New York City GOP mayoral hopeful Nicole Malliotakis gets a letter telling her she’s ‘ugly’ – IOTW Report

New York City GOP mayoral hopeful Nicole Malliotakis gets a letter telling her she’s ‘ugly’

The Last Tradition: Umm, I think a De Blasio supporter is getting nervous.  They have a good reason because De Blasio’s support is soft and unenthusiastic.  By the way, Nicole Maliotakis is a pretty woman who I think understates her good looks.   MORE


SNIP: From what I’ve read, I think she may be a little bleeding heart for the immigrants but other than that, she’s a heck of a lot better than de Blasio.
If any NY’er knows anything about her, speak up!

12 Comments on New York City GOP mayoral hopeful Nicole Malliotakis gets a letter telling her she’s ‘ugly’

  1. Giuliani set the standard.
    I would vote for whoever can come close to that standard.

    deBlasio set the standard in the other direction – for incompetence.

  2. FTA: “Nonetheless, the unsigned letter and envelope, which had no return address on it, were taken to an NYPD crime lab to see if fingerprints or DNA can be detected.”

    You don’t even need a real crime anymore for them to do a DNA screening. That surprises me.

  3. I guess it may be stalking and that might be criminal but sending it to her home ups the ante into possible psycho nut ball territory. Worth keeping an eye on.

  4. It’d be worth waiting for the asshole to show up again. If nothing else just to hear him scream in pain. Who’s ugly now bitch. By the way your mother wears army boots.

  5. New York Could Use a Mayor, who is actually their Mayor !
    It seems every New York Mayor is Media Attention Whore, who seems to think they Run Much more than they Do !
    We Love Rudy, But Please Keep them inside the Bridges !

  6. Isn’t the current mayor of Nueve York in Germany hurling rocks at anything they determine to be a fascist. I believe he is. We use to kill communists not elect them.

  7. I wouldn’t vote for a wobbly pro-immigrant Republican. All you are doing is encouraging them to seek public office.

    For me, it’s better for the public to be punished by a CRAP democrat, get weary of their incompetence, then push a rock-ribbed Republican to challenge them.

    Every wishy-washy RINO I see (McCain / Romney) I encourage others to stay home, sit on their hands. Look at what horrible walking garbage both of those men are? You didn’t seriously vote for either of them did you?

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