This is ridiculous.
Watch what happens when Peter Doocy asks the new White House press secretary how raising taxes on the rich brings down inflation, as Biden tweeted last week.
— John Cooper (@thejcoop) May 16, 2022
Big yikes.
Stupid leftist bint….
She has to read the answer!
I cannot wait for the cull….
The “rich” already pay all the taxes. 50% of the USA population pays no federal income taxes and a lot of them in the lower half get tax credits. Corporations that are taxed more will pass their costs to the consumers. Stupid democrats, leading is for business people not Marxists.
Ya know. Ya know. Ya know. Bloody dimwit.
Everyone should pay some amount of taxes…..
It’s the old skin in the game argument…..
Without skin in the game…..
I could give a shit about the game.
That ho needs a nickname.
As a “token” honor to the outgoing press secretary, why don’t we call her:
“Circle Black”
“Fair share, fair share, fair share.”
It would be much more “fair” if we had a flat tax where everybody paid something, and I mean everybody – even the poorest of the poor, so that everyone has skin in the game.
Wealthiest paying their “fair share” just means they want the wealthy (who have worked hard to get what they have) to pay more and more and more and more. Nothing fair about that.
Discussions can be had about the ultra wealthy and if the way they arrived in that category is fair, but then we would need to look closely at members of congress (Nancy Pelosi, et al) and how they could possibly make so much money on their salaries. That is a different discussion entirely.
She needs to stress the importance of the passage of time.
Otherwise, she seems fine. Cuter than the Zuckerberg clone with the alien sex organs.
2 + 2 = 5
Another satanic serpent hissing her ludicrous bullshit filth across America.
In my experience, when someone starts and answer with “Look…”, their back is against the wall, is playing pure defense and has no real answer.
The “ums” and “you knows” don’t lend much creedence to her answers either.
That answer reminded me of Howie Mandel’s new game show on Netflix – it’s actually called BullSh!t. She can easily be a FAILED contestant on the show.
Never mind the answer. She’s black and a lesbian.
I was looking forward to her first encounter with Doocey. Did not disappoint.
Now who can argue with that? I think we’re all indebted to Karine Jean-Pierre for clearly stating what needed to be said. I’m particularly glad that these lovely children were here today to hear that speech.
Do they have a drum of buzz words that these assholes reach into before taking the stage?
Anyways she’s perfect.
They haven’t missed a beat replacing Penski with this meatbag.
That they don’t get the intrinsic fairness of percentages is just sad.
Biden’s not entirely wrong in his tweet, but let the cat out of the bag. Honest answer:
Look , we’ve umm sucked as much out of the top 50% as we can. By taxing the corporations they raise our tax revenue by passing their taxes onto the poor, middle and upper class and we look like the the good guys for sticking it to the evil corporations. Win win am I right. More revenue, less printing lower inflation. Booyah!
She’s just standing there reading boilerplate!
Of course she is, TRF. She’s scared shitless. And she won’t be having a bowel movement for about 72 hours now.
Give her time to clear her bowels and reveal what she’s really like.
Give her a week. She’s gonna be fun.Bet she does it for us.
Didn’t know Kamala had a sister.
Hard to believe anyone can make Psaki look not so bad afterall.
‘you know’ ‘uhh’ times x equals dough head and you know… uhh… fairness.
Walter Johnson – Hand her a calculator and she’ll try to change channels on the monitor…
I think she did a good job internally translating what she wanted to say into the Non-Answer that she actually let out of her mouth.
In her head she was hearing, “Doocy, you white ass mutherfucka, you be so lucky dey gots da TV people here or I be bustin a Cap in your fuckin ass and stompin yo head on da curb whit you bullshit maff & shit!”
She did quite well making it Family Viewing.
She sure was dancing to avoid the answer.
Cannot understand how she got this job. Biden already has close to 100% of the black vote.
What’s the over/under on how many days before she starts throwing Biden’s feces at Doocy?
The Biden administration is searching for another black/hispanic female/male who is either a transgender or other assorted pervert to step before the press corps.
How about Don Lee-Moan of CNN? He’s a serial liar that could replace Jan Pu-suki. He’s black, pervert and a liar, perfect for the Biden Team.
Affirmative action in action!
Based on the ‘Peter Principal’ she’s peaked…..She was very good as a black lesbian.
“…an America that is equal for everyone, that doesn’t leave everyone behind…”
What a blithering, sloganeering, Affirmative Action dolt.
Learned everything she knows from Kamala.
She says ‘uh’ too much. You know?
And yet no Dem can ever assign a numerical % to illustrate what a “fair share” is.
I’m speechless.
She must have gone to The Barky Obama School Of Speech. Also, I be diggin on her fright wig, you know?
@ General Malaise
I was thinking that they focus on the ‘passage of time’ because they want the statue of limitations to run out?
Is she the first graduate from the Kamala Harris School of Public Speaking?
What the absolute fuck!?