My First Knife Fight – IOTW Report

My First Knife Fight

From The Babylon Bee

ht/ jd hasty

27 Comments on My First Knife Fight


    When the president signed “Common Core” 1/8/2002 those things were declared “nativistic”!
    1 of Tim Allen’s first “Last man..” shows was a satire on GWBf and kids! Tim did not like Bush’s Common Core!

  2. The packaging seems to show that the marketing is not focused on the right demographic for the product.
    Also, isn’t this the product endorsed by Lori “Bettlejuice” Lightintheloafers” ?

  3. Monopoly the antifia version. Collect protest signs, acquire shields from trash can lids, create a garden with sticks. Pass Go collect a food handout from a democrat politician. Get Out of Jail Free – paid for by a democrat politician.

  4. Also available from Liberal Playskool:

    “My First Riot”
    “My First Arrest”
    “My First Abortion”
    “My First Homeless Tent”
    “My First Drug Overdose”

  5. …I remember my first knife fight.

    …actually, I don’t.

    I was pretty drunk.

    …but I’m told the Ritual of the Bat works WAY better if SOMEONE is sober enough to tie wrists together and bandannas for blindfolds correctly, and apparently no one at the time was…

  6. Brings me back to my very early years at St. Stephens grade school in Rexdale.
    Irish Sister Galloglie tying our left hands together as we fought in a pit while the Monsignor & the Bishop placed bets.
    Father Breen & Father Nino would sodomize the looser.

    Good times at Catholic school in the 70’s & 80’s.

    The names of the school & clergy are real by the way.

  7. @Anon

    Me too. We’d build em out of whatever material was available, boards, mud, logs, even in high grass which we would flatten down in one area and make a cool fort. Kids were very tribal, hiding in forts and always looking out for “enemy” kids from the next block.

    I had a real bow and arrow set that could have been deadly, but I never used it on another kid. The worst thing was spit fights. Crazy times.


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