Navy’s intel chief prohibited from seeing classified material – IOTW Report

Navy’s intel chief prohibited from seeing classified material

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A few years ago I might have been more surprised by stuff like this, but in the age of Obama nothing is surprising:

For more than two years, the Navy’s intelligence chief has been stuck with a major handicap: He’s not allowed to know any secrets.

Vice Adm. Ted “Twig” Branch has been barred from reading, seeing or hearing classified information since November 2013, when the Navy learned from the Justice Department that his name had surfaced in a giant corruption investigation involving a foreign defense contractor and scores of Navy personnel.

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5 Comments on Navy’s intel chief prohibited from seeing classified material

  1. Well, since you don’t need to KNOW math to TEACH math, or KNOW science to TEACH science, or KNOW anything about any scientific discipline, whatsoever, to be a Globaloney Warming Expert, why the fuck should the Head of Naval Intelligence have to have access to Intelligence?

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