What They Promised, What They Delivered – IOTW Report

What They Promised, What They Delivered

Ad run by the democrats in August 2020, titled “Keep Up | Joe Biden For President 2020” Watch


Ad running currently by the GOP, titled “Biden’s Year One Press Conference: A Silent Film” Watch

16 Comments on What They Promised, What They Delivered

  1. Please Lord. Put this man out of his misery.

    Do not misunderstand me. My father occasionally shows signs of dementia. At my age, others may think I show those same signs. Yes, I hold out hope for my father. I hope that I am not too far gone myself. I am not wishing for God to take anyone who He hasn’t chosen, but I have seen the other side.

  2. Brad,

    I’ve had my “Impeach Biden” sticker on since November. Right under the “Lets Go Brandon” sticker.
    I got a thumbs up at the lights from a guy driving a 350 Ford pickup just today.
    I only drive a Lincoln Navigator though and I’m losing hair on top.

  3. when Lord, oh when will we just turn our collective backs on this fraud that the Oligarch’s have foisted upon us?

    everyone knows this pedophiliac, doddering, addle-pated, bullying, life-long poor excuse for a man is not running the country; any more than his predecessor O’breezy, the Man’s Country man, was running the country.

    the same cast of characters that ran Obysmal are running pResident Uncle Creepy

  4. “What they promised and what they delivered”

    Ha! (I couldn’t make it through the whole Brandon campaign vid) A few weeks ago IOTW asked readers what they thought of the series “Yellowstone”. I hadn’t seen it but on the strength of the comments decided to give it a go.

    In one of the first three seasons Beth Dutton shows up wearing a gorgeous blue Pendelton woolen mills, cape-type coat. It nearly stole the scenes in which she wore it. It sent me — and undoubtedly every other female “Yellowstone” watcher — off to the internets to find out who sells it. In my online searching I started with Amazon. There you will find about three dozen sellers of tne “Beth Dutton blue coat” — almost all of them are sourced from Sri Lanka. The reviews and photos of the coats people bought are priceless! The richly-colored, obviously very expensive Pendelton blanket, design and construction of the garment stands in stark contrast to the thin fabrics, washed-out interpretations and hilarious rendition of the design offered by the off-shore sellers of the “Beth Dutton Blue Coat” at Amazon. The photos of what people received are side-splitting. Shockingly, there were many buyers who were content with their shoddy, cheap (some as low as $43.00) purchase!

    After A LOT of digging I finally found the NY designer who fashioned the coat and was not at all surprised to learn that it retails for $1,400 and is available only through her. She has the only agreement in existence with Pendelton woolen mills to produce clothing from their exclusive blanket designs.

    All to say: What they delivered is a cheap knock-off that bears no resemblence to the real McCoy, but some people are so psychologically invested in Brandon they’ll never admit they got ripped off.

  5. Brad — Beth Dutton is played by a British actress. I listened to her on YT and once you hear her real voice and mannerisms, you’ll never look at Beth Dutton the same way. LOL!

    Gotta say, though, that she nailed the character. One of the best voice changes I’ve ever heard.

  6. They promised a doorstop could beat Trump & have a better Presidency. How about we put the lying criminal Trump out of his misery first. Time to pay for all if his treasonous acts.

  7. ↑^^^^^
    They got together and tried their best, they spent millions and millions of our own dollars to find something that could prosecute him on, they got zip. Go back to bed you’re drunk.

  8. In a normal world when somebody is losing their mind from disease or age they’re removed them from places of responsibility and are cared for. But in this case they keep him in a position of high power. Think about that. I know he’s just the fall guy, but come on man.
    This American tragedy has gone on long enough.

  9. AbigalAdams, I’ve seen the actress Kelly Reilly (Beth Dutton) interviewed as well. I knew she was English but boy she does great American accents. She also played the druggie in the Denzel Washington movie, Flight. Did a tremendous job there as well.


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