Nancy Pelosi Running Low On Loyalists – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi Running Low On Loyalists


So far, 13 Democrats have decided to officially call it quits on the House, leaving their seats open for a competitive fight and giving Republicans a chance to gain another seat. House Republicans only need to net five seats to gain the majority and retire Pelosi as the speaker.

This week, two longtime Democrats, Reps. David Price (D-NC) and Mike Doyle (D-PA), both loyal confidants to Pelosi, announced their retirement. Additionally, last week Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY), another Pelosi loyalist and chairman of the House Budget Committee, announced he was retiring from public life. More

15 Comments on Nancy Pelosi Running Low On Loyalists

  1. “Republicans” – Historically, the very word connoted a belief in the principles of our “Republic” and the practice of “Republicanism” to maintain and guide its laws. That can only be achieved by CONSERVING their philosophical roots and our Constitution.

    Today, it’s synonymous with statism and the betrayal of those principles. Republicans today are NOT rooted in our Constitution.

    In short, just like Democrats, they’re con artists. I’m done with ’em.

    Support the person, not the party.

  2. “giving Republicans a chance to gain another seat”

    Yeah, like “fair elections” are really a thing [giggles].

    I wish I had a dollar for every time someone underestimated Pelosi’s reach and influence.

    Until serious and effective election law reform is enacted, (zero chance of that happening)the dems will never again lose another significant elected seat. The handful of red states can hold honest elections, the rest; California, NY, NJ, Mich, Ill. and various other coastal blue states will guarantee that the dems will never be out of power again.

  3. No matter. One canโ€™t โ€œvoteโ€ once Martial Law has been declared by the communists running the show, for whatever reason they declare…
    Or, maybe a nice terrorist attack in multiple locals, or another plandemic, or possibly an invading army, such as the chicoms, Ruskies, or Europeans… something along those lines methinks…

  4. Not one ray of hope in any of these comments. Ok, let me be the first.

    YOU run for one of those seats. At least you know that there is someone you trust that you can vote for!

  5. @Claudia

    My one ray of hope is that a separation can be effected with little or no bloodshed.

    These people in power will not willingly abnegate that power and since honest elections are a Chimera, the present situation has become intolerable.

    Their values are not my values. The vision they hold for my country is anathema to all the precepts be which it was founded. John Adams said this experiment on democracy can only survive when plied by a moral and religious people. They want us either silenced, locked up, or preferably dead. Comity, collegiality, even a casual co-existence is only possible if there exists some commonality, some shared culture or morals. The animus is too great. One cannot function with the other. I wish it were not so but I honestly see no way of living peaceably with these people.

  6. Wouldn’t it be unreal if Nancy has just been a drunken tool being used to get the communists in place and isn’t really needed nor has any real power? Now, it won’t matter if her “loyalists” leave, because the plan has always been to boot her and hers out and replace them with good party followers.


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