Nationwide Recall On Muffins Sold By Walmart And 7-Eleven – IOTW Report

Nationwide Recall On Muffins Sold By Walmart And 7-Eleven

Miami Herald

The maker of blueberry, strawberry, banana nut, chocolate and corn muffins and mini-muffins sold under several brands recalled those little hunks of sweetness on Monday. They might be contaminated with listeria.

Give and Go Prepared Foods, manufacturer of the grab-and-go muffins, stated in its FDA-posted recall notice: “We became aware of this issue as part of our environmental monitoring program.

Vague as that might seem, what’s not vague is this involves, among others, three store brands from the nation’s grocery- selling colossus, Walmart, and the house brand of convenience store giant, 7-Eleven. More

10 Comments on Nationwide Recall On Muffins Sold By Walmart And 7-Eleven

  1. “…part of our environmental monitoring program.”

    …you swab stuff all the time in food plants looking for bugs like this. Its pretty routine and that’s why. Baked goods you have to be especially careful with because the machinery isn’t typically wash down, the regulatory environment is looser as far as product scrutiny (bakers don’t have to have on-site Government agents from USDA and FDA at all times they run like meat plants do), and you don’t have a kill step in a hermetically sealed container like you do for shelf stable products, and the container isn’t really designed to prevent infiltration anyway, so you REALLY want to control the environment as your only protection against growth in baked goods is controlling moisture and sugar and salt.

    Listeria makes the news, but it’s not uncommon. That’s why you look for it. Usually it gets caught BEFORE you ship finished goods to the customer, but it’s 2021 and crap happens.

    Other than that, the process worked insofar as they found it “eventually”. I wouldn’t lose a lot of sleep over it NEAR as much as you would be if you knew how much of your food is handled by cheap “legal”(?) aliens from countries that hate us…

  2. This Texan Has Had Enough
    JULY 24, 2021 AT 1:15 PM

    …OT but out of curiosity, as a baker in Texas, is it semantically possible for you to make toast and have it NOT be Texas Toast by definition?

    …just wonderin’…

  3. The Muffin Man
    JULY 24, 2021 AT 2:43 PM
    ‘This would never happen in my kitchen.’

    …do you mean the one you use for your business, or the one in your house on Drury Lane?

    …just so everyone knows, I don’t know you OR your wife, that’s why I have to ask…

  4. “is it semantically possible for you to make toast and have it NOT be Texas Toast by definition?”

    Define “Texas toast”

    Thick slabs of bread is the first order.

    If you don’t have that, then no. It’s just toast. Unless you’re making French toast in Texas. Which is legit since it was one of the flags that has flown over Texas.

    We are more than just a name. Don’t be too reductionist.


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