I totally admire and he won a Senate seat in a red state. That’s not good enough to win a Presidential election.
Trump is conservative enough for me, has cross-over support, owns the media, has name recognition brand and is an extremely successful businessman. Trump is self financed and can’t be bought.
Cruz is conservative enough for me, has no cross-over appeal, the media HATES him, no name recognition and I haven’t a clue about his CEO resume’. Senators have the easiest job in the house – they thumb up or thumb down policy. Cruz is beholden to donors and super-pacs.
Prove me wrong. 😉
Excuse me? I’ve baited them?
“we are getting hammered”
Nobody is personally hammering YOU. The hammering you’re getting is your inability to convince us that Ted Cruz can win a Presidential election.
“It makes me want to NOT support Trump just because of the vehemence of some of his supporters (like Ron Paul supporters).”
And you are not being vehement about Cruz? Works both ways.
cato, I’ve been following the Cruz/Trump threads. I didn’t see anyone tearing Cruz down. I may have come the closest by saying that I became leery of a few Cruz things. The conversation has been geared to coax people to support the primary candidate who can beat Shillary and why your candidate has a better chance at that. Unfortunately I’m seeing some hurt feelings and that’s sad because we are all rooting for America.
Mr. Pinko – I can’t convince you that Ted Cruz can win. All I can say is that I will support him unless is he no longer in the race or he does something that changes my mind.
The biggest part of your argument seems to be that Trump can win – not that he’s conservative. Let’s say you’re right. So now we’ve got a life-long Democrat, Clinton supporter, pro-abortion guy in the White House. How does that make us better off?
I don’t think you can possibly say I have been as vehement about Cruz and you guys have been about Trump. Stubborn? Maybe. But not vehement. I’m just not convinced that Trump is what the country needs. If he does all the things that he is saying he will do, then yay! Go Trump. When’s the last time you’ve seen that happen?
I’m getting nasty? That’s rich. Magnum is the one who began the other day by asking a “Serious Question for Trump Supporters” with a hit piece from RedState, which opened by stating that Trump supporters were drooling zombies. If that isn’t nasty, then I guess things have been turned on their head, in which case someone should have said that we are debating by Progressive rules which hold that up is down, right is wrong, and Cruz supporters can imply that everyone else is nuts, but they are not. All without giving any substantive reason (except that he won an election during a Tea Party-dominated election cycle) for his winning the 2016 GE.
It has been stated six ways to Sunday that this is not a debate between the two candidates, but rather a debate of which of them has a greater chance of vanquishing Clinton, specifically, or any other Democrat candidate. Despite the clarity of that, Magnum and others keep wanting to make it a debate between Trump and Cruz.
We’ve read many comments that state personal reasons for liking Cruz and it’s been stated time and again that we ALL LIKE CRUZ!! But Mr. Pinko’s question wasn’t “Do you like Senator Cruz?”
Go “be done”, then. I honestly don’t see where you were ever started in debating the actual question. And if it makes you feel better to call me “nasty”, I hope it helps you. Truly. I can’t help but notice that yesterday you were “disappointed” with me over something that, as it turned out, was your own reading error. So draw up your skirts, Riverlife, and cross the street if you must because unless I’m actually wrong about something, I’m not backing down.
Riverlife Callie: I could not reply to your comments above because of the “reply” situation.
You wrote: Yeah, AA – you have sure shown some fair play and moral uprightness here tonight.”
You are absolutely right. I did not show moral uprightness in my response to Magnum. I let him get the better of me and for that I apologize to any and all. You are wrong on the “fair play” part, however. Magnum resorted to an underhanded dirty trick by directly accusing me of basically being a stupid mouth-breather whose only mental rumblings must have come from another blogger. For years we (all of us) have written and talked about how the left uses that tactic to shut down their opponent’s honest rebuttal and it didn’t take long for Magnum to go for the throat with that very tactic. I believe that requires a harsh response. That’s fair.
And since you bring into play the idea of being “hammered on” by others, I would like to point out that you can not make a personal claim there. On the other hand, Magnum did, by way of his posted Redstate article, charge Trump supporters with being drooling idiots. And, just above, you comment about Trump’s supporters being like Ron Paul supporters. I have never used that tactic against a Cruz supporter. I’ve never even called a Cruz supporter a “fan” — a term I don’t find offensive, but seems to be verboten here.
Yesterday, you said you were “disappointed” with me over something you THOUGHT I wrote and it turned out you hadn’t read my entire comment. The picture has become quite clear to me now.
Thank you for finally saying that you cannot make an argument for Cruz’s success in the GE. I appreciate your honesty. It doesn’t make me gleeful. Like others here and all over the blogosphere, I thought Trump would be the roo-bar who would clear the tracks for Cruz. In fact, I thought their meeting in NY might be part of putting together such a pact. Who knows? Maybe it was. Whether it was or wasn’t is now immaterial.
