Nancy gets a wakeup call – IOTW Report

Nancy gets a wakeup call

American Thinker:

According to Team Trump, Nancy Pelosi was greeted by at least 300 Trump supporters while attending a fundraiser at the Greenville, South Carolina Hyatt Regency on Friday. The Speaker was confronted by a sea of MAGA caps, “Impeach Pelosi” signs, and at least one woman draped in a “Women for Trump” banner and wearing a Pelosi mask. (A degrading task, but somebody had to do it.)

This is unusual for Republicans, who have traditionally maintained a live and let live policy toward the Democrats no matter what the circumstances. This is a large part of the “Republican as wimp” stereotype that has dominated the political scene for generations. The Demunnists were street fighters, toughies from the unions and the slums, whereas the GOP were the “little man on the wedding cake.”

This started to change in 2000 with the attempted Gore coup in Florida. Republicans actually set aside their plaid jackets and contrasting waistcoats to demonstrate in front of the vote-counting offices. This was the first time this had occurred since the civil war, and was a harbinger as to how things were beginning to change.

This is not something that Nancy could possibly welcome. Most of the Dem strategy is based on the assumption that the party of the Bushes, Romney, and Ryan will never strike back. But the ground is shifting, and a new GOP, brought to life by the Orange Cthulhu, is beginning to stir. read more

20 Comments on Nancy gets a wakeup call

  1. My wife and I were there along with a friend. These were conservatives attending, not sure how many were actually Republicans. The wife and I and friend are conservatives. Probably more would have shown if it wasn’t 96 degrees. We are tired of the loony left. Just about at the tipping point.

  2. Weird. Most prominent democrats don’t go to public venues. They have secured conclaves.

    I infiltrated one years back and was given the bum’s rush. Terry McAuliffe, Timmy Kaine and the other thugs saw to it that I would not remain after i was discovered.

    Actually caught Timmy outside with a video camera and ssked him, if the affordable care act that he passed was so affordable why is Obama giving his big donors waivers??

    Sputter sputter. I don’t know know anything about waivers.

    Then I followed him and he asked me why I was outside?
    Because i’m a smoker, I replied, and, as Governor, by executive fiat you took away restaurant’s free choice as to whether they could accommodate smokers or not.

    He replied that he was sorry.

    I replied that he wasn’t sorry at all.

  3. FTA: “Just the other day the lovely and demure Maxine Waters was whining about how she can’t even go into a grocery store in Compton without a bodyguard anymore.”

    Really?!? And who the hell is paying for THAT?

  4. John, Thanks for your efforts. I would have gone, but I don’t want to end up like Bernie. Trying to save it for Trumps re-election win party. We’re all proud of you and the wife, here in upstate NY.

  5. As long as we are helping find info for others, I’ve been searching the web for Trump wearing a Yankees hat. I don’t know if he has ever worn one. I have a NeverTrumper acquaintance in Minnesota and I figured I’d send him a pic before the game tonight. If anyone has one….

  6. Something tells me Nancy can’t be woken up, she’s on zombie impeachment auto-pilot it seems. “What day is it, where am I, who’s the president??? Did I take my meds??”

  7. No problem Crackerbaby. Asking politicians uncomfortable questions is my pastime. And I am an equal opportunity inquisitor.

    I’ve given Cuccinelli the business too. For instance.

  8. Just wait until ANTIFA dares to show up anywhere outside the cities who’s local government provides protection.

    They must know that because they haven’t strayed from behind the women’s skirts.


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