New York Times Destroys ESPN Anchor’s Career Based on a Lie of ‘Racism’ – IOTW Report

New York Times Destroys ESPN Anchor’s Career Based on a Lie of ‘Racism’

Breitbart: A sports reporter from The New York Times destroyed the career of an ESPN anchor, lying about what he said about tennis player Venus Williams and calling the ESPN anchor’s comment “racist.” So far, there have been no repercussions at all for the Times writer.

The comment that sparked the row came from ESPN anchor Doug Adler, who said that Williams employed guerrilla tactics on the tennis court during her play at the Australian Open on January 18. Describing Williams’ play, Adler said, “You see Venus move in and put the guerrilla effect on. Charging.” Immediately, viewers and sports fans began tweeting that Adler had called the African American tennis player a “gorilla.”

The “guerrilla tactics” comment is a known sports term, since sportswear giant Nike began using the term for an ad campaign in 1995, according to Kyle Smith of The campaign featured two white tennis players, Andre Agassi and Pete Sampras, so clearly the term “guerilla” had no racial connotation to it.

In short order, Times reporter Ben Rothenberg, who is a tennis reporter, furthered the fiction by slamming Adler on Twitter, calling the mythical comment “appalling stuff.”  MORE

SNIP: Ridiculous. First of all, learn to read, then buy a dictionary.
Second of all, I’m now in a position where I want to defend someone from ESPN… And I don’t like that.
But here we are, thanks to another incompetent, overly sensitive NYT employee who is either a racist deep in his soul, or too stupid to figure out that he himself was actually the one who called the Williams sisters, “GORILLAS”, not Doug Adler.

25 Comments on New York Times Destroys ESPN Anchor’s Career Based on a Lie of ‘Racism’

  1. So the left is eating the left as they fall into a black hole of brain dead stupidity. Oops, is black hole a racist term? Let me apologize to any who may have been offended. I will amend my comment to read sucked into an all consuming vortex of oblivion. Nope, that may be construed as degrading and sexist to women. Let’s try this. Who gives a shit?

  2. ESPN bosses have no balls. The Times should fire Rottenberg for sheer ignorance. But I could give a shit less about either of them. Or tennis. Adler had a heart attack because of this stupidity.
    What political correctness has wrought upon us! FFS!

  3. A gorilla is a great American ape-ess, former native to the white House. A guerrilla (sometimes spelled guerilla) is a member of an irregular paramilitary unit operating in …

  4. Che Guevara was a guerilla.
    Mighty Joe Young was a gorilla.
    Venus Williams is a tennis player who uses guerilla tactics to win.
    Doug Adler said nothing wrong.
    Ben Rothenberg is a racist
    The New York Times prints FAKE NEWS. (All the news that fits)
    ESPN sucks.
    I hope Adler wins a huge settlement.

  5. LOL. I don’t GAS about the espn guy, really, it’s just that I have to defend the words the dude used, because I don’t want every little fucking phrase or cliche put into the racist bag because one person is an ignorant sonofabitch. How is it that a person can have the internet, which comes equipped with dictionaries, still be an dumbass?!

  6. MJA, you crack me up! Always. Any time I’m away from here, you are the only person I seem to miss. And now that I just made everybody else’s shit-list, it’s time for me to go again.
    God Bless. Everybody else too. Goodnight.

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