Newt Gingrich ‘Where is the FBI?’ Democrat operatives planning to disrupt Trump rallies with violence and to commit massive voter fraud – IOTW Report

Newt Gingrich ‘Where is the FBI?’ Democrat operatives planning to disrupt Trump rallies with violence and to commit massive voter fraud

“Where is the FBI, why is the FBI not investigating this?” the former House speaker asked during an appearance on Fox News’ “Hannity” Tuesday. “You have a deliberate willful effort to foment …

violence, to break up a presidential campaign [and] to intimidate voters.”

Gingrich said the videos, coupled with the fact that there are checks written to …”


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19 Comments on Newt Gingrich ‘Where is the FBI?’ Democrat operatives planning to disrupt Trump rallies with violence and to commit massive voter fraud

  1. The Tainted Director works for the even more corrupted Attorney Gen who is in the bag for Hillary, Obobo and the Democrats. The Dept of Justice is no longer for We the People. They all know Soros’s outfitters have rigged the Diebold counters, the corrupted code to switch votes is in the chip for every Diebold machine, and if something happens to defer the election, Bama will scream at the top of his best fem voice, “we need time to prepare,” meaning, they will have to backtrace all the chips of the Diebolds and reprogram to flip to X. I can only wish someone could get access and erase all the programming to force the count to the paper ballots.

  2. “He said House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should write a letter to Comey demanding an investigation start immediately.”

    “It’s amazing how fast the Obama administration could get FBI agents to variety of place that fit their agenda–this is not about politics,” Gingrich said. “This is about a fundamental threat to our democracy.”

    If it’s a “threat to our democracy,” Newt, how about the House and Senate take direction action THEMSELVES, hmmmm?

  3. I attended Gingrich’s speech last night at the Reagan Library. There were thousands of people there (more than at a Clinton rally, I assure you). Our people are motivated. I hope it shows at the voting booth. He expressed genuine fear of a Clinton presidency.

  4. Well DUHHH! It’s mean’t to be threat to our Republic. That’s the whole point of their actions. Aren’t our elected officials supposed to be keeping the Republic safe? If not, then what the f*ck are we paying them for?

    They have let this get so out of control they are all now complicit in TREASON! And if DJT doesn’t win, there is only one remedy left.

  5. With both Obabo and Shrillary, when they poo poo something publicly over and over, you can bet the farm they are doing it themselves. Obabo with his stuttering video about conspiring to rig voting counter machines. Shrillary following that up in the oh so adoring propaganda shills, since she can no longer think for herself, simply parrot what she sees rolling across the teleprompter in her podium.

  6. As is their integrity, Comey and The FBI are not available.
    Probably still working on the Porn sting, spinning responses to save hillary or globull warming, those are the most important issues for the FBI.
    No integrity, no honor, no justice.

  7. If you don’t think that the majority of Republicans (I mean RINOS) in Congress aren’t complicit in the tyrannical endeavors of the Federal Government you have your head shoved up your ass so far that extraction is impossible. Nothing, and I mean Positively NOTHING, will be done by any branch of the government to protect and defend, we, the idiots that have allowed this shit to happen to us.

  8. @Jimmy:
    I find it amazing how we continually place all the blame on Obama and the democrats (whom I completely disdain)when for years our elected republican officials have stabbed their supporters in the back. Hell, they don’t even try to sneak up from behind anymore, they will stab you in the gut when facing eye to eye. No, I’m talking about people like me who gave our party the majority they demanded and promised to halt the progressive agenda. Shit, are you kidding me, it has only gotten worse exponentially. Trump speaks of draining the swamp, he ain’t just talking about getting rid of democrats he’s talking about getting rid of the traitorous republican leadership on down.

  9. The “Elites” are pissing on our flag, our country, and on us. And they’re not going to stop until we stop them. The more that comes out, the more I’m convinced Hillary’s getting rammed down our throat one way or another.

  10. This shit’s starting to remind me of the Rowdy Roddy Piper movie “They Live”. Somebody should do a mime of the FOX news crew wearing Hillary lapel pins with the word SUBMIT in the back ground. I need to get me a pair of those glasses.

  11. good god, who will protect us and the constitution when the ultimate enforcers of the law become themselves corrupted? I want to write to the FBI directly and tell them to do their jobs but now my wife said don’t do it because they might put me on a list…this isn’t the country I grew up in.1

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