New Zealand Prime Minister delays election over Covid-19 – IOTW Report

New Zealand Prime Minister delays election over Covid-19

MSN: New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says she is delaying the country’s parliamentary election by four weeks to October 17 after the reemergence of Covid-19 in the country last week.

The announcement on Tuesday that locally acquired cases of coronavirus had been confirmed in the New Zealand’s biggest city, Auckland, prompted the government to introduce strict level three lockdown measures on August 12. This comes after around 100 days without community spread.

The rest of the country was put into level two lockdown, with both lockdown periods extended until at least August 26 as further cases of coronavirus were confirmed.

The general election was due to take place on September 19, with Parliament rising on August 6 and campaigning had already begun before the lockdowns were introduced. more here

11 Comments on New Zealand Prime Minister delays election over Covid-19

  1. When hillary lost, she went to nz and cried about it.
    Jacinda, being the stank socialist that she is, agreed with hillary that Trump is bad and he stole her dreams.
    They’re two eternal victims. Like the ‘governor’ of Atlanta, Stacey Abrams. lol

  2. …still looking for some evidence that any woman who isn’t Margaret Thatcher can run a country without being, you know, really BAD at it.

    …anyone KNOW of any? ’cause I’M not seeing any…

  3. She’s almost in a position to do what she wants when she wants to. She took away their guns and crashed the economy by closing the the island off completely impoverishing people and making them dependent on the government to eat so delaying the election (perhaps the first of many delays) isn’t a stretch for this tyrant in the making.


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