Must See! – IOTW Report

Must See!

Courtesy of Moe Tom. You can thank him in the comment section.

27 Comments on Must See!

  1. Moe Tom my attention was lazer focused and you pulled the rug right out from under me.
    I’ll not be able to focus on anything tonight….after I get off the floor.
    Damn you More Tom. 🙂

  2. I thought I’d take your minds away from poor old Roy Moore’s predicament. Boy are those twisted minded liberal ever in a tizzy
    over a forty year old hard on story. Like it never happened before.

  3. hey, NOT FAIR!!!

    that was ME, forty years ago…..being introduced to donald trump I SWEAR!!!!

    what do you mean, polygraph????

    all us wymyns must be believed until you prove we’re lying…..go ahead, prove i’m lying……….

  4. Spent me two hours fabricatin a bearing puller n drawing out the rear bearing on my kids car tonight (pro tip – hockey pucks make great spacers)…So I had all that thinkin n frustration….but succeeded. bearing is ewt as they say in Oh Canada. Figured I enjoy reliving Phoebe from back in the day. Ya got me….good.. Thanks for the chuckles. That low battery image WILL NEVER stop me from what came next. And brother Brads classic line “Jesus, doesn’t anyone knock?” Or something like that. Thankx for the laughs. Needed em.

  5. Smudge, maybe you didn’t have a “pop-up” but I did!

    Brown Eyed Girl, that is Phoebe Cates, AKA Mrs. Kevin Klein. This was from the movie “Fast Times at Ridgemont High.”

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