NFL Star Slams Alyssa Milano’s Abortion Argument: “Combination of Ignorance or Racism” – IOTW Report

NFL Star Slams Alyssa Milano’s Abortion Argument: “Combination of Ignorance or Racism”

Dan BonginoNew England Patriots tight end Benjamin Watson called out actress Alyssa Milano for claiming that “women of color” would be adversely affected by pro-life laws.

Speaking to Fox News’ Fox and Friends today, Watson called Milano’s comments a “combination of ignorance or racism.”

“This is the same type of narrative or lie that’s been told over and over again and whether she meant to do it or not, so many people fall into this and it’s really a combination of ignorance or racism,” he said. “And when I say racism what I’m saying is that to the fact that having more children of color is a problem and the idea that would be a problem to women of color is an issue.”

Milano appeared on CNN earlier this month where she called for women to hold a “sex strike” until they can regain the right to have an abortion after certain states passed restrictive abortion bills.

“I feel like any woman of privilege that lives in one of these states — if this goes through — they’re gonna be able to travel to a state to get a safe reproductive health care,” she told CNN’s Chris Cuomo.

“But for the women of color, for the women that are marginalized, for the women that are low-income communities, for the women that are most at-risk, this bill will be catastrophic.”

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12 Comments on NFL Star Slams Alyssa Milano’s Abortion Argument: “Combination of Ignorance or Racism”

  1. How mighty white of her!

    1. I have never ever seen a man organize a sex-strike over anything important to them.
    2. When is she going to pay her back taxes?

    I predict: Late Summer / early Fall. She goes to jail for hiring a hitman to kill her husband.

  2. Alyssa (Loose-titz) Milano compared to Jon Voight.

    Milano: one film since 2011. Several TV shows with names like Hollywood Game Night, RuPaul’s Drag Race, and Project Runway All-Stars.

    Jon Voight: One Academy Award, 4 Golden Globe awards, 12 acting awards in all, 15 movies since 2011, and 72 episodes of one TV show, Roy Donavon.

    Ms. Loose-titz is the has-been by a wide margin.

  3. Ironically, she is sounding a little pro-life in her own crass way. A little abstinence for those who are pro-choice would completely resolve the abortion issue.

  4. She failed fifth grade health education (aka sex ed) class. That’s where everyone learns that a new and unique human life starts with conception. That’s pure science!

    To kill this innocent HUMAN life is murder. It is not health care, you evil murder by abortion ghouls!

  5. As soon as she becomes sexually useless to the power brokers in Hollywood you’ll hear the last of her big mouth. Work will quickly dry up and she will fade back into obscurity where she belongs.

  6. I’ve tried to explain this point to my most lefty friend. That he is very racist to say minorities always need special treatment.

    Especially the programs that end up forcing the man/father out of the home by paying the women more if they are alone.

    How about helping them be self sufficient instead of holding them down like this. He feels righteous, but it’s evil.

    He’s does a lot of lanscaping so I point out parallels like the guy wires used for newly planted saplings will make the tree weaker if not removed at the right time and you can make plants like trass less hardy with dsily watering – why eould grass need to trow deep roots if it doesn’t need to? Grass is less hardy and dies quickly when the frequent watering stops.

    I water my mae twice a year – at most. I also cut it at the highest mower setting so it can grow deep roots and shade the ground from drying out. Help take care of itself.

  7. Dear women of color that are marginalized:
    Sex causes babies.
    Don’t have sex if you can’t afford to feed your own babies because the rest of us are tired of paying for their murders so you can live a carefree life


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