New York Is Auditing Residents Fleeing State – IOTW Report

New York Is Auditing Residents Fleeing State

Dan Bongino: New York is aggressively auditing its wealthy residents attempting to flee the high-tax state for Florida, going so far as to monitor cell phone records, social media use and visits to the veterinarian or dentist, according to CNBC.

The state is facing a $2.3 billion budget deficit, which Governor Andrew Cuomo blames on the change in federal tax laws limiting state and local deductions.

“Tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich,” said Cuomo last month. “We did. Now, God forbid, the rich leave.”

Accountant Barry Horowitz told CNBC, “If you’re a high earner in New York and you move to Florida, your chances of a residency audit are 100 percent.  New York has always been aggressive. But it’s getting worse.”

CNBC reports, “New York conducted about 3,000 ‘nonresidency’ audits a year between 2010 and 2017, collecting around $1 billion, according to Monaeo, a company that sells an app for tracking and proving tax residency.”

Tax attorney Mark Klein told the news outlet that his office is working on about 200 tax-residency audits.“   more here

35 Comments on New York Is Auditing Residents Fleeing State

  1. Really makes me want to go to NY and spend my money…\

    sound like Florida , Texas, or South Carolina ought to declare themselves Tax Sanctuaries from Kalifpornia and New Yjerk.

  2. Typical dick move by a Leftist Totalitarian.
    This is the modern day version of the Iron Curtain to keep people in.
    Considering that NY is going down the toilet let’s just call it the Swirlin Wall instead of the Berlin Wall…

  3. …please, PLEASE, do not even JOKINGLY smut that beautiful aircraft in the thread thumbnail with that foul troll’s image!!!

    …That machine was created by free men to free other men from tyranny. Putting a tyrant on it is a blasphemy against everything our warriors fought for.

    …not as bad as putting a Muslim in the White House while fighting a war against the Muslims he represented, true, but still pretty foul…

  4. @Supernightshade March 13, 2019 at 7:39 am

    That machine was created by free men to free other men from tyranny.

    “That machine was created by free men so these communists could rule those communists. And all free men.”


  5. @Supernightshade March 13, 2019 at 7:39 am

    “Putting a tyrant on it is a blasphemy against everything our warriors fought for.”

    For at least 406,000 reasons, please, don’t go there.

  6. The title (same in the source, as here) is VERY misleading.

    New York is NOT auditing residents who flee the state. Because it can’t.

    New York is auditing residents who buy another house somewhere else. Keep their New York house. Keep going to their New York dentist. Keep taking their dogs to their New York vet. Keep living in The Center of The Universe, The Universe. And claim to “only be visiting my New York estate.” So, don’t tax my income at New York rates. That’s for, one of, my other estates.

  7. We are no strangers to taxes
    You know the rules your gonna hate
    A full commitment’s what I’m thinking off
    You wouldn’t get this from any other state

    I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling
    Audits gonna make you understand

    Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna let you run cause I’m gonna tax you
    But I will make you cry
    If you say goodbye
    If you lie I’m gonna hurt you

    We’ve known each other for so long
    Your heart’s been aching to leave but your to shy to say it
    Inside we both know what’s been going on
    We know the game and we’re gonna play it

  8. The Berlin Wall wasn’t built to keep the enemy OUT!
    All the machine gun pits along socialist countries’ borders pointed IN!

    That fact alone should make people think “Hmmmm?”

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Funny thing is if you want to be semi off the grid, NY is great as land upstate is very cheap. 41acres for 20k. Building a house for 300k. Don’t need a job with an O-5 military retirement. If one does not have a MilRet, you will starve as all the big companies are gone. I grew up there so I’m not unfamiliar with how to hide my redstate mind set.

  10. Sounds like it would be a lot easier to round them all up and put them in camps where they’d could be kept an eye on easier, they could do useful work generating taxes for New York and if they did enough of that they would be made free. Wait, sorry it’s been done.

  11. When one of these leftist criminals steal the presidency, it will be on a national level.
    I see little reason not to liquify everything and go Galt if the left controls government as it has – and it will.

  12. Maybe the policy of beating them until morale improves could be revisited if they want them to stay.

    This is the same mentality/logic of an abusive spouse getting even angrier and more physically abusive as a way to convince the other to stay.

  13. Gov. Comatose.
    Tax increases are a multi edged sword: They drive down govt revenue, dumb ass.
    They cause the tax base ti flee to less taxing states.
    The only way to raise state income is LOWER tax rates,let the people keep more of THEIR money.

  14. I sure miss our dear departed poster… Greetings from Yonkers.

    Her brutally honest and snarky posts from behind enemy lines were always a pleasure and insightful.

    Peace, GFY


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