Muslim leader on gay marriage: “If we come out with our opinion then the left may abandon us” – IOTW Report

Muslim leader on gay marriage: “If we come out with our opinion then the left may abandon us”

Geller Report:

They understand the war better than the kuffar. The left has been doing their dirty work for well over a decade now. Why agitate the agitators and knaves doing the heavy lifting in the spread of Islam and sharia? When the time comes, the left will be dealt with in much the same manner as the rest of the unbelievers.  more

14 Comments on Muslim leader on gay marriage: “If we come out with our opinion then the left may abandon us”

  1. This Guy’s a Riot ! Conservatives Have Been Attacking Muslims for 15 or 20 Years ( Indian Tear ). You little Sliver of a Human Being Muslims Have Been on a Conatant attack on Us For 15 or 20 Thousand Years !

  2. When Muslims Kill Gay’s, are They only the Faggy Gays Acting Feminine and Not Masculine ? My Suspision is They are Screwing Their Tent Mates, and it’s ok Because it’s Necessary and They are’nt Gay ! Look They Screw Random Animals,
    and We All Know it !

  3. The left are perfectly aware of what Islam’s position on homosexuality is but they choose to ignore it. They ignore the video of gays being lynched from construction cranes, they ignore the videos of gays being thrown from buildings, they ignore the videos of gays being beheaded, they ignore the videos of gays being stoned to death, they ignore all of the evidence because it may mean that their consciences have been shut down and face the fact that they’ve abandoned their humanity.

  4. “…the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy but we don’t have to tell them before we kill them…”

    “…we are just allowing young men to have the comfort and companionship of older men… as they are taught subservience and the proper dominance of elders in any society…” (why camel jockeys have sex with young boys).

  5. Homos know the score. They would rather die than agree with a so called right/repubicon enemy. The homo cult just wont allow it. Its a mental illness. I anxiously await more slaughter like the Pulse nightclub. Homos have worked overtime to earn the hate and contempt from normal people and they deserve what they have coming. I urge normal people to stand by silently and do nothing to stop it.

    I know…. Im horrible, how could I say such a thing…. but its true and what some people feel. The homos are not innocent, they are active in trying to destroy our way of life. The only difference is they are motivated by a nother mans penis instead of the koran.

  6. I deduce that for the Musselmen, taking it up the ass isn’t faggotry – only sucking dicks is. They ALL get fucked in the ass as children by their fathers, brothers, uncles, imams, and tribal leaders. They ALL fuck women in the ass prior to marriage. They ALL fuck male goats in the ass.

    But – BUT – they rarely marry their butt-buddies.

    I’m sure that western (non-musselman) fags are aware of this.

    izlamo delenda est …

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