My Conversation With Publix – IOTW Report

My Conversation With Publix

This is a follow-up to the story about customers complaining about National Enquirer covers featuring Trump.

Unfortunately, Florida requires that both the caller and the receiver of the call be aware that they are being recorded.

So I have to transcribe from my almost otherworldly recall. (Remember, I thought Shazaam was a real movie.)

I asked a lovely woman in customer relations if what I was reading was true, that Publix made the decision to cover the front page of The Enquirer because of their repeated, and favorable, coverage of Donald Trump.

She said, “No. We have made the decision to cover the National Enquirer, but it has nothing to do with Donald Trump.”

I asked what it had to do with.

She said it was because of complaints from customers that there are stories about Hollywood couples, for instance, that allude to sexual affairs.

I asked her how many complaints have there been.

She said, “enough that corporate has made the decision to listen to its customers.”

I reminded her that the Enquirer has not change one iota in the last 20 years in regards to sensationalism and titillating content. I asked if they hadn’t received complaints in the last 20 years.

She didn’t answer.

I reminded her that at the register they sell Women’s magazines that routinely talk about “better orgasms,” and “lesbianism,” and they remain uncovered. Why?

The Globe is identical to the Enquirer, except they aren’t favorable to Trump, and it isn’t being covered. Why?

What is it about the Enquirer that has suddenly ticked off customers “by the thousands”?

I told her flat out that the corporate explanation (she read the entire thing to me) for their decision does not pass the smell test and that I thought they were lying. Any reasonable person would.

I ended with this –

If the country is divided by Trump supporters and Trump haters, who is more likely not going to patronize your establishment?

Would it be the haters who are told by customer relations that “we sell The Enquirer and cannot control their content. You have to keep in mind, these are stories about the president of the United States. Those are not unavoidable in places other than Publix.”

Or would it be the Trump supporters who are told, “as long as The Enquirer runs Trump stories we are going to obscure the cover because Trump haters are being triggered, and we’re sympathetic to that”?

In scenario one you are not being insulting, you’re explaining a reality, that you can’t create a safe space from the image of the leader of the free world.

In scenario two you are participating in an unfounded derangement and covering up the face of the president of the United States.

She thanked me for my input.

Here is the number-



32 Comments on My Conversation With Publix

  1. Nah, I would just take the cover off and expose Donald Trump. I would tell Pubix (sic) that covering up my President offends me. And, I would do it every time I went into the store.

  2. If Publix is a grocery chain they are not in my area Pacific NW. They certainly can stop carrying ANY magazine or publication that they chose to. I’d say they are hypocrites ans iof the had store in my area, I would not shop there. BTW, I have only purchase ONE National Enquirer in my life. It was when Ricky Nelson died in a plane crash.

  3. Aww, shoes on the other foot now and they’re offended. Meh.
    This is going to be the best 4 years since Reagan.
    Now it’s time to start micro offending these infiltrating islamist hordes with extreme prejudice and a smile, of course.
    The free lunch is over now get back to work!

  4. If you haven’t heard of Publix, I suppose you never venture to Florida.
    A lot of lottery winning tickets bought at Publix, including the largest amount for a single winner.

    I like shopping there and will uncover every single Trump cover I see covered by a covering cover to shield the cowards who run for cover.

  5. I shop at Publix probably every day or so. I noticed last week that the cover of the National Enquirer was covered and no other magazines were. And this is a magazine that has always been uncovered in the past.
    I also called customer service and got the same corporate story regarding complaints on the National Enquirer and not specific to the Trump cover. This is not true as I have seen that Magazine uncovered until very recently. Suggest that all people that are reading this blog called the number that is provided above and give a statement to customer service

    They do ask for your ZIP Code and if you need one use 34293

  6. That is the lamest excuse I have heard!!!
    Pubix (yeah, I know how I spelled it) needs that much attention?
    If they keep covering up NE and other magazines with Trump’s mug on them, then why don’t they just stop selling them? Or better yet, maybe the publishers should just pull the magazines all together. You don’t need them, you’re bad ass, right? Just keep on with the health fair pamphlets and denture samples near the front registers. The store sucks anyway. Sorry. Compared to what we have out west, Pubix is like a high class 7-11. And the store closes after the last chicken goes to bed.

