MSNBC fires Greta Van Susteren for not being ‘confrontational enough’ – IOTW Report

MSNBC fires Greta Van Susteren for not being ‘confrontational enough’


Greta Van Susteren is out at MSNBC less than six months after she started at the cable channel.

Van Susteren broke the news of her own ouster Thursday, tweeting “I’m out at MSNBC” shortly before the network issued its own announcement. Van Susteren’s husband, John Coale, told CNNMoney, “They let her go,” and added that she and MSNBC were “working out contract issues now.”

CNNMoney also reported that Van Susteren was given no prior notice of the decision and was told her on-air presence was not “confrontational enough.”  more

h/t MJA’s Mom

17 Comments on MSNBC fires Greta Van Susteren for not being ‘confrontational enough’

  1. That was a very weird acquisition along with the Meghan Kelly aquotition on CNN. Either they think Fox News viewers will follow them or they think that these women are so talented, that they will win over progressives and get viewers. Both premesisis are moronic. Just goes to show how the left news thinks…morons!

  2. Became a fan of Greta when she was a legal analyst on CNN during the OJ trial. Kind of liked her show on FOX, but she leaned a little too left for me. Hate that she went full board libtard and went to MSNBC.

    I hope she gets a good gig somewhere.

  3. Well, that to bad for her. Bad move to start with.
    She is good at her job and will land some where.
    Greta for the most part was honest.
    Look for her to join the new network with Bill O’Reilly.
    And many other of the Fox People soon. Or not.

  4. Didn’t like her on FOX.
    Not surprised she moved to Far-Left MSNBC.
    Not surprised she’s been abruptly fired there.

    She participated in backstabbing her mentor Roger Ailes, with Megan Kelly, on the extremely implausible, no witnesses. no evidence, definitely no-sex “harassment” accusations for FOX heirs to fire Ailes.

    She’s never offered anything I want to watch. So I won’t follow her to wherever she lands.
    Beck’s Blaze? Maybe Howard Stern needs a new sidekick? Maybe she can co-host a basement podcast with Erickson.

  5. Just a week or two ago on HuffPoo…

    Now, if you take the Greta Van Susteren point of view, both sides are entitled to equal treatment. You sit them down and give each a chance. Greta might ask the person who thinks the Earth is round, “Can you prove that the photos of round Earth have not been faked?” That would be the approach of someone who “does not take sides.”
    But, obviously, that approach would be ludicrous. There is no intellectual equivalence between a flat earther and a round earther! Why would someone like Greta, with her massive power of hosting a national T.V. program, give a flat earther air time, and waste the valuable time of her viewers?


    Thank you msNBC Lipsmackingl-y Delicious
    Looking forward to Joyless early evenings

    Dealt in Smelt

  6. MSNBC knew what they were doing.
    By recruiting one player in the Fox weeknight talent, they started breaking the chemistry and loyalty Ayres developed.
    And they were successful. The Fox News juggernaut is broken.
    They gave Greta her six months then kicked her to the curb.
    But now their ratings challenge Fox News’ ratings.

  7. another fox host msnbc got off the air and fired…nbc will blow out megan kelly after getting her off fox…mark my words, and the destruction of fox news will continue

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