MTG’s Snatch – IOTW Report

MTG’s Snatch

41 Comments on MTG’s Snatch

  1. She’s been AWOL for a while now on the J6 prisoners and McCarthy’s failure to live up to his promise to release the video.

    And she got into it with Boebert because Lauren called her out for her support of the last unbelievable budget cave giving the communists FREE REIGN to conjure up as much fairy dust money as they wanted.

    You gotta ask yourself when the banks are getting 100s of billions in low interest, fake money and they’re failing, just how much GD graft are they in for?

    I could give a rat’s ass about her workout routine.

  2. She’s got a power tool in the bedroom.., that can crack sidewalks, , when she’s using it, the lights in the house dim.., it’s a like a prison movie.., I’m surprised she hasn’t chipped her teeth..

  3. “Squatting any weight with it extended above your head is not as easy as it looks.”

    To me it doesn’t look easy at all.

    While I admire anyone who “takes care of him/her self” and view it as a positive discipline trait that most likely transfers over to her other endeavors, I agree with MMinWA. I would prefer she post videos of her standing up to the Deep State, of kicking prog ass, and fighting for her supporters.

    Having “The House” does not belong on a Hallmark Card, it requires strategic planning coupled with direct action for effect. Twidling thumbs, telling us it’s too hard to impeach that bum will not endear you to the people and will most certainly guarantee that you guys won’t get The House again.

  4. Oh but Rich, she went after her “real” enemy during the republican debate.
    She said DeSantis was a fan of slavery in Florida.
    Yes, she actually had a stupid bingo card for the Florida Governor that had shit like that on it. Tells me EVERYTHING!
    Impeach? HA!
    You know her priorities now…

  5. ” I agree with MMinWA. I would prefer she post videos of her standing up to the Deep State”

    I follow her on Instagram. She’s a good follow. Most of her posts are political in nature. I can’t help thinking that’s a very ignorant comment.

  6. “Trump has spent millions against DeSantis as he tries to get DeSantis to drop out of the race. He even tried to start a rumor (he spelled it roomer) on social media that DeSantis is dropping out and going to run for the Senate. If only Trump would devote his time and the campaign’s money to trashing Biden instead of DeSantis. Trump is far enough ahead to do that but he is obsessed with DeSantis. This stunt with Thomas has backfired spectacularly.”


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