Netflix Cancels Kevin Spacey’s House Of Cards – IOTW Report

Netflix Cancels Kevin Spacey’s House Of Cards

 – Says It’s “Deeply Troubled” Over Kevin Spacey Claims.


Coming just more than 12 hours after Star Trek Discovery star Rapp first made public his allegations of what happened at a party at Spacey’s New York City apartment back in the mid-1980s, the streaming service made the official decision today, sources tell us. While Netflix and producers Media Rights Capital were leaning towards ending the show a while ago, key cast and creatives were only alerted this morning in a series of calls.

“Media Rights Capital and Netflix are deeply troubled by last night’s news concerning Kevin Spacey,” the companies said in a joint statement today. “In response to last night’s revelations, executives from both of our companies arrived in Baltimore this afternoon to meet with our cast and crew to ensure that they continue to feel safe and supported. As previously scheduled, Kevin Spacey is not working on set at this time.”

We have also heard that Netflix’s Spacey-starring film Gore about the acerbic author Gore Vidal may be on the chopping block now too. The Reed Hastings-run streaming service has stayed officially silent on the sexual advance claims. No word yet if the NYPD is looking into the Rapp claims that allegedly occurred in its jurisdiction.  more here

25 Comments on Netflix Cancels Kevin Spacey’s House Of Cards

  1. They’re not acting out of horror. They’re acting out of self-preservation. The last thing they want are the incidents of pedophilia getting out. My guess is, they’re hoping swift action stops the domino-effect.

  2. I purched the first season of HoC several years ago. DH and I didn’t even watch the whole season. I felt abused by his simulated sodomizing of the girl reporter. Trash.

  3. Guess it wasn’t much of a reach for Spacey to play the depraved, bisexual, sociopathic Frank Underwood in the show. The British version of House of Cards had the central character assassinated at the end. That’s the only proper ending for the Netflix version as well.

  4. Wait, they cast a guy named Space-y in a Star Trek reboot? SPACE-y?
    Maybe he just wanted “to boldly go where no man has gone before”?
    Or was it “Space(y), The Final Frontier”?

  5. Can’t wait for his big comeback role in the Roman Polanski directed, Harvey Weinstein produced movie about a middle aged man reluctantly realizing that he’s the only person who can save the world from the NRA. Of course, this movie will be filmed after his sit down with Okra, his six appearance on Dr. Phil, and his week in homosexualist rehab in the Carlos Danger Clinic. Somewhere along this torturous path to redemption, Spacey will have to confess he was always really attracted to young boys, which doesn’t mean he is actually a pedophile, because he is also a Liberal. I’ll miss that movie along with everyone else who has had enough of sanctimonious, hypocritical, phony actors telling us how to behave and who to vote for.

  6. Mind you, I’m not defending what Spacey did, but it kinda doesn’t seem right that he gets his career destroyed and that other little fag Anthony Rapp gets sympathy and a big career boost (plus a plug for his new movie) over something that happened over thirty years ago. If it was such a big deal to him, why wait so long to blow the whistle. (Or maybe it got blown at the time, but he’s not going to mention that, is he?) The timing on this thing stinks to high heaven.

    Et tu, Anthony?

  7. What I liked about Spacey’s statement was that he said he slept with both women and men over the years but now he chooses to live as a gay man.

    So, it is a choice and you are not born that way. Just wanted to be clear on why sex choice should not be a protected status under law.

  8. The chasm between us and them is really widening at an accelerating pace.
    I do thank them for pointing out just how different we are, us and them.

    I have no interest in what interests them and want to keep as much space between our lives as possible. (Deliver us from the Evil One. Amen)

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