Mr. Pinko’s question is an important and valid one, and my take-away from this particular back-and-forth on the subject is that there are some Cruz supporters who will vote for Trump if he gets the nomination, but for the most part they will only support Cruz as the nominee even in the face of evidence that he will not receive the nomination. Additionally, there are Cruz supporters who will only support Cruz. Period. Even if it is clear he cannot win the GE, they feel the country needs a God-fearing, conservative as president. Period. And finally, even if Trump gets the nomination, there are Cruz supporters who will not vote for him because they think he is not conservative — or conservative enough — or because they think he is dishonest.
Let me explain what”s happened here. You and Claudia are getting caught in the crossfire. You guys stated your position and I’m good with that’s even though I disagree. However there’s a couple “fanatics” that are linking and referencing total lies and hit pieces on Trump . Case in point, some idjut the other day claimed Trump was un electable because “he was too nice”. Im sure Mark Stien would be amused. When some of us hear stuff like that it puts us on the offensive and the debate is over.
I have no problem with your opinion on Cruze. You stated your position, stuck to the facts. We’re good. My previous comments were not directed at you or Claudia and more importantly feel that we could actually have a meaningful conversation.
Riverlife: Who is Stella?
No worse than what you have said to me hypocrite.
I second Abby’s emotion.
You all realize, of course, that ARGUING over the future is dumber than arguing over the past.
We live in a dynamic universe with an infinite number of variables to solve an infinite number of equations until we reach the ONLY poll which matters – the election.
What I don’t get is the need to denigrate Cruz to support Trump. You almost exclusively single out Cruz. What about Carson? He is Trumps biggest threat right now. What is it about Cruz that scares you so much? Also, more than a year out and not one single primary held yet and you start bashing other conservatives. Please promote Trump 24/7, just try doing it without denigrating others. As you can see in the comments, instead of pulling the readers together, you have them at each others throats. That is not the way to organize a victory.
“What I don’t get is the need to denigrate Cruz to support Trump.”
I think you have that bass akwards.
I’m a big supporter of Cruz, it’s just that I want a winner and refuse to allow the “Nattering nabobs of negativism” to influence my support.
I once said I would primary for Cruz, but over all, I am a pragmatist.
We, conservatives, need a winner. No matter how you slice, chop or dice him, Trump is a proven winner.
well imo it is a GIFT. this will probably raise some eyebrows, ire but it is how I SEE IT, Trump reminds me of our Founders, he answers the CALL, he rises to the CHALLENGES, he is not doing if for money or power. (he is not taking a dime of pay) he loves capitalism & making money, he is a NATIONALIST vs GLOBALIST. why people think this is just another election cycle is way beyond me, that those who would support the party nominee by not raising their hand is very TELLING. at this pt i like to refer them back to 08, 10.12 & the “sweeping wins” of 2014. this is the LAST SHOT TO TAKE IT BACK PERIOD we mess it up at our own PERIL.
surely you have heard that history repeats its self? sorry this election cycle, caucus is much more important than the election.
Mr. Pinko, do you have a link on the specifics of Trumps Beautiful wall with a big Beautiful door? I can’t find one. He did say in a speech that his wall would be 1,000 miles long, yet our boarder is said to be almost 2,000 miles. That “2,000” miles is a straight line drawn on paper, however the Rio Grande does not follow that path. The Rio Grand is 1,900 miles long as it snakes it’s way through (mostly) Texas. Will Texas get a wall? If so what side of the river and many lakes of the Rio Grande? Is Trump gonna get Mexico to build it on their side? One of the dirty little secrets about the “Wall” is that it is a geographic near impossibility to build. That is why his “wall” promise does not impress me.
perhaps I should not say this as I am the new kid on the block but do NOT let POLITICAL CORRECTNESS & personal feelings stop the debate here. DEBATE IS HEALTHY whether you call me a scumbag or not! ;~)
@Sally Forth, Please comment away! I am all for robust and healthy debate, it’s the conservative bashing I don’t like.
So, Ted is not a winner, therefore he is a loser? Or is Ted a winner just not as big a winner?
Brad – thank you for your response to what I wrote. I tried to answer your question as honestly as I could. I think there is a lot of truth in what you said about us getting caught in the crossfire and hope that when everything calms down there are no hard feelings.
I don’t know the answer to why Cruz, maybe because so far no Carson supporters have entered into the discussion. For all we know IOTWR may be populated by Carson people! Wouldn’t that be a pip?
It’s too bad , I think, that debating specific points of electability is construed as denigrating; either to Cruz or his supporters. And that is all Mr. Pinko has asked. And when he and others rebut the statements, instead of rebutting the rebuttal, he and others are accused of “hammering” on the Cruz supporter. Even in your own questions just now, you characterize Pinko as being fearful of Cruz. After two days and dozens of statements from Pinko, do you really think he is afraid of him? I think that statement is a good example of the dynamic between Trump and Cruz people. I find it disingenuous and oblique, putting it mildly.
