MSNBC producer resigns from network with scathing letter: They block ‘diversity of thought’ and ‘amplify fringe voices’ – IOTW Report

MSNBC producer resigns from network with scathing letter: They block ‘diversity of thought’ and ‘amplify fringe voices’


Ariana Pekary said important facts and studies about the coronavirus would ‘get buried’.

Pekary provided a number of examples of why she wanted to leave the cable news network.

“It’s possible that I’m more sensitive to the editorial process due to my background in public radio, where no decision I ever witnessed was predicated on how a topic or guest would ‘rate.’ The longer I was at MSNBC, the more I saw such choices — it’s practically baked in to the editorial process – and those decisions affect news content every day,” Pekary said. “Likewise, it’s taboo to discuss how the ratings scheme distorts content, or it’s simply taken for granted, because everyone in the commercial broadcast news industry is doing the exact same thing. But behind closed doors, industry leaders will admit the damage that’s being done.”

She then quoted someone she described a “successful and insightful TV veteran” who said: “We are a cancer and there is no cure… But if you could find a cure, it would change the world.”


18 Comments on MSNBC producer resigns from network with scathing letter: They block ‘diversity of thought’ and ‘amplify fringe voices’

  1. I am not buying it–if you read her letter she seems more upset that they weren’t negative enough about PDJT. She states that his “poor” handling of the COVID was buried and MSNBC weren’t talking about mail in (and its necessity) enough. She just wanted MSNBC to be MORE left.

  2. She makes her actions and those of her co-conspirators sound benign- it was just bad, or lack of real journalism. In the meantime, their actions resulted in the elevation to public office of completely incompetent and dangerous people (Seattle and Minneapolis), riots, the deaths of innocent people, property destruction and the loss of livlihoods, and the continued existence of violent fringe groups like antifa that should be eliminated. Maybe it’s time to change some of the defamation and legal protection laws and hold the media accountable for their actions.

  3. It took SEVEN years to figure out the lies and bullshit?? Yeah, right. I bet she pissed off someone up the ladder with some over-the-top leftist ‘holier-than-thou’ feminist garbage.

  4. Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk
    AUGUST 4, 2020 AT 8:38 AM
    ” In the meantime, their actions resulted in the elevation to public office of completely incompetent and dangerous people (Seattle and Minneapolis),”

    …and “Obama”. Never forget they foisted the illegal Indonesian on us, that’s when the hate and the fraud went into overdrive…

  5. “We are a cancer and there is no cure… ”
    Surgeons will AMPUTATE gangrenous tissue, tumors are removed regularly … it doesn’t take a high IQ to see.

    And as a practical means, there’s always hot lead. The Media is an certain enemy of humankind.

  6. They want self-absolution of their sins.
    Of course, they would never give back those celebrity salaries they ‘earned’ for lying day in and day out.

  7. Well! She’ll join FoxNews, stick around for a little while, sue for sexual discrimination, and then land at CNN.

    Oh god, sit back and watch it happen…


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