NeverTrump and Their New Party – IOTW Report

NeverTrump and Their New Party

The NeverTrump crowd is noble, nobler than most. Principled. More principled than most. Pure.

So I expect that one of the core principles of their party will to do everything they can to see to it that a dangerous “prosecution-proof” candidate that has breached the security of our nation will never see the oval office, right?

Somebody that didn’t send our fighters to help Americans holed up in a consulate attacked by terrorists, because they “wouldn’t get there in time” (as if they knew exactly when their courageous fight would end), should never ascend to the position of commander-in-chief under the new party’s watch, right?

A candidate that has blocked handing over, and destroyed, subpoenaed evidence requested by congress should be fought tooth and nail from becoming the president, no?

A person who sold political favors for their personal enrichment should never be rewarded a presidency while this new party had something to say about it, no?

Well, if the new party would ostensibly be fighting this fight under their new banner, why aren’t they doing that now?

I know —- Trump.

These potential new party members say that Clinton and Trump are both the same.

If so, why are they pushing stories about Hillary’s gains as good news, replete with exclamation points? (I don’t recall Trump gains reported with glee. It seems that some candidates are more equal than others.)

It’s because they aren’t the same. It’s just something that is flippantly said by NeverTrump in order to mitigate emotionally charged pettiness. Any objective scrutiny would reveal that Hillary is much worse for the people of this new party, in terms of policy, than Donald Trump.

We could go line by line, but whatever stark differences can be shown, the NeverTrump people won’t believe it, because Trump “is a liar.” “Trump isn’t going to deport the illegals like he claims,” so that is why a number of NeverTrump are backing Evan McSkullshine, the guy who is for legalization of existing illegals. (But don’t worry, he’s said that “legalization is not amnesty.” Whew!) But at least Evan isn’t lying to them, thank goodness, he’s said straight out that anyone here illegally will have a path to legality without deportation. With this logic you see how NT thinks Hillary can be more principled than Trump because she is for amnesty, but tells you so.

Go Hillary! The principled candidate!

But never mind that, Evan is just a stop-gap on their way to their new party, a party that can be counted on to try and stop Hillary from being re-elected in 2020.

One of the reasons they are forming the new party is because they are unwilling, in 2016, to back party over principle… until they have formed their own party, then it will be party all the way because the candidates will always be so principled. Wait’ll you see them go in 2020 if Hillary should win in 2016. Hillary will be the biggest monster to ever have slithered into the oval office. Right now she’s only as bad as Trump, a JV slitherer.

In short, I’m not impressed with a party whose pedigree is that they did nothing meaningful to stop Hillary Rodham Clinton from being the president of the United States. I just might work against this new party, you know, on principle.



18 Comments on NeverTrump and Their New Party

  1. Welcome the new party, same as the old party.
    And dontcha know, someone from the NT crowd will step up shortly to say “Stop it! Why are you eating your own?!” in response to this post , never acknowledging the fact that they’re the ones wearing the lobster bib.

  2. “Donald Trump made it ever more clear that there is a serious problem of racism in the Republican Party. That is the problem. Not conservative ideals. Racism is not conservatism. And that’s what I’m talking about. That’s the problem.”–Evan McMirrordome

    Eff this frickin Utard.

  3. I’m still waiting for NT to tell me who their candidate is. They can’t, because NT are splintered amongst themselves. 2020 is going to be hilarious because they’ll be in the same position. LOL.

  4. For the love of everything creamy and delicious… We are not going to go from 0bama to George Washington in our lifetime. It took a hundred years to get this bad, you think 1 candidate in 4 years is going to settle this mess? We have to work away from what we have now. Trump is in the right direction, like him or not. And every election, we need someone like him and better to raise us all out of communism lite but we’re not going to get it by bolting forward into doom with hillary. There is a point where which we cannot go back and she’s IT.

  5. They clearly have an advanced case of Trump Derangement Syndrome and are not capable of thinking through their stupidity. First off if Trump loses who are his supporters and everyone trying to stop HRC going to blame? Hmm, maybe the dip shits celebrating the thought of him losing and doing everything possible to get that result. What pig gets the lipstick in 2020? Ryan? Jeb! or Mittens again because they have some fantasy that everyone is going to say oh shucks, we were wrong- please let us be with you again and lose with dignity or whatever their principled crap is. If anything they should realize Trump isn’t wrong when he says there is a movement and it includes a lot of disillusioned people from both parties and it isn’t going away because Trump loses.

  6. It’s not that hard to understand. The NT candidate is Hillary….it always was. The only reason we have Trump is because he saw this, too. None of the others …. Bush or Cruz stood a chance of defeating her. The rest knew they never stood a chance beating Bush or maybe Cruz. They were all tools.

    I used to tell my kids when they threatened to runaway – I Would miss them (sniff sniff) but they could not cross any streets….the little buggers never got far but they sure felt empowered when they packed the pillowcase and walked around the block a coupla times. The uniparty plays the voters the very same way. Trump is the only one willing to stop them because he sees it for what it is, and so do his voters.

  7. I just listened to an NTer call in on the Tom Sullivan show and pitch a fit about all this corruption and what the DNC is doing to Trump supporters and “My God, one of the guys that just got fired was a known felon and he’s been to the White House over 200 times. This needs to be stopped we need somebody to prosecute these people”

    So at the end of his little tirade Tom Sullivan says, “Sounds like your ready to vote Trump”. The NTer says “Oh hell no.”

  8. Eric Metaxas had Rich Lowry on his radio show last week. Metaxas very ably laid his case out for why we HAVE to elect Trump president, and listened respectfully to Lowry on his points. Lowry, in turn, when Eric didn’t buy hook line and sinker his argument, became a very little man, spouting incredulity that a fine Christian as Metaxas could ever support such a guy as Trump. Metaxas took it in good stride, but I tell ya, I wanted to punch Lowry, and then ask the Good Lord for forgiveness. The NeverTrumpers are maddening and they have backed themselves so far into a corner, they will fall on their sword before admitting they were wrong. It’s a darned shame. They blame it on Trump; I blame it on their egos.

  9. Anyone else find it laughable that they define themselves by what they are, apparently, not, instead of what they are? Doing what phonies do best, trying to keep what characterizes their “party” fluid and tabula rasa so that we can try to guess what they’re on about.

  10. God – Satan.
    Good – Evil.
    Truth – Lies.
    Facts – Falsities.
    Honor – Degradation.
    Triumph – Defeat.
    Honesty – Corruption.

    I cannot fathom their calculus, but the choice is pretty simple.

    izlamo delenda est …

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