  7. Publix is an excellent food chain, and they have the cleanest stores and nicest customer service I have ever seen.

    Unfortunately, their biggest customer bases are the ass-hats in the Tampa Bay area, the Orlando area, and South Florida. And what type of ass-hats live in those shite-holes?

    Most of the employees I have dealt with are as bummed at the lack of magazines covering the Trumps as I am. Hell, last week there were still 3-4 mags with the outgoing people on them.

    My 2 Publix stores (the ones I shot at frequently) don’t have those covers over the Nat Enquirer. And they regularly put those covers over any scandal rag that puts salacious material on the cover (including People Mag.)

    To sum it up, it’s the lib-tards in the big cities that are screwing it up for all of us, again. And good people and good companies are being forced to bow down to their crap, again.

  8. This is true – most women’s mag’s like Cosmo are covered due to unwanted sexual content – I’m a regular shopper there and for the most part they don’t cover up the Enquirer or the Globe – but it looks like this issue had some BS about some hollywood weirdo’s… So I have to side with Publix because I’ve shopped there for 40 years. It has nothing to do with Trump.

  9. We have Publix here in Alabama as well and I just looked at how much I spend there! I love that store, they have the best customer service (no surly cashiers) and I drive by two grocery stores to shop there. I am so bummed by this news. I will go tomorrow and move the magazine and then call corporate. Man, this is why you can never have anything nice.

  10. On the earlier thread, I commented that I had called customer services this morning and they had confirmed the cover-up policy. Well, and admitting that I told them I was an ex-customer, circumstances led me to my local Publix at about 2:00 pm (circumstances being Boar’s Head deli meats). At checkout, there was the Enquirer, without a wrap. Interestingly, it was also without a cover picture of Trump. I asked the cashier, who only shrugged and said “who ever knows what’s going on around here.” I yhink that might suit as a new national motto.

  11. In the South, north of Florida, the grocery chain called Piggly Wiggly bought all of the Big Star stores, and followed it by buying the Harris Teeter markets. The locations are now called Big Wiggly Teeters.

  12. Just go in and, while waiting in line,
    take the plastic sheet and HIDE IT.

    And, yes, call to tell them how stupid their policy is.
    “What if they covered OBAMA?!?”

  13. @Corky. I live just south of Birmingham. We’ve been going to Publix less and less. Since Walmart is cheaper and my wife does the curb side pickup now she doesn’t have to be near the savages while shopping.

  14. @Snowballs chance in Hell:

    No Pubix’s in my area – I’m in Kaliforkneeya. However, whenever I see the Mooches face, Hillary’s or Obummer’s face on The Enquirer, I go into a rant about them while standing in line. I get a big kick out of doing that. I don’t hold back either. I talk about their luxury living on the taxpayer dollar, how the Mooche should be eating the school lunches, how Bill Clinton is still scumming around. I never run out of material…… 🙂

  15. Just another fake news story. I could give a rats ass about the cover of a rag at checkout.

    Maybe they are trying to boost sales with a new stupid technique.

    The way I see it, the number of redeemed food stamps will remain the same until Trump cuts into the welfare diet.

  16. Publix stores are opening all over “The Triangle” in (central) North Carolina. Heard such good things about them and I was really excited about a Publix opening in my city in two years.
    Now, I’m not so impressed. Their brand is superior customer service. Offending a majority of faithful conservative customers is a guaranteed brand killer. Publix liberal corporate brainiacs have their heads up their butts. Get use to it, Trump is the next U.S. president.

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