All the best to you.
I guess “bashing” depends on whose ox is getting gored, eh?
From Mr. P
-Cruz has NO CHANCE in hell of winning a general election.
-If you get Cruz nominated in the primary – you will get President Hillary Clinton.
-This is how the American public are going to be introduced to Cruz by the media.
criticize unfairly; disparage:
I can think for myself, thank you, pleas refrain from attempting to put words in another’s mouth.
Ah, the pleasure of a simple, direct and accurate sentence!
Lordy! Yes, I see your point. I’m blind as a bat!!
Now, disregarding the fiery delivery, can you please (and I mean that with all sincerity) provide your own rebuttal to those declarations? Because if you can do that with enough persuasiveness, I’m back on board with Cruz. And I mean that, Menderman.
How does one rebut opinion statements except with other opinion statements?
I believe Cruz can and will win against Hillary or Bernie. Cruz has laid out specifics I and many others like.
There is a large contingent of rabidly ant-Trumpsters that vow to stay home should Trump get the nod. Cruz gets the base, Trump does not. Trump gets the crossovers, Cruz does not. That is a toss up as to which is better.
And crucified by the media? They would crucify anything running against Hillary, and why is that a bad thing?
You’re right, there are no (to my knowledge) designs or blueprints for the wall Donald Trump is talking about. There are lots and lots of parody walls which are very unflattering.
But, from what I can gather it will not be a virtual wall like the one Boeing spent a couple billion planning, but not building — under Janet Napalitano’s DHS.
Trump has said in his many speeches that he realizes that there are geographic obstacles that will be considered, so your thoughts that he may be thinking of the wall as a continuous object are incorrect. He also has said that there are now in place natural geographic barriers in which adding a wall is impractical, unnecessary or nonsensical. As a builder of large-scale structures, often involving zoning, physical barriers, etc., I’d be surprised if he was naive about the challenges to building a superstructure like a border security wall. Even if he, personally, has not had the experience in such a large project, he most certainly travels in a circle of people who have. He speaks confidently of other such projects like China’s ocean islands for offshore airports and the like.
As far as paying for it, his strategy is to address the trade imbalance between the U.S. and Mexico, as well as the U.S. tax dollars given to Mexico in the form of aid. If his figures are correct — and I have no reason to suspect they aren’t — by evening up the imbalance (fare trade/smart trade), Mexico can pay for the wall many times over in just the trade deficit that exists in a single year. Trump plans to milk the sacred cow of bad foreign trade agreements fostered by those crony capitalists who have much to lose if they are tinkered with. Oh, the humanity!!
I’d encourage you to listen to some of his recent speeches to get a better idea of what he has in mind. I hope this is helpful.
Uh oh. Please be careful with that, Mr. M. You seem to be implying that Trump supporters are not conservatives. I don’t think you were being intentional here, but I hope I do not have to start proving my conservative cred, too.
Need I remind you the title of this thread?
“Mr. Pinko: Why are some Conservatives afraid to elect Trump?”
And no, Trump is not a Conservative. Not my definition anyway.
Most illegals get here through the big Beautiful doors. More walls won’t solve that problem.
No, I do not need reminding. But Mr. Pinko is not calling into question those support Trump, either.
You know, at your remark that Trump is not a conservative I almost reflexively agreed with you. But having been a dimbulb Democrat myself, I’m not so sure I agree with your comment now. I don’t know your political background but I do know very well a number of very smart people who figured out, once they became politically active, that they were conditioned to vote Democrat for some very vague reasons. I was one of them. When i voted at all. So, I’m generously willing to think, at least until he blows my mind with something truly heinous, that Trump has been going through the same process for a couple of years. Of course his travels will be different than mine and many others — he has had a business fortune to protect and has been in a position to hold political sway. I have not.
But hey! Trump or Cruz or both could implode, Rubio could take the lead and this is all chaff in the wind, right?
Trump is conservative enough and the candidate that can win.
It’s either “lose with Cruz” or “win with Trump”.
I don’t understand your apparent resistance to a border wall. Are you saying it should not be built?
Of course there are a number of other ways in which illegal immigration can/should be met. The wall is just one and I know Trump has talked about those things as well.
You seem to be mocking the idea of building a wall. Why?
Please site an example of “conservative bashing”?
So you’re perfectly fine with a wide open border?
Have you read the comments on this thread?
Trump is not a one trick pony on Immigration.

A GREAT BIG WALL will be built to KEEP OUT the garbage that keeps easily COMING BACK after being deported.
This will also have a positive side effect – stop the drain on sucking the life out of us and GROW OUR ECONOMY.
Why is there so much PUSH BACK on the MOST CONSERVATIVE issues Trump will help on?
You are still willing to accept politician’s promises after the Republican Congress/Senate failed us?
