NBC: McMaster Leaving White House Soon – IOTW Report

NBC: McMaster Leaving White House Soon

DAILY CALLER: The White House is reportedly planning to replace national security adviser H.R. McMaster as early as next month, in a plan Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and chief of staff John Kelly drew up.

The move would send McMaster back to a high-level Army command and bring in auto industry executive Stephen Biegun as national security adviser, NBC News reported, citing five administration officials.

McMaster served as director of the Army Capabilities Integration Center in Virginia when he was named national security adviser in February 2017. He remained an active duty Army lieutenant general rather than retire from military service.

Rumors swirled in Washington that President Donald Trump soured on McMaster as national security adviser. McMaster told a forum last month in Germany that evidence for Russian meddling in the 2016 election was “incontrovertible” — a comment that drew a sharp, public correction from the president.  MORE

10 Comments on NBC: McMaster Leaving White House Soon

  1. Leaving? Cuffed and bound for Gitmo would be good.

    And don’t let him take that cyanide capsule the Muslim Brotherhood gives their top operatives.

  2. President Trump hopefully is getting rid of swamp creatures lurking in his administration, like this creep McMasters. It’s going to take time and I don’t think it’s a good move to promote McMasters, a Deep State operative to a high level military command.

  3. I’m with Rufus, this guy is pure slime. Along with other idiotic ideas he’s pushed for a major troop increase in Afghanistan which would only bleed out more American lives for a stalemate. He’s a deep state puke.

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