Musing on Olympics, Writer Asks “Why Isn’t Blades of Glory a Reality?” – IOTW Report

Musing on Olympics, Writer Asks “Why Isn’t Blades of Glory a Reality?”

You know you cannot parody the libs, right?


A sports writer for USA Today says it is time for the Olympics to allow gay couples to compete as pairs in Olympics figure skating competitions.

For the paper, writer Martin Rogers

wondered why same-sex figure skating pairs should still only be the stuff of comedy movies and not a real, Olympics category.


I guess it would be a step towards honesty. Who buys that these male skaters are into their female partners when they do these romantic sessions?

21 Comments on Musing on Olympics, Writer Asks “Why Isn’t Blades of Glory a Reality?”

  1. By the way, the reason why the olympics pair male and female is because
    1. It’s natural.
    2. It’s to show the male-female working together as a team and how the TWO opposite sexes compliment each other.

  2. Only if the compete as husband and wife. The libs will eventually destroy Western Civilization. Due to political correctness, nobody will object. I just heard from Dr. Sebastian Gorka on FOX, that the Army was aware that Major Hussan, of Fort Hood infamy, was a dangerous man, but they, the Army, FBI, etc. did not push it because “it may have damaged his career.” Areyoufuckingkiddingme?

  3. I’m so GLADD that this year the Olympians from the US are all gay.
    It’s about time the rest of the world sees that the US is almost all gay people.
    It’s too bad we aren’t winning many medals.
    Maybe it’s time all Olypians are gay, just to make it fair to the US.

  4. That would be Major Nidel Milek Hasan, Army psychiatrist who killed 13 and wounded 30 at Fort Hood. But the brass didn’t want “to ruin his career,” by looking into his conduct. Are we ever in trouble my fellow Americans?

  5. For starters, allowing MM skating pairs would be grossly unfair to MF or FF skating pairs because they could do unique tricks like side by side triple axels. Ain’t no female pairs skaters doing triple axels.

  6. Gay Olympics will be here soon. Some anticipated events-
    1. Bi-Biathlon
    2. Ski Humping
    3. Guys Figure Skating
    4. Giant Sodom (giant slalom)
    5. Down Hole Skiing
    6. 2 man Luge (already an event and incredibly gay)
    7. Kneel and Bob Sledding
    8. Olympic Butt-F*cking (thanks for the laugh anonymous)

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