hardest hit – CVS
Lawmakers are considering the ban due to a chemical which some studies show could harm the female reproductive system.
City lawmakers are considering a ban on paper receipts coated with the chemical BPA and a requirement that retailers offer emailed receipts instead of paper ones.
The City Council announced last week that it will hold hearings on a package of bills aimed at cracking down on paper receipts.
“Nobody needs foot-long receipts,” said Council Speaker Corey Johnson, a Democrat. “We will work with businesses and consumers to cut out paper receipt waste and protect the planet. Let’s not print receipts when they aren’t wanted, especially when we have technology to issue environmentally friendly alternatives.”
“Nobody needs foot-long receipts,”
The Tax people seem to like them when they audit your deductions.
“could harm the female reproductive system”
Gotta protect those transvestite females you know.
“Nobody needs a foot long receipt”
Screw you, I’ll decide if I need a receipt or not!
“could harm the female reproductive system”
Ummmmm, maybe that’s why they should carry a purse!
the absorption of the BPA is greatly increased when ‘hand sanitizers’ are used. This has been known, but not widely publicized, for several years. It is also interesting to see how many dispensers of the sanitizers are kept close to cash registers.
“I realize I only purchased one item, but I do want the receipt. Please put it in the plastic bag with the straws, thank you”
Hey, I *like* those CVS receipts, especially when I’ve forgotten to take reading material with me when I go to take a dump.
And “foot-long”? Gimme a break! I just got one yesterday that was just under FOUR feet long. I guess it was because it had been a long time since my last CVS visit: 36 hours! LOL
Calif did something on this a few years ago. Forget what. But now when you buy something they always ask if you want a receipt.
No one wants to cram an Egyptian scroll into their front pocket just for buying a stick of gum anymore?
And what will they do now? They’ll offer to email you the receipt, all they need is your email. No problems with that, right?
How do you cram an email in your pocket?
If the government has time to worry about this, there is too much government.
They’d be real disappointed filling a prescription at CVS. 10 pills comes with a plastic childproof vile, paper bag, warnings, usage instructions, insurance info, a bunch of stickers, and stapled to it is your 8 foot receipt. For the grand total of $1.56 for controlled substances (insurance companies really drive down the cost of hard drugs).
I would bet they’d never do that in San Fran; they receipts are handy for picking up all the shit.
^ and wiping
How are they going to give you the information on how to take the survey about how they did today?
How about they fire all the women cashiers?
Boom. Problem solved.
No paper receipts followed by a ban on toilet paper.
“Nobody needs a foot-long receipt.” No, no one needs a government telling them how long their receipt can be.
“Lawmakers are considering the ban due to a chemical which some studies show could harm the female reproductive system.”
Oh. Will they be banning abortion as well?
“…which some studies show could harm the female reproductive system”
1. Where are they putting that paper?
2. Wash your hands, people.
Is this the same New York that throws tons of paper out their windows for their ticker tape parades?😂
What took so long? These receipts were known to be toxic for at least the last 60 years!
For every receipt produced in NYC, the city itself pushes a half ream of paper at tax payer expense. NYC-soon to give San Francisco a run for its money.