NASA will remove insensitive nicknames – IOTW Report

NASA will remove insensitive nicknames

The Siamese Twins Galaxies? No more.

Eskimo Nebula? No more.

These are harmful, according to NASA.

26 Comments on NASA will remove insensitive nicknames

  1. & I’m thoroughly upset that the 4th planet is named after a candy company … think of all the poor diabetics that are triggered!

    & the second planet is obviously misogynistically named

    & many of the constellations are named by bestiality pervs & do not consider vegan sensibilities

    & why the ‘moon’? … you find fault w/ my ass?

    btw, I have crabs in my nebula

  2. Uranus was called Herschel, but he named it Georgium Sidus.

    And then other bad things happened. Everest, named after another George, is called Everest. His name is pronounced, “Eve-Rest”.

    Which brings us back to Elgin. Fuck.


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