New South Wales Reports Latest Covid Deaths – Wait Until You Hear Their Jab Status – IOTW Report

New South Wales Reports Latest Covid Deaths – Wait Until You Hear Their Jab Status

NSW Twitter (Verified)

Of the 52 people who died; three people were in their 60s, 11 people were in their 70s, 26 people were in their 80s, 11 people were in their 90s, and one person was aged more than 100 years old.

Older age is a significant risk factor for serious illness and death for COVID-19, particularly when combined with significant underlying health conditions.

One person who died was aged under 65. The man, aged in his 60s, had received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine and had significant underlying health conditions.

Six of the 52 people who died had received three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, 32 people had received two doses, two people had received one dose, and 12 people were not vaccinated.


Get that?

The vax does NOTHING!!! Prove me wrong.

10 Comments on New South Wales Reports Latest Covid Deaths – Wait Until You Hear Their Jab Status

  1. Based on a lot of what I read, it seems that the jab makes people more susceptible to getting the virus and many other things including cancer, myocarditis / pericarditis and blood clots. People would probably be better off if the jab really did do nothing instead of what it appears to do to so many unfortunate sufferers.

    This story is about a 20 year old model who had a heart attack and had to have both legs amputated. They are trying to blame it on the virus rather than the vaccine she reportedly received. The vast numbers of adverse reactions to the vaccine are becoming more and more undeniable to anyone that pays any attention.

  2. I can’t prove you wrong. At a remote lodge. I saw the same thing in September , 20 people got covid, 10 jabbed, 10 not jabbed. I don’t need the government or anybody eles to blow smoke up my ass.

  3. It’s not only the shot and boosters that are dangerous. The test kits that are in use and being sent to all of us pose a grave threat as well.
    Here is the story and the second link is from the hyperlink at the bottom of it. Short read and very scary. Nanoparticles and ethylene oxide (gas sterilizer)should not be in these test kits.
    I am officially done with taking any of these junk test.

    Please be safe, being informed in these times can be one of our defenses as we can no longer trust Fauci and his junk science.


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