So you agree with Democrats that the border can not be sealed?
Please copy an paste an example of “conservative bashing”?
Why do you lump Cruz in with the establishment when we all know that is not the case?
And Trump cannot build a wall nor deport anybody without others involved. I fear that he believes he can bully congress, and that is a dangerous thing to think.
Uh Oh!
You’re mistaking PRAGMATISM with “bashing” or “denigration”
“Why do you lump Cruz in with the establishment when we all know that is not the case?”
WE know it. The country doesn’t know it. Unfortunately, when the party (politicians) as a whole fucks up, you get the blame too. Collateral damage. And Cruz, unfortunately, becomes un-electable because the LO-FO sees him as part of the problem. The media has done a fantastic job of knee-capping Cruz. Trump owns the media and he’s an outsider.
“And Trump cannot build a wall nor deport anybody without others involved. I fear that he believes he can bully congress, and that is a dangerous thing to think.”
Then please tell me how a President Cruz gets his agenda done, if President Trump can not do it?
No. That’s almost like a CNBC debate question to get me into a screaming match with others rather than staying on topic. I see it, and if you don’t, so be it.
Just like you feel it in your heart that Trump can get things done, I feel the same about Cruz. Neither of us can “prove” that so why waste time on that? And need I remind you, the left hates rich people! Trump may get some crossover votes, but Cruz gets the base that Trump cannot get. They both have negatives and positives, but you repeatedly single out Cruz as a problem for Trump. What is it about Cruz that worries you so much?
“If somehow Trump can get into the White House, he will have both parties trying to stop him.”
If somehow Cruz can get into the White House, he will have both parties trying to stop him.
” but Cruz gets the base that Trump cannot get”
I could be wrong, but I think that’s exactly what Mr. Pinko has been digging at. Why? If Trump does get the nomination, which he will, is the base willing to put the final nail in the coffin of our country by not voting for the guy. Seems almost treasonous.
If you can not convince me that Cruz is a winnable candidate then you have no chance with lo-fo voters.
Many are saying they will sit out the election. Trump is a Yuge embarrassment to many and they will have no part in putting him in as an R. If he wins the nomination, but I plan to vote Cruz in my March Primary.
Cruz breaks into third place stalking Trump in Iowa!
Not a thing in my heart convinced me that Trump can get things done. Nadda.
I had to listen to him, look at his personal accomplishments (extraordinary, BTW), look at why and how he does what he does and only then was I convinced. Oh, that and his unprecedented polling numbers. No hearts involved until only recently.
cato – you still haven’t laid out a theory based on facts of how Cruz gets to the White House?
If you can do that convincingly enough I’m on Team Cruz.
Well than lets hope the 25% of the black vote that Trump has and the cross overs will get him in office. Have you checked the pole numbers lately? I know lots of people that won’t even listen to Cruz because they hate his speech pattern. I don’t think Cruz gets much farther than he is right now in the polls. He had a good showing in the last debate. No bounce.
I really want to be convinced to join Team Cruz but no one has come up with a great argument other than Cruz’s conservative values which I totally admire and he won a Senate seat in a red state. That’s not good enough to win a Presidential election.
Trump is conservative enough for me, has cross-over support, owns the media, has name recognition brand and is an extremely successful businessman. Trump is self financed and can’t be bought.
Cruz is conservative enough for me, has no cross-over appeal, the media HATES him, no name recognition and I haven’t a clue about his CEO resume’. Senators have the easiest job in the house – they thumb up or thumb down policy. Cruz is beholden to donors and super-pacs.
Prove me wrong.
Respectfully disagree – we’re arguing the shape of our future.
The final four of the GOP election.
Carson is the Herman Cain cycle. A fad. And the media and the GOP will use him to try and knock Trump down to get Bush or now Rubio in.

That’s why we need to coalesce around Trump if you don’t want the same old shit happening! (Charlie Brown football syndrome)
Trump proves he can get things done. Cruz has UNFORTUNATELY failed in the Senate and has been demonized by McConnell and crew! (and the media)
“What is it about Cruz that worries you so much?”
HE SPLITS THE VOTE for Bush or Rubio to win!!!
Cruz SPLITS the vote for a Bush or Rubio win. Trump is your only hope at stopping the G.O.P.e
Answer this:
Trump or Rubio?
Trump or Carson?
Trump or Bush?
Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio consolidating their wings of the GOP.
“Mr. Pinko, do you have a link on the specifics of Trumps Beautiful wall with a big Beautiful door?”

I’m reminded almost every day what Trump is capable of building! If he says he can build it, he can.
If he can build this upwards – he can build it sideways. 😉
Being demonized by McConnell is a yuge plus! Also, McConnell is the reason for any perceived failure.
