New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Directed Supporters to Zeldin Campaign Event Hours Before Failed Attack – IOTW Report

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Directed Supporters to Zeldin Campaign Event Hours Before Failed Attack

Breitbart: New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) sent out a press release urging her supporters to “RSVP” to her Republican challenger Rep. Lee Zeldin’s (R) upcoming campaign stop, just hours before a man rushed the stage at one of Zeldin’s events in a failed attack.

While Zeldin spoke at a campaign event in Fairport, New York, a man reportedly rushed the stage with a weapon in an apparent attempt to stab him on Thursday evening. Fortunately, Zeldin grabbed the attacker’s wrist long enough for other event attendees to step in and subdue the attacker.

However, as people like GOP strategist Arthur Schwartz and New York GOP Chairman Nick Langworthy pointed out, Hochul’s campaign sent out a press release just hours before the failed attack on Zeldin that blasted out the time and location of several of Zeldin campaign’s upcoming stops.

Hochul claimed that Zeldin and his team would spread “dangerous lies, misinformation, and his far-right agenda at these campaign events.”

“‘Big Lie’ Lee and his entourage of extremists kick off the statewide ‘MAGA Republican’ Bus Tour, which will make stops across the state peddling dangerous lies, misinformation, and his far-right agenda,” Hochul’s release read.

The New York governor also claimed that Zeldin “will be joined by top anti-abortion advocates, NRA enthusiasts, and a cast of extremist groups.”

Hochul urged her supporters to “RSVP to hear about Zeldin’s ‘Election Integrity Task Force,’ and his recent election fraud scandal in which his campaign photocopied over 11,000 duplicate petition signatures.”

“You sent your supporters after him. And they came,” Schwartz tweeted.

14 Comments on New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Directed Supporters to Zeldin Campaign Event Hours Before Failed Attack

  1. Governor Hokum (a/k/a: Bucktooth Barbie) has no shame and her indignation at the incident is conveyed with her fingers crossed behind her back, no doubt. She’s as despicable as Prince Andy Boy was.

  2. And because of NY’s reformed bail laws the SOB that tried to stab Zeldin was set free. Can you believe that?
    Zeldin is a Congressman for NY besides a candidate for Gov. How the hell is this not a felony to attempt to kill a politician?

  3. super toe
    JULY 22, 2022 AT 4:57 PM
    “How the hell is this not a felony to attempt to kill a politician?”

    It’s only illegal to kill Democrats.

    Killing non-Democrats is encouraged.

    That’s why they let him out.

    To try again

  4. The non-elected lowlife governor Kathy Hochul engineered the assassination attempt episode by hiring paid wanna-be actors to kyll Zeldin, as seen by her ads on craigslist, nextdoordotcom, and assorted social outlets including posting on Joe Biden’s “dating apps” which he’s been associated with to push the bogus covid vaxx. Her false rebuke against Zeldin’s wanna-be kyller is pure fakery and deception, all which she should be investigated for. Since the big-teeth and shallow slob was not elected but took over Cuomo’s corrupt governorship, Hochul should be renounced as the non-qualified NY step-in governor and recalled.

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