News Flash! People Who Wear Glasses Tend To Be Smarter – IOTW Report

News Flash! People Who Wear Glasses Tend To Be Smarter

People with the genetics that pre-suppose them to needed vision correction tend to also be more intelligent. This according to a genetic study coming out of Edinburgh, Scotland. The researchers reviewed the genetic make up of over 44,000 people and found that the smart ones had poor vision. They also had better cardiovascular health. More

35 Comments on News Flash! People Who Wear Glasses Tend To Be Smarter

  1. Duh, I’ve been wearing glasses since early 60’s. All of us glasses wearers are smarter except when we forget where we put them last. The same thing goes for keys, pens, smart phones, socks etc., all seem to have their own little black holes that they disappear into.

  2. Mr. Magoo was as blind as a bat. Sort of like my aunt who swore up and down that my brothers and my cousin were running around the farm naked back in the 60’s. They probably were because the only place that was totally white on one of my brothers was where his whitey tighties were, everywhere else was brown and tanned. That and yelling at them to put some clothes back on.

  3. I always wondered about that Marie Harff, the former spokesbabe from the State Department. Very young and wore YUGE horn rimmed glasses. Mr. Peabody glasses. (Yes, two cartoon references in the same thread).

    But I never saw any glare off the glass. Was there any glass in there or was it an affectation to make her look smart?

  4. Was the largest study evha to measure intelligence broken down by race? Sex? Criminal record? Eye color? Longitude-latitude? religion? Amount of college debt? If not why not?

  5. I had 20/20 perfect vision for 46 years.
    Then the bottom fell out and I now wear readers.
    It sucks having to keep those things handy.
    Asswagons and their fine print! 🙁

    The odd thing is though, in direct sunlight my vision is not blurry when it comes to reading.

  6. @ loco, About to be 48 always 20/20. Still so in the morning, but after tired from working all day/ low light/fine print I have to bust out a magnifying glass. Need to stop lying to myself and get some readers to lose. Besides I’ll get smarter!

  7. @Come closer May 30, 2018 at 4:39 pm

    > We also make better lovers!!

    As long as the glasses come off before the clothes. And the wigs. And the… I’ll stop now.

  8. Stores that cater to the young and hip sell a large selection of glasses with non-prescription lenses–they’re just for “accessorizing.” The glasses may make them look smarter, but then they start to talk …

  9. Right for the wrong reason.
    I devoured books from a young age
    and was always sneaking a book
    read after I was made to get to
    bed and keep the lights off. I then
    got a cheap flashlight and kept
    reading in the crappy light. 2 years
    later I was wearing glasses.
    Lord knows what tiny phone screens
    are doing to young eyes today.

  10. I wonder if they sampled glasses wearers who vote for socialists/communists/statists?

    As for Marie Barf – she’s possibly an exception that “proves” the rule…

  11. I admit, I must be stupid. At 72, I just renewed my driver’s license, took my visual exam, and passed after two tries and I’m not required to wear my glasses. I really wouldn’t want to be on the road with ME if I wasn’t wearing my glasses though. Besides, I really look hot in my glasses, or so I say. Hee, hee.

  12. @Mickey Moussaoui May 30, 2018 at 4:19 pm

    This has been known for years, It’s a function of reading books, that causes the reader to read more books, which causes early eye damage. Some people who wear glasses are smart, and some people who smart read a lot of books. But there might be a

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