I see Trump as the vote splitter or as I see it, vote taker. If Trump were to implode somehow, I believe Cruz would be 1 or 2 right now. Him and Carson seem to be the truest conservatives in the race, and I believe the voters want a true conservative. I still have an open mind on Trump, but remain very cautious based on his not so distant past (and a recent) positions.
I dunno, doesn’t look to good to me.
If we’re arguing FOR a particular future, yes, the argument is valid. If we’re arguing how that future is going to turn out, we’re wasting our words.
“Cruz has NO CHANCE in hell of winning a general election.”
Read my article why? –
-“If you get Cruz nominated in the primary – you will get President Hillary Clinton.”
Read my article why? –
-“This is how the American public are going to be introduced to Cruz by the media.
I backed up my “denigration” with facts. Where is your rebuttal with FACTS?
Trump, Carson, Trump.
Cruz would do this country more good as a Supreme Court Justice than as President.
Menderman wrote: “I believe Cruz can and will win against Hillary or Bernie. Cruz has laid out specifics I and many others like.”
Break down how the country is going to vote.
Does Cruz receive ANY Democrat votes?
Does Trump receive ANY Democrat votes?
Your “facts” are mostly your opinions with the exception of H-1B and TPP .
My facts:
Cruz vows to abolish the IRS
Cruz vows to repeal every word of Obamacare.
Cruz vows to work with congress to end illegal immigration. not act unilaterally.
BTW, after Cruz shut down the government, republicans won in a landslide! Seems like the voters were not as upset about that as the media.
@Menderman – Why Carson over Trump?
I will NEVER pull for a candidate based on how many of my enemies vote he can get. I want a candidate that vows to destroy the enemy! (politically speaking, obviously) The fact that some democrats may vote for Trump is NOT a plus in my book!
Trump or Rubio?
Trump or Carson?
Trump or Bush?
If there was no Trump you’d be getting JEB right now!
Carson is a conservative, Trump is not.
Reagan Democrats are an enemy?
Carson grew up a Democrat and was registered Independent up until 2014
Reagan democrats? Aren’t most of them registered in Chicago now?
“Carson grew up a Democrat and was registered Independent up until 2014”
Ted Cruz: Solving problems left and right!
Tax reformists praise Cruz plan!
Ted Cruz rockets up with Gold and a Flat tax.
Exactly, “…this is the LAST SHOT TO TAKE IT BACK PERIOD we mess it up at our own PERIL.”
I have no doubt that sincere people who are for candidates other than Trump do not realize this, nor do they realize that their candidates actually know this.
Those candidates know that Trump should get the nomination because of his ability to coalesce diverse peoples and his name recognition. He is so close to most of them in ideology.
This makes me extremely skeptical of the sincerity of those running against him. What is in it for them, to whom do they owe what? Are their egos just bigger than Trump’s ego? Drop out of the race already.
Yet you’ll vote for Trump over Rubio or Bush. 😉
Ex Bush advisor says “my money is on Cruz”
@ Magnum
Trump or Jeb Bush?
Yes. I am not pulling for him, but I will pull the lever for him, with nose pinched closed.
Don’t know if what I’m doing is ok or not, but am repeating my answer to Sally from WAY up above in this thread. I fear it’s “lost” and I would like an answer.
Exactly, “…this is the LAST SHOT TO TAKE IT BACK PERIOD we mess it up at our own PERIL.”
I have no doubt that sincere people who are for candidates other than Trump do not realize this, nor do they realize that their candidates actually know this.
Those candidates know that Trump should get the nomination because of his ability to coalesce diverse peoples and his name recognition. He is so close to most of them in ideology.
This makes me extremely skeptical of the sincerity of those running against him. What is in it for them, to whom do they owe what? Are their egos just bigger than Trump’s ego? Drop out of the race already.”
Menderman – Are you AGAINST any candidate that wants to work with Democrats in “bipartisanship”?
No. Sadly, we will never have a super-majority in both houses of congress, so some measure of “bi-partisanship” is required.
You must mean Trump or Rubio. That contrived gig between Rubio and Bush was designed for Jebbie to take the fall to show Rubio as having testosterone.
Yes, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin): “History always repeats – first time as tragedy, second time as farce.”
Hypothetical: If someone wants you dead, and you don’t want to be dead, how’s the “bipartisanship” come into play?
Is it “bipartisan” for two wolves and a sheep to vote on dinner? To come to a compromise?
The wolves can only eat one of the sheep’s hind legs?
Listen to Sen. Ted Cruz’s plan FOR BIPARTISANSHIP agreement on Illegal Immigration. Then listen to Trump’s plan.
I’m asking Magnum
Trump or Bush?
haha. As I heard it, “A Democracy is four lions and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner.”
Magnum – you can cheer lead for your candidate all you want.
I want to know SPECIFICALLY how Cruz beats Hillary Clinton in the general election? Break down the numbers for me.
Democracy is the means by which those who adore authority & crave the security of servitude can use their superior numbers to enslave those that strive to be free.
