Muhammad Ali’s Son Calls Black Lives Matter ‘Racist’ ‘Devils’ – IOTW Report

Muhammad Ali’s Son Calls Black Lives Matter ‘Racist’ ‘Devils’

Newsmax: The son of Muhammad Ali said his father would not agree with Black Lives Matter, referring to the cause as “racist” and its members as “devils,” according to the New York Post.

Speaking on the fourth anniversary of the iconic boxer’s death, Muhammad Ali Jr. talked about how the protests devolved into looting and violence in response to the death of George Floyd.

“Don’t bust up s**t, don’t trash the place,” Ali told the Post. “You can peacefully protest.

“My father would have said, ‘They ain’t nothing but devils.’ My father said all lives matter. I don’t think he’d agree,” Ali said.

Ali called the Black Lives Matter movement divisive.

“I think it’s racist,” Ali said. “It’s not just Black Lives Matter, white lives matter, Chinese lives matter, all lives matter, everybody’s life matters. God loves everyone — he never singled anyone out. Killing is wrong no matter who it is.”

He praised President Donald Trump’s leadership while in office, saying his father would approve of his work. more

8 Comments on Muhammad Ali’s Son Calls Black Lives Matter ‘Racist’ ‘Devils’

  1. While making deliveries on Chicago’s south-side I was always happy to see NOI around selling their papers and moon pies. Yes, they hated me but they stopped all the regular crazies from debasing themselves in front of me.
    Hate me all you want, just leave me alone.


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