We were founded as a Republic – and, as an old Roman put it – “if you can keep it.”
“Carson is a conservative, Trump is not.”
What does that have to do with the question – “how does Cruz beat Hillary” opposed to “Trump beating Hillary”?
I’m talking about our chances in the general election. Why split the vote away from Trump who can win the election?
So you’re saying Cruz supporters will not support Trump if nominated?
But you can count on Trump supporters to support Cruz?
Who are more pragmatic? Trump supporters or Cruz supporters?
well i would bet odds the “candidates” are there at behest of the PARTY, the same party that instructed the question will you support the “nominee” with a show of hands & then extracted the “loyalty’ pledge. i would bet odds that pay off is sitting in an off shore account paid for by the globalists that want amnesty so bad they would pay anything for it. i would bet odds everyone was laughing to the bank TILL Trump threw a monkey wrench in the best laid plans of RATS. after 2014 & KNOWING the party abandoned US & holding my nose for the previous two party picks when Trump announced I got downright giddy with the prospect of a CHOICE do I want America great again or do i want our country looking like a 3rd world shithole? to me the answer was obvious, Trump is a gift that keeps on giving & the man has yet to disappoint me PERIOD I could go on ad nauseum BUT imho people better figure out that the PARTY is up to no good & is not serving the base; they are serving CORPORATE MASTERS hellbent on creating two classes & it is them vs US.
So you’re saying the Republican/Conservative voters will sit on their hands if their guy does not get in?
Walker supporters are now not voting for anyone else?
Perry supporters are now not voting for anyone else?
this is how i feel about my grassroots elected senator cruz, he should stay a senator PERIOD the warchest he is raising to become pres is awhole different than the serving the people one. “ya gotta dance wid the one that brung ya”
And you will vote for Trump in the general election?
Sally Forth said it best……
I’m a Trumpster but I don’t see, considering his high polling negatives, how he’s electable. He’s not even winning the Iowa Evangelical Beauty Contest at the moment.
Someone tell me how The Donald pulls one vote out of the Blue void? “Reagan Democrats” are an extinct specie.
Even Hillary needs the Indies to win the Gen. El.
Mr. Pinko — I don’t think this is working. Have you broken down the numbers? Besides constituent polling, I’m not sure where else to look. But I’m tired right now and not thinking clearly. Any suggestions?
Senator Sessions on H-1b visas Cruz loves
seriously, cruz’s stand at first i gave a pass on as being a sitting senator for the state & we were in HIGH COTTON then, i believed it was to benefit Texas. Oil is down & the most dreaded thing to see here in oil country is gas at 1.79 a gallon. alot of yardsales tho, alot of big honking trucks for sale by owner, alot of guys in the oil fields LOOKING FOR WORK.
Ask Trump if Texas gets a wall. A big beautiful wall with a big beautiful door!
90% of Texas will never have a wall Sally, it’s best you figure that out now.
santorum won the beauty contest, huck won the beauty contest & went NO further. not to offend iowians but corn fed & in bred? what we do NOT need this election cycle is A SINGLE PLANK CANDIDATE. we hand our country over to people who breed like fleas we can kiss EVERYTHING that is good & Holy goodbye PERIOD
I’m not sure who all is among those loosely called “Reagan Democrats”. And back then, they probably had the same problem. I think it’s probably a hodge-podge of people who are just worn thin from the prospect of working for the rest of their natural lives because 1) their retirement savings are gone, 2) their house is still not worth what it was in ’07 and 3) they’ve spent every dime on trying to get their kids through school on one income or half an income.
My own 84 yo mother confided in me just last week that she likes Trump A LOT. This, coming from a granola eating artist who voted for obama twice! Even she knows she was had. She loves Trump’s enthusiasm, his positive outlook and his platform. The funny thing was she said she was hesitant to tell me knowing that I’m a staunch conservative. It was a fun moment with her. I love my mom!
PLUS vote like your life depends on it, cause it does PERIOD
Uh….and then Trump saw his numbers declining and un-raised his hand. I do think if things don’t go his way, he’ll just un-sign the party loyalty pledge and rise against the party…for the country of course….
No, I am saying that if Trump gets the nod, that will happen. Ask your friend that loves comicon and Back to the Future what he thinks of Trump being in the mix…maybe he could do a video about it. He is a smart guy and I respect his opinion, and I don’t get the sense he is a Trump dude.
Hey, aren’t you self employed? If so you will be the first business owner I know that’s anti Trump. I don’t get it.
while i am not a builder & my candidate is, whom I trust btw, if anyone can build a wall Trump can. but let US assume you are correct, DEPORTATION of the viliest of the vile is a damn good start. frankly that alone would make me happy. with today’s technology there are ALL kinds of walls, hey we are all BOXED in by regulation & gps. i am tired of we can’t cause we CAN. it is called YANKEE INGENUITY & it is what made US great & can again.
my campaign slogan yes is dedicated to Trump’s wall but also for whomever HIS pick is & frankly I don’t believe it will be anyone that left him hanging on that stage. I don’t know where their hands were, but HIS WAS HELD UP AGAINST SUPPORTING A PARTY PICK that would NOT support American principles.
Corn fed and inbred? FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU and FUCK YOU!
Take your elitist attitude to Salon and Huffpo!
You are no conservative Sally, just go away!
I know many business owners that are in my camp when it comes to Trump, in fact, it is dang near every one of them! Yes we like what Trump is doing, but we are not in his dug out.
So you think the immigration problem is futile? How does Cruz fix it?
Trump – 26.6
Cruz – 7.2
Bush – 6.6
Trump pulls in votes across the board
Black votes
Hispanic votes
No. It is not futile.
Cruz fixes it through legislation just as the Constitution calls for. President Cruz will work with both houses of congress to get long term solutions rather than unilateral executive orders.
“90% of Texas will never have a wall Sally, it’s best you figure that out now.”
Why not?
And Cruz’s plan to seal the border?
Who do you think has a better shot at pulling more votes out of the “Blue void”?
Trump or Cruz?
Have you ever looked at or been to the Texas/Mexico boarder? I have. The Rio Grande is 1900 miles long and snakes about in a wondering path and includes es many lakes and reservoirs. What side of this natural boundary will Trump build his wall on?
Watch your own video. He lays it out in detail.
“If he does all the things that he is saying he will do, then yay! Go Trump. When’s the last time you’ve seen that happen?”
Never – because you keep electing politicians. Time to give a non-politician a shot! #Trump/Wall 2016
Ever been to China Mendie? That’s a weak ass argument. Earlier you told Pinko his facts were actually his opinions. I encourage you to read what you’be written most of the day.
New challenge, and let’s stick to good data. Name Cruz’s accomplishment since he’s been in office.
I listed Trumps since he’s been in business above
How is that logical? ” Yes we like what Trump is doing, but we are not in his dug out.”
I am well aware I am posting my opinion. I never claimed it was fact.
As far as Ted’s accomplishments? He single handedly shut down the federal government by reading “Green Eggs and Ham” to his daughters resulting in an historic landslide election of republicans to win both houses of congress!
personally I think the lsm tries to denigrate him by calling him a NATIONALIST as many LEGAL HISPANICS call the ILLEGALS, nationals. myself I prefer POPULIST! everybody with a brain is sick of the SYSTEM. i liken it to a shit sandwich with the working middle class getting squeezed by both ENTITLEMENTS PERIOD people waking up is what Trump is capturing up. I love watching his stump speeches, the energy is palpable & the spirit of freedom soars. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
who else signed that pledge? the only news story i saw was him PERIOD
Trump is proving that being politically incorrect is viable and even a strong suit in a political candidate. We recognize his good traits but we are not necessarily on his team.
Does that help?
be afraid, be VERY AFRAID. clinton vs rubio PERIOD
JEEZ i don’t know how that happened, i think my computer is possessed by dhs…
BTW, speaking of “let’s stick to good data”…No I have never been to China to see the big beautiful wall that took 12+ centuries to build, have you?
who am I? how who got to where sally forth is beyond me.
OK, I got it. Cruz accomplishments are Green Eggs and Ham. and it’s OK for you to base your argument on your opinions, but not Trump supporters. Do I have this right. I never bothered posting Trumps achievements because I’ve done so before and know, you don’t care. Your mind was made up a long time ago. That’s OK, you will soon discover we don’t need your vote, we found a black guy that wants a job to replace you.
Mendie, your deductive reasoning g lacks deductive and reasoning. Good data is contingent on whether I’ve been to China to justify a wall you say can’t be built in Texas. By the way the answer to that is Yes. Now what?
November 2, 2015 at 10:59 pm
OK, I got it. Cruz accomplishments are Green Eggs and Ham. and it’s OK for you to base your argument on your opinions, but not Trump supporters. Do I have this right. I never bothered posting Trumps achievements because I’ve done so before and know, you don’t care. Your mind was made up a long time ago. That’s OK, you will soon discover we don’t need your vote, we found a black guy that wants a job to replace you.
LIKE —–>0
My rebuttal:
“OK, I got it. Cruz accomplishments are Green Eggs and Ham. and it’s OK for you to base your argument on your opinions, but not Trump supporters. Do I have this right.”
No, Brad, you have it very wrong. My position has been very clear from the beginning. Support Trump without bashing other conservative candidates.
“I never bothered posting Trumps achievements because I’ve done so before and know, you don’t care.”
I do care, and please repost hem on this thread. I’ve been fishing a lot and seldom read the comments lately.
“Your mind was made up a long time ago”
No, I have repeatedly said that if Trump gets the Nod, I WILL vote for him.
“That’s OK, you will soon discover we don’t need your vote, we found a black guy that wants a job to replace you.”
Huh? I have no clue what that means.
pls define conservative. your brand of conservatism. no way am i an elitist.
No no no, my arguments are not based on my opinion Mendietbere based on facts, so stop that crap right now. Let’s start with this one. 34,000 jobs. Your turn. Give me something factual please beside Fing Green Eggs and Ham. I got a shit load of verifiable stuff. This will be fun. Go.
not a complaint but an observation, this forum is hard to follow for me anyways. i will try to not ruffle any more feathers as I do like stumping for Trump!
that is a BEAUTIFUL WALL Mr. Pinko! submit plans to the president for consideration! ;~)
Um, Brad, are you drunk? Please be honest, because you are making zero sense to me. Maybe it is just me, but I’m not following you on this.
use the sidebar on the left for recent comments.
Hehe! This one is the best yet!!!!
Hey Mendie. Fuck you. I’m no longer drink on week days. Stone cold sober and kinda pissed off about it. No more excuses. Bring your candidates shit front and center and stop avoiding what you can’t defend. I’m still laughing about Green Eggs and Ham though. I’m sure he will be remembered well in the history books. Bring it! You can’t.
Cruz proposes a flat tax and vows to eliminate the IRS. What is Trumps plan on taxes?
That’s not an accomplishment that’s a proposal. Please stick to the facts. I case you don’t know it, Green a Eggs and Ham is Cruz’s legacy. Bitchen.
Okay, let’s try this one. Cruz vows to repeal and replace every single word of Obamacare with a competition based healthcare system. What is Trumps proposal on healthcare?
I can tell you know you are at the end of your rope. I know because I researched the crap out of all the candidates. If you got them time you can search back where I cussed Trump for getting in the race after he bitch slapped me last time around. But he’s got me hooked again because I’m a business man. All I ask from anybody here is that everyone vote. No matter the nominee, everyone vote. Young if is more than flawed with Trump. Bottom line, everyone vote. The stakes are to high.
PROPOSAL. You lose.
Oh, I get it, you want to know what Cruz has accomplished as a Senator with McConnell as majority leader! Cruz has passed no legislation that he has introduced that I am aware of under McConnell’s leadership. Cruz is hated by McConnell, the main stream media and the GOPe.
I see your point now!
Trump/Wall 2016! Give us your land for our wall or we will Kelo your asses! Your big beautiful asses!
Well I have a little admission to tell you Mendie. I knew what your beef was with Trump before all this shit started. Property rights. Can’t say I disagree. I’m wondering if you currently have a state, local, or federal agency after your property? If you do I’ll fly out there and help you defend it. Back to Trump. Can’t say I approve of his view on property rights. However that’s .001 % of the issue and the good he could do.
Had a guy walk into my shop today. An electrical engineer applying for a job. I tell him dude we make guns. He tells me with watering eyes I’ll sweep floors for you sir, I need a job. Sick of it. It doesn’t need to be this way. Trump understands this shit.
@ Mendermen
As much as I love the idea of a flat tax, he just lost any potential votes of the entire tax industry from tax lawyers, accountants, to H & R Block preppers to every IRS employee and all of their families. That takes guts to propose, but I’m not sure it’s a good move.
Ouch, Mendermen. Never thought about the land grab for the wall. Are there not obvious positives and obvious negatives with such a land grab for the project? My guess is if it loved land the negatives outweigh the positives – maybe, maybe not.
Good night and God bless all.
@Plain Jane
Now I am at wits end…..
Cruz can’t win because he promotes an idea you agree with so you are gonna vote Trump? Is that what I am hearing?
The left has us so scared that if we support a candidate that actually promotes conservative beliefs that we are wasting our vote?
OK, let’s try a guy that appeals to both democrats and republicans that can win crossover votes! It worked for McCain and Romney! Yes! Let’s abandon our core principles and vote for the “electable” dude!
I’m going to bed…..
PS: Brad, there has always been one agency or the other after one of my properties since the 80’s, so it’s nothing new or dramatic to me because Kelo has not reached my state yet. I appreciate your offer to help, but so far sternly worded letters backed with facts still dissuade politicians from breaking the law in my state.
There is not enough gold in the world to support the worlds economy, unless you want to work for 10 cents a day.
Nobody has convinced me that Cruz can win the general election against Hillary and the media.
So, a President Cruz will get more done than a President Trump?
A wall, deportations and fix the economy?
Cruz fairs better head to head against Hillary or Sanders than Trump
Trump will draw leftist out to vote.
Cruz will draw anti-leftists out to vote which McCain and Romney could not accomplish.
realclearpolitic running favorable:
in head to head Cruz beats Hillary, Cruz beats Sanders.. Cruz’s unfavorable is with GOP Establishment.
Trump Loses to Hillary, Trump Loses to Sanders… it’s all in the combined favorable or unfavorable in